require 'helper' class Schedular::EventsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase should_route :get, '/events', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :index should_route :post, '/events', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :create should_route :put, '/events/1', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :update, :id => '1' should_route :get, '/events/1/edit', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :edit, :id => '1' should_route :get, '/events/1', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :show, :id => '1' should_route :get, '/events/2009/1/29', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :index, :year => '2009', :month => '1', :day => '29' should_route :get, '/events/2009/1/29.xml', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :index, :year => '2009', :month => '1', :day => '29', :format => 'xml' should_route :get, '/events/2009/1', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :index, :year => '2009', :month => '1' should_route :get, '/events/2009/1.xml', :controller => 'schedular/events', :action => :index, :year => '2009', :month => '1', :format => 'xml' context 'controller actions' do setup do Schedular::Event.destroy_all Schedular::Time.destroy_all @today = @event1 = Schedular::Event.create! :dates => 'enero', :name => 'evento 1' @event2 = Schedular::Event.create! :dates => '1 de febrero', :name => 'evento 2' @event3 = Schedular::Event.create! :dates => '2 de febrero', :name => 'evento 2' end context 'GET index' do context 'redirection' do context 'with no options' do setup { get :index } should_redirect_to('current month'){ monthly_schedule_path :year => @today.year, :month => @today.month } end context 'with just year' do setup { get :index, :year => '2009' } should_redirect_to('current month'){ monthly_schedule_path :year => '2009', :month => @today.month } end end def self.with_format format context "with format #{format}" do setup do @params = {:year => @today.year, :month => '1'} @params.merge!(:format => format) if format @day = Date.civil(@today.year) end context 'with month' do setup { get :index, @params } should_respond_with :success should_assign_to(:events){ [@event1] } should_assign_to(:month_events){ [@event1] } should 'set session[:current_month]' do assert_equal Date.civil(@today.year, 1), @request.session[:current_month] end yield if block_given? end context 'with month and day' do setup do @day = Date.civil(@params[:year], 2, 1) get :index, @params.merge(:month => @day.month, :day => end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to(:events){ [@event2] } should_assign_to(:month_events){ [@event2, @event3] } should 'set session[:current_month]' do assert_equal Date.civil(@day.year, @day.month), @request.session[:current_month] end yield if block_given? end end end with_format nil do # should_render_template :index should_respond_with_content_type 'text/html' # should 'render with template' do # assert_equal "layouts/application", @controller.active_layout._unmemoized_path_without_format_and_extension # end end with_format 'xml' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/xml' end with_format 'json' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/json' end end context 'GET show' do def self.with_format format context "with format #{format}" do setup do @params = {:id =>} @params.merge!(:format => format) if format get :show, @params end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to(:event){ @event1 } yield end end with_format nil do # should_render_template :index should_respond_with_content_type 'text/html' end with_format 'xml' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/xml' end with_format 'json' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/json' end end context 'GET new' do def self.with_format format context "with format #{format}" do setup do @params = {} @params.merge!(:format => format) if format get :new, @params end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to(:event) should('be a new record') { assert assigns(:event).new_record? } yield end end with_format nil do should_respond_with_content_type 'text/html' end with_format 'xml' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/xml' end with_format 'json' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/json' end end context 'GET edit' do setup do get :edit, :id => end should_respond_with :success should_assign_to(:event){ @event1 } # should_render_template :edit end context 'POST create' do def self.with_format format context "with format #{format}" do setup do @params = { :schedular_event => {:dates => 'enero', :name => 'Evento 1'}} @params.merge!(:format => format) if format end context "with valid attributes" do setup { post :create, @params } should_assign_to(:event) should('set dates'){ assert_equal 'enero', assigns(:event).dates } should('not be new record') { assert_equal false, assigns(:event).new_record? } yield if format should_respond_with :created else should('redirect to created event'){ assert_redirected_to assigns(:event) } end end context "with invalid attributes" do setup do @params[:schedular_event].merge!(:name => nil) post :create, @params end should_assign_to(:event) should('set dates'){ assert_equal 'enero', assigns(:event).dates } should('be new record') { assert assigns(:event).new_record? } yield if format should_respond_with :unprocessable_entity else # should('render new'){ assert_template :new } end end end end with_format nil do should_respond_with_content_type 'text/html' end with_format 'xml' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/xml' end with_format 'json' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/json' end end context 'PUT update' do def self.with_format format context "with format #{format}" do setup do @params = { :schedular_event => {:dates => 'febrero', :name => 'Evento 1'}, :id => } @params.merge!(:format => format) if format end context "with valid attributes" do setup { put :update, @params } should_assign_to(:event) should('set dates'){ assert_equal 'febrero', assigns(:event).dates } yield if format should_respond_with :ok else should('redirect to created event'){ assert_redirected_to assigns(:event) } end end context "with invalid attributes" do setup do @params[:schedular_event].merge!(:name => nil) put :update, @params end should_assign_to(:event) should('set dates'){ assert_equal 'febrero', assigns(:event).dates } yield if format should_respond_with :unprocessable_entity else # should('render new'){ assert_template :edit } end end end end with_format nil do should_respond_with_content_type 'text/html' end with_format 'xml' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/xml' end with_format 'json' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/json' end end context 'DELETE destroy' do def self.with_format format context "with format #{format}" do setup do @params = {:id =>} @params.merge!(:format => format) if format assert_difference('Schedular::Event.count', -1) do delete :destroy, @params end end should_assign_to(:event){ @event1 } yield end end with_format nil do should_respond_with_content_type 'text/html' should_redirect_to('events'){ schedular_events_path } end with_format 'xml' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/xml' should_respond_with :ok end with_format 'json' do should_respond_with_content_type 'application/json' should_respond_with :ok end end end end