An element that sends events in response to keyboard input. <canvas height="130" debug="true"> <command onselect="Debug.debug('the enter key was pressed');" key="['Enter']" /> </canvas>

Sample applications that use the command tag:

Also, see lz.KeysService.LzKeys.
var oldKeys = this.keys; if (oldKeys) { lz.Keys.removeKeyComboCall(this, oldKeys); } // WTF? See LPP-4982, LPP-7814 this.keys = k; if (k) { lz.Keys.callOnKeyCombo( this , k ); } var oldKeys = this.keys; if (oldKeys) { lz.Keys.removeKeyComboCall(this, oldKeys); } super.destroy(); if ($debug) Debug.deprecated(this, arguments.callee, this.setAttribute); this.$lzc$set_key(k); if ( ){ if (this.onselect.ready) this.onselect.sendEvent( d ); }