module ArJdbc module MSSQL module LimitHelpers # @private FIND_SELECT = /\b(SELECT(\s+DISTINCT)?)\b(.*)/mi # @private FIND_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION = /(AVG|COUNT|COUNT_BIG|MAX|MIN|SUM|STDDEV|STDEVP|VAR|VARP)\(/i # @private module SqlServerReplaceLimitOffset GROUP_BY = 'GROUP BY' ORDER_BY = 'ORDER BY' module_function def replace_limit_offset!(sql, limit, offset, order) offset ||= 0 if match = FIND_SELECT.match(sql) select, distinct, rest_of_query = match[1], match[2], match[3] rest_of_query.strip! end rest_of_query[0] = '*' if rest_of_query[0...1] == '1' && rest_of_query !~ /1 AS/i if rest_of_query[0...1] == '*' from_table = Utils.get_table_name(rest_of_query, true) rest_of_query = "#{from_table}.#{rest_of_query}" end # Ensure correct queries if the rest_of_query contains a 'GROUP BY'. Otherwise the following error occurs: # ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ActiveRecord::JDBCError: Column '' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause. # SELECT t.* FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY AS _row_num, [users].[lft], COUNT([users].[lft]) FROM [users] GROUP BY [users].[lft] HAVING COUNT([users].[lft]) > 1 ) AS t WHERE t._row_num BETWEEN 1 AND 1 if i = ( rest_of_query.rindex(GROUP_BY) || rest_of_query.rindex('group by') ) # Do not catch 'GROUP BY' statements from sub-selects, indicated # by more closing than opening brackets after the last group by. rest_after_last_group_by = rest_of_query[i..-1] opening_brackets_count = rest_after_last_group_by.count('(') closing_brackets_count = rest_after_last_group_by.count(')') if opening_brackets_count == closing_brackets_count order_start = order.strip[0, 8]; order_start.upcase! if order_start == ORDER_BY && order.match(FIND_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION) # do nothing elsif order.count(',') == 0 order.gsub!(/ORDER +BY +([^\s]+)(\s+ASC|\s+DESC)?/i, 'ORDER BY MIN(\1)\2') else raise("can not handle multiple order conditions (#{order.inspect}) in #{sql.inspect}") end end end if distinct # select =~ /DISTINCT/i order = order.gsub(/(\[[a-z0-9_]+\]|[a-z0-9_]+)\./, 't.') new_sql = "SELECT t.* FROM " new_sql << "( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(#{order}) AS _row_num, t.* FROM (#{select} #{rest_of_query}) AS t ) AS t" append_limit_row_num_clause(new_sql, limit, offset) else select_columns_before_from = rest_of_query.gsub(/FROM.*/, '').strip only_one_column = !select_columns_before_from.include?(',') only_one_id_column = only_one_column && (select_columns_before_from.ends_with?('.id') || select_columns_before_from.ends_with?('.[id]')) if only_one_id_column # If there's only one id column a subquery will be created which only contains this column new_sql = "#{select} FROM " else # All selected columns are used new_sql = "#{select} t.* FROM " end new_sql << "( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(#{order}) AS _row_num, #{rest_of_query} ) AS t" append_limit_row_num_clause(new_sql, limit, offset) end sql.replace new_sql end def append_limit_row_num_clause(sql, limit, offset) if limit start_row = offset + 1; end_row = offset + limit.to_i sql << " WHERE t._row_num BETWEEN #{start_row} AND #{end_row}" else sql << " WHERE t._row_num > #{offset}" end end end # @private module SqlServer2000ReplaceLimitOffset module_function def replace_limit_offset!(sql, limit, offset, order) if limit offset ||= 0 start_row = offset + 1 end_row = offset + limit.to_i if match = FIND_SELECT.match(sql) select, distinct, rest_of_query = match[1], match[2], match[3] end #need the table name for avoiding amiguity table_name = Utils.get_table_name(sql, true) primary_key = get_primary_key(order, table_name) #I am not sure this will cover all bases. but all the tests pass if order[/ORDER/].nil? new_order = "ORDER BY #{order}, [#{table_name}].[#{primary_key}]" if order.index("#{table_name}.#{primary_key}").nil? else new_order ||= order end if (start_row == 1) && (end_row ==1) new_sql = "#{select} TOP 1 #{rest_of_query} #{new_order}" sql.replace(new_sql) else # We are in deep trouble here. SQL Server does not have any kind of OFFSET build in. # Only remaining solution is adding a where condition to be sure that the ID is not in SELECT TOP OFFSET FROM SAME_QUERY. # To do so we need to extract each part of the query to insert our additional condition in the right place. query_without_select = rest_of_query[/FROM/i=~ rest_of_query.. -1] additional_condition = "#{table_name}.#{primary_key} NOT IN (#{select} TOP #{offset} #{table_name}.#{primary_key} #{query_without_select} #{new_order})" # Extract the different parts of the query having, group_by, where, from, selection = split_sql(rest_of_query, /having/i, /group by/i, /where/i, /from/i) # Update the where part to add our additional condition if where.blank? where = "WHERE #{additional_condition}" else where = "#{where} AND #{additional_condition}" end # Replace the query to be our new customized query sql.replace("#{select} TOP #{limit} #{selection} #{from} #{where} #{group_by} #{having} #{new_order}") end end sql end # Split the rest_of_query into chunks based on regexs (applied from end of string to the beginning) # The result is an array of regexs.size+1 elements (the last one being the remaining once everything was chopped away) def split_sql(rest_of_query, *regexs) results = regexs.each do |regex| if position = (regex =~ rest_of_query) # Extract the matched string and chop the rest_of_query matched = rest_of_query[position..-1] rest_of_query = rest_of_query[0...position] else matched = nil end results << matched end results << rest_of_query results end def get_primary_key(order, table_name) # table_name might be quoted if order =~ /(\w*id\w*)/i $1 else unquoted_name = Utils.unquote_table_name(table_name) model = descendants.find { |m| m.table_name == table_name || m.table_name == unquoted_name } model ? model.primary_key : 'id' end end private if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 def descendants; ::ActiveRecord::Base.descendants; end else def descendants; ::ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses) end end end private if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 def setup_limit_offset!(version = nil) if version.to_s == '2000' || sqlserver_2000? extend SqlServer2000AddLimitOffset else extend SqlServerAddLimitOffset end end else def setup_limit_offset!(version = nil); end end # @private module SqlServerAddLimitOffset # @note Only needed with (non-AREL) ActiveRecord **2.3**. # @see Arel::Visitors::SQLServer def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) if options[:limit] order = "ORDER BY #{options[:order] || determine_order_clause(sql)}" sql.sub!(/ ORDER BY.*$/i, '') SqlServerReplaceLimitOffset.replace_limit_offset!(sql, options[:limit], options[:offset], order) end end end if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 # @private module SqlServer2000AddLimitOffset # @note Only needed with (non-AREL) ActiveRecord **2.3**. # @see Arel::Visitors::SQLServer def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) if options[:limit] order = "ORDER BY #{options[:order] || determine_order_clause(sql)}" sql.sub!(/ ORDER BY.*$/i, '') SqlServer2000ReplaceLimitOffset.replace_limit_offset!(sql, options[:limit], options[:offset], order) end end end if ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 3 end end end