module Plutonium module Core module Controller extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Plutonium::Core::Controllers::Bootable include Plutonium::Core::Controllers::EntityScoping include Plutonium::Core::Controllers::Authorizable included do add_flash_types :success, :warning, :error before_action do next unless defined?(ActiveStorage) ActiveStorage::Current.url_options = {protocol: request.protocol, host:, port: request.port} end helper Plutonium::Helpers helper_method :make_page_title, :resource_url_for, :resource_url_args_for, :root_path append_view_path File.expand_path("app/views", Plutonium.root) layout -> { turbo_frame_request? ? false : "resource" } helper_method :registered_resources end private def set_page_title(page_title) @page_title = page_title end def make_page_title(title) [title.presence, helpers.application_name].compact.join(" | ") end # # Returns a dynamic list of args to be used with `url_for`, which considers the route namespace and nesting. # The current entity and parent record (for nested routes) are inserted appropriately, ensuring that generated URLs # obey the current routing. # # e.g., of route helpers that will be invoked given the output of this method # # - when invoked in a root route (/acme/dashboard/users) # # `resource_url_args_for User` => `entity_users_*` # `resource_url_args_for @user` => `entity_user_*` # `resource_url_args_for @user, action: :edit` => `edit_entity_user_*` # `resource_url_args_for @user, Post` => `entity_user_posts_*` # # - when invoked in a nested route (/acme/dashboard/users/1/post/1) # # `resource_url_args_for Post` => `entity_user_posts_*` # `resource_url_args_for @post` => `entity_user_post_*` # `resource_url_args_for @post, action: :edit` => `edit_entity_user_post_*` # # @param [Class, ApplicationRecord] *args arguments you would normally pass to `url_for` # @param [Symbol] action optional action to invoke, e.g., :new, :edit # @param [ApplicationRecord] parent the parent record for nested routes, if any # @param [Hash] kwargs additional keyword arguments to pass to `url_for` # # @return [Hash] args to pass to `url_for` # def resource_url_args_for(*args, action: nil, parent: nil, **kwargs) url_args = {**kwargs, action: action}.compact controller_chain = [current_package&.to_s].compact [*args].compact.each_with_index do |element, index| if element.is_a?(Class) controller_chain << element.to_s.pluralize else controller_chain << element.class.to_s.pluralize if index == args.length - 1 resource_route_config = current_engine.routes.resource_route_config_for(element.model_name.plural)[0] url_args[:id] = element.to_param unless resource_route_config[:route_type] == :resource url_args[:action] ||= :show else url_args[element.model_name.singular_route_key.to_sym] = element.to_param end end end url_args[:controller] = "/#{controller_chain.join("::").underscore}" url_args[:"#{parent.model_name.singular_route_key}_id"] = parent.to_param if parent.present? if scoped_to_entity? && scoped_entity_strategy == :path url_args[scoped_entity_param_key] = current_scoped_entity end url_args end def resource_url_for(...) args = resource_url_args_for(...) if current_package.present? send( else url_for(args) end end def root_path(*) return send(:"#{scoped_entity_param_key}_root_path", *) if scoped_to_entity? && scoped_entity_strategy == :path super end def registered_resources current_engine.resource_register.resources end end end end