³ò ”,9Mc@sždZdZddkZddkZddkZdddgZddd gZeii dd ƒoei d gƒnei d gƒd „Z d „Z dS( sæSCons.Tool.masm Tool-specific initialization for the Microsoft Assembler. There normally shouldn't be any need to import this module directly. It will usually be imported through the generic SCons.Tool.Tool() selection method. s<src/engine/SCons/Tool/masm.py 4629 2010/01/17 22:23:21 sconsiÿÿÿÿNs.ss.asms.ASMs.spps.SPPs.sxs.ScCs6tii|ƒ\}}xftD]^}|i|tiiƒ|i|tiiƒ|i|tiiƒ|i|tii ƒqWxft D]^}|i|tii ƒ|i|tii ƒ|i|tiiƒ|i|tii ƒqˆWd|d s