require 'openstudio' require 'securerandom' require 'optparse' require 'yaml' #require 'git-revision' # resource_folder = File.join(__dir__, '..', '..', 'measures/btap_results/resources') # OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE class BTAPDatapoint def initialize(input_folder: nil, output_folder: nil, input_folder_cache: File.join(__dir__, 'input_cache')) @failed = false # set default input folder. if input_folder.nil? input_folder = File.join(__dir__, 'input') end if output_folder.nil? output_folder = File.join(__dir__, 'output') end puts("INPUT FOLDER:#{input_folder}") puts("OUTPUT FOLDER:#{output_folder}") # Set local temp cache folders. These are created new for each datapoint. # Location of the datapoint input folder. Could be local, cloud, or VM host. @dp_input_folder = File.join(input_folder) # Location of temp folder, it is always local. @dp_temp_folder = File.join(__dir__, 'temp_folder') # Make sure temp folder is always clean. FileUtils.rm_rf(@dp_temp_folder) if Dir.exist?(@dp_temp_folder) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dp_temp_folder) # Create local cache for datapoint folder. Makes everything faster an easier to have a local copy. Mirroring logic # even if running locally to be consistent. FileUtils.rm_rf(input_folder_cache) if Dir.exist?(input_folder_cache) FileUtils.mkdir_p(input_folder_cache) # Check if input where input is from. if @dp_input_folder.start_with?('s3:') # Lets dissect the information from the s3 path. m = @dp_input_folder.match(%r{s3://(.*?)/(.*)}) puts(m) puts(m[1]) puts(m[2]) @s3_bucket = m[1] @s3_input_folder_object = m[2] m = output_folder.match(%r{s3://(.*?)/(.*)}) puts(m) puts(m[1]) puts(m[2]) @s3_output_folder_object = m[2] puts("s3_bucket:#{@s3_bucket}") puts("s3_input_folder_object:#{@s3_input_folder_object}") puts("s3_output_folder_object:#{@s3_output_folder_object}") s3_copy(source_folder: @dp_input_folder, target_folder: input_folder_cache) else raise("input folder dne:#{@dp_input_folder}") unless Dir.exist?(@dp_input_folder) puts @dp_input_folder puts input_folder_cache FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(@dp_input_folder, '.'), input_folder_cache) end run_options_path = File.join(input_folder_cache, 'run_options.yml') raise("Could not read input from #{run_options_path}") unless File.file?(run_options_path) @options = YAML.load_file(run_options_path) # Location of datapoint output folder. Could be local, cloud, or VM host. @dp_output_folder = File.join(output_folder, @options[:datapoint_id]) # Show versions in yml file. @options[:btap_costing_git_revision] = Git::Revision.commit_short @options[:os_git_revision] = OpenstudioStandards.git_revision # Save configuration to temp folder., 'run_options.yml'), 'w') { |file| file.write(@options.to_yaml) } begin # set up basic model. # This dynamically creates a class by string using the factory method design pattern. @options[:template] = 'NECB2011' if @options[:algorithm_type] == 'osm_batch' @standard =[:template]) # This allows you to select the skeleton model from our built in starting points. You can add a custom file as # it will search the libary first,. # model = load_osm(@options[:building_type]) # loads skeleton file from path. model = @standard.load_building_type_from_library(building_type: @options[:building_type]) if false == model osm_model_path = File.absolute_path(File.join(input_folder_cache, @options[:building_type] + '.osm')) raise("File #{osm_model_path} not found") unless File.exist?(osm_model_path) model = BTAP::FileIO.load_osm(osm_model_path) end #If analysis type is nothing to the osm files other than add temporal outputs and weather data. if @options[:algorithm_type] == 'osm_batch' @standard.set_output_variables(model: model, output_variables: @options[:output_variables]) @standard.set_output_meters(model: model, output_meters: @options[:output_meters]) climate_zone = 'NECB HDD Method' model.getYearDescription.setDayofWeekforStartDay('Sunday') @standard.model_add_design_days_and_weather_file(model, climate_zone, @options[:epw_file]) # Standards @standard.model_add_ground_temperatures(model, nil, climate_zone) else # Otherwise modify osm input with options. @standard.model_apply_standard(model: model, epw_file: @options[:epw_file], sizing_run_dir: File.join(@dp_temp_folder, 'sizing_folder'), primary_heating_fuel: @options[:primary_heating_fuel], dcv_type: @options[:dcv_type], # Four options: @options[: (1) 'NECB_Default', (2) 'No DCV', (3) 'Occupancy-based DCV' , (4) 'CO2-based DCV' lights_type: @options[:lights_type], # Two options: @options[: (1) 'NECB_Default', (2) 'LED' lights_scale: @options[:lights_scale], daylighting_type: @options[:daylighting_type], # Two options: @options[: (1) 'NECB_Default', (2) 'add_daylighting_controls' ecm_system_name: @options[:ecm_system_name], ecm_system_zones_map_option: @options[:ecm_system_zones_map_option], # (1) 'NECB_Default' (2) 'one_sys_per_floor' (3) 'one_sys_per_bldg' erv_package: @options[:erv_package], boiler_eff: @options[:boiler_eff], # Inconsistent naming Todo Chris K. unitary_cop: @options[:adv_dx_units], furnace_eff: @options[:furnace_eff], shw_eff: @options[:shw_eff], ext_wall_cond: @options[:ext_wall_cond], ext_floor_cond: @options[:ext_floor_cond], ext_roof_cond: @options[:ext_roof_cond], ground_wall_cond: @options[:ground_wall_cond], ground_floor_cond: @options[:ground_floor_cond], ground_roof_cond: @options[:ground_roof_cond], door_construction_cond: @options[:door_construction_cond], fixed_window_cond: @options[:fixed_window_cond], glass_door_cond: @options[:glass_door_cond], overhead_door_cond: @options[:overhead_door_cond], skylight_cond: @options[:skylight_cond], glass_door_solar_trans: @options[:glass_door_solar_trans], fixed_wind_solar_trans: @options[:fixed_wind_solar_trans], skylight_solar_trans: @options[:skylight_solar_trans], fdwr_set: @options[:fdwr_set], srr_set: @options[:srr_set], rotation_degrees: @options[:rotation_degrees], scale_x: @options[:scale_x], scale_y: @options[:scale_y], scale_z: @options[:scale_z], pv_ground_type: @options[:pv_ground_type], pv_ground_total_area_pv_panels_m2: @options[:pv_ground_total_area_pv_panels_m2], pv_ground_tilt_angle: @options[:pv_ground_tilt_angle], pv_ground_azimuth_angle: @options[:pv_ground_azimuth_angle], pv_ground_module_description: @options[:pv_ground_module_description], nv_type: @options[:nv_type], nv_opening_fraction: @options[:nv_opening_fraction], nv_temp_out_min: @options[:nv_temp_out_min], nv_delta_temp_in_out: @options[:nv_delta_temp_in_out], occupancy_loads_scale: @options[:occupancy_loads_scale], electrical_loads_scale: @options[:electrical_loads_scale], oa_scale: @options[:oa_scale], infiltration_scale: @options[:infiltration_scale], chiller_type: @options[:chiller_type], output_variables: @options[:output_variables], output_meters: @options[:output_meters], airloop_economizer_type: @options[:airloop_economizer_type], shw_scale: @options[:shw_scale], baseline_system_zones_map_option: @options[:baseline_system_zones_map_option]) end # Save model to to disk. puts "saving model to #{File.join(@dp_temp_folder, 'output.osm')}" BTAP::FileIO.save_osm(model, File.join(@dp_temp_folder, 'output.osm')) # Run annual simulation of model. if @options[:run_annual_simulation] @run_dir = File.join(@dp_temp_folder, 'run_dir') puts "running simulation in #{@run_dir}" @standard.model_run_simulation_and_log_errors(model, @run_dir) #Check if sql file was create.. if not we can't get much output. raise('no sql file found,simulation probably could not start due to error...see error logs.') if model.sqlFile.empty? # Create qaqc file and save it. @qaqc = @standard.init_qaqc(model) command = "SELECT Value FROM TabularDataWithStrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Sec1.1A-General Information' AND RowName = 'Principal Heating Source' AND ColumnName='Data'" value = model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnFirstString(command) # make sure all the data are available @qaqc[:building][:principal_heating_source] = 'unknown' unless value.empty? @qaqc[:building][:principal_heating_source] = value.get end if @qaqc[:building][:principal_heating_source] == 'Additional Fuel' model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |iplantloop| boilers = { |icomponent| icomponent.to_BoilerHotWater.is_initialized } @qaqc[:building][:principal_heating_source] = 'FuelOilNo2' unless { |boiler| boiler.to_BoilerHotWater.get.fuelType.to_s == 'FuelOilNo2' }.empty? end end @qaqc[:aws_datapoint_id] = @options[:datapoint_id] @qaqc[:aws_analysis_id] = @options[:analysis_id] # Load the sql file into model sql_path =, 'run/eplusout.sql')) raise(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Results for the sizing run couldn't be found here: #{sql_path}.") unless OpenStudio.exists(sql_path) sql = # Check to make sure the sql file is readable, # which won't be true if EnergyPlus crashed during simulation. unless sql.connectionOpen raise(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "The run failed. Look at the eplusout.err file in #{File.dirname(sql_path.to_s)} to see the cause.") return false end # Attach the sql file from the run to the sizing model model.setSqlFile(sql) @cost_result = nil if @options[:enable_costing] == true # Perform costing costing = costing.load_database @cost_result, @btap_items = costing.cost_audit_all(model: model, prototype_creator: @standard, template_type: @options[:template]) @qaqc[:costing_information] = @cost_result, 'cost_results.json'), 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(@cost_result, allow_nan: true)) } puts "Wrote File cost_results.json in #{Dir.pwd} " end @qaqc[:options] = @options # This is options sent on the command line # BTAPData @btap_data = model, runner: nil, cost_result: @cost_result, qaqc: @qaqc).btap_data # Write Files, 'btap_data.json'), 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(@btap_data.sort.to_h, allow_nan: true)) } puts "Wrote File btap_data.json in #{Dir.pwd} ", 'qaqc.json'), 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(@qaqc, allow_nan: true)) } puts "Wrote File qaqc.json in #{Dir.pwd} " #output hourly data self.output_hourly_data(model,@dp_temp_folder, @options[:datapoint_id]) end rescue StandardError => bang puts "Error occured: #{bang}" @bang = bang, 'error.txt'), 'w') { |f| f.write(@bang.message + "\n" + @bang.backtrace.join("\n")) } @failed = true ensure # will always get executed if @dp_output_folder.start_with?('s3://') @dp_output_folder = File.join(@s3_output_folder_object, @options[:datapoint_id]) s3_copy_folder_to_s3(bucket_name: @s3_bucket, source_folder: @dp_temp_folder, target_folder: @dp_output_folder) else # Copy results to datapoint output folder. @dp_output_folder = File.join(output_folder, @options[:datapoint_id]) FileUtils.rm_rf(@dp_output_folder) if Dir.exist?(@dp_output_folder) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dp_output_folder) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(@dp_temp_folder, '.'), @dp_output_folder) # Needs dot otherwise will copy temp folder and not just contents. puts "Copied output to your designated output folder in the #{@options[:datapoint_id]} subfolder." end # clean temp/cache folder up. FileUtils.rm_rf(input_folder_cache) FileUtils.rm_rf(@dp_temp_folder) if @failed == true raise(@bang) end end end def s3_copy_file_to_s3(bucket_name:, source_file:, target_file:, n: 0) # require 'aws-sdk-core' # require 'aws-sdk-s3' Aws.use_bundled_cert! s3_resource = 'ca-central-1') puts("Copying File to S3. source_file:#{source_file} bucket:#{bucket_name} target_folder:#{target_file}") response = nil begin obj = s3_resource.bucket(bucket_name).object(target_file) # passing the TempFile object's path is massively faster than passing the TempFile object itself result = obj.upload_file(source_file) if result == true puts "Object '#{source_file}' uploaded to bucket '#{bucket_name}'." else puts response raise("Error:Object '#{source_file}' not uploaded to bucket '#{bucket_name}'.") end rescue StandardError => bang # Implementing exponential backoff # Tried 7 times.. give up. if n == 8 raise("Giving Up. Failed to submit send file #{source_file} #{target_file} in 8 tries while using exponential backoff. Error was:#{bang}.") end # Exponential wait time wait_time = 2**n + rand puts "Implementing exponential backoff for sending #{target_file} for #{wait_time}s. #{n}th try" sleep(wait_time) # Do recursive function. return s3_copy_file_to_s3(bucket_name: bucket_name, source_file: source_file, target_file: target_file, n: n + 1) end return response end def s3_copy_folder_to_s3(bucket_name:, source_folder:, target_folder:) puts("Copying Folder to S3. source_folder:#{source_folder} bucket:#{bucket_name} target_folder:#{target_folder}") # Iterate over files in folder. Dir[File.join(source_folder, '**/*')].reject { |fn| }.each do |source_file| # Convert to s3 path. Removing source parent folders and replacing with s3 output folder. target_file = File.join(target_folder, source_file.gsub(source_folder, '')) s3_copy_file_to_s3(bucket_name: bucket_name, source_file: source_file, target_file: target_file) end end def s3_copy(source_folder:, target_folder:) require 'open3' exit_code = nil error = nil Open3.popen2e('aws', 's3', 'cp', source_folder, target_folder, '--recursive') do |stdin, stdout_stderr, wait_thread| error = exit_code = wait_thread.value end if exit_code != 0 raise(error) end return exit_code end def output_hourly_data(model, output_folder,datapoint_id) osm_path = File.join(output_folder, "run_dir/in.osm") sql_path = File.join(output_folder, "run_dir/run/eplusout.sql") csv_output = File.join(output_folder, "hourly.csv") hours_of_year = [] d =, 1, 1, 1) (0...8760).each do |increment| hours_of_year << (d + (60 * 60) * increment).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') end array_of_hashes = [] #Find hourly outputs available for this datapoint. query = " SELECT ReportDataDictionaryIndex FROM ReportDataDictionary WHERE ReportingFrequency == 'Hourly' " # Get hourly data for each output. model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnVectorOfInt(query).get.each do |rdd_index| #Get Name query = " SELECT Name FROM ReportDataDictionary WHERE ReportDataDictionaryIndex == #{rdd_index} " name = model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnFirstString(query).get #Get KeyValue query = " SELECT KeyValue FROM ReportDataDictionary WHERE ReportDataDictionaryIndex == #{rdd_index} " key_value = model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnFirstString(query).get #Get Units query = " SELECT Units FROM ReportDataDictionary WHERE ReportDataDictionaryIndex == #{rdd_index} " units = model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnFirstString(query).get #Get hourly data query = " Select Value FROM ReportData WHERE ReportDataDictionaryIndex = #{rdd_index} " hourly_values = model.sqlFile.get.execAndReturnVectorOfDouble(query).get hourly_hash = Hash[] data_hash = {"datapoint_id": datapoint_id, "Name": name, "KeyValue": key_value, "Units": units}.merge(hourly_hash) array_of_hashes << data_hash end, "wb") do |csv| unless array_of_hashes.empty? csv << array_of_hashes.first.keys # adds the attributes name on the first line array_of_hashes.each do |hash| csv << hash.values end end end end end