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[![JSON API 1.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/JSON%20API-1.0-lightgrey.svg)](http://jsonapi.org/)
## JSON API Requests
- [Query Parameters Spec](http://jsonapi.org/format/#query-parameters)
- Request: `Accept: application/vnd.api+json`
- Response: `Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json`
### [Fetching Data](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching)
A server MUST support fetching resource data for every URL provided as:
- a `self` link as part of the top-level links object
- a `self` link as part of a resource-level links object
- a `related` link as part of a relationship-level links object
Example supported requests
- Individual resource or collection
- GET /articles
- GET /articles/1
- GET /articles/1/author
- Relationships
- GET /articles/1/relationships/comments
- GET /articles/1/relationships/author
- Optional: [Inclusion of related resources](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-includes) `ActiveModel::Serializer::IncludeTree`
- GET /articles/1?`include`=comments
- GET /articles/1?`include`=comments.author
- GET /articles/1?`include`=author,comments.author
- GET /articles/1/relationships/comments?`include`=comments.author
- Optional: [Sparse Fieldsets](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sparse-fieldsets) `ActiveModel::Serializer::Fieldset`
- GET /articles?`include`=author&`fields`[articles]=title,body&`fields`[people]=name
- Optional: [Sorting](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sorting)
- GET /people?`sort`=age
- GET /people?`sort`=age,author.name
- GET /articles?`sort`=-created,title
- Optional: [Pagination](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-pagination)
- GET /articles?`page`[number]=3&`page`[size]=1
- Optional: [Filtering](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-filtering)
- GET /comments?`filter`[post]=1
- GET /comments?`filter`[post]=1,2
- GET /comments?`filter`[post]=1,2
### [CRUD Actions](http://jsonapi.org/format/#crud)
### [Asynchronous Processing](http://jsonapi.org/recommendations/#asynchronous-processing)
### [Bulk Operations Extension](http://jsonapi.org/extensions/bulk/)
## JSON API Document Schema
| JSON API object | JSON API properties | Required | ActiveModelSerializers representation |
| schema | oneOf (success, failure, info) | |
| success | data, included, meta, links, jsonapi | | AM::SerializableResource
| success.meta | meta | | AMS::Adapter::Base#meta
| success.included | UniqueArray(resource) | | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi#serializable_hash_for_collection
| success.data | data | |
| success.links | allOf (links, pagination) | | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi#links_for
| success.jsonapi | jsonapi | |
| failure | errors, meta, jsonapi | errors | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi#failure_document, #1004
| failure.errors | UniqueArray(error) | | AM::S::ErrorSerializer, #1004
| meta | Object | |
| data | oneOf (resource, UniqueArray(resource)) | | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi#serializable_hash_for_collection,#serializable_hash_for_single_resource
| resource | String(type), String(id),
attributes, relationships,
links, meta | type, id | AM::S::Adapter::JsonApi#primary_data_for
| links | Uri(self), Link(related) | | #1028, #1246, #1282
| link | oneOf (linkString, linkObject) | |
| link.linkString | Uri | |
| link.linkObject | Uri(href), meta | href |
| attributes | patternProperties(
any valid JSON | | AM::Serializer#attributes, AMS::Adapter::JsonApi#resource_object_for
| relationships | patternProperties(
links, relationships.data, meta | | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi#relationships_for
| relationships.data | oneOf (relationshipToOne, relationshipToMany) | | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi#resource_identifier_for
| relationshipToOne | anyOf(empty, linkage) | |
| relationshipToMany | UniqueArray(linkage) | |
| empty | null | |
| linkage | String(type), String(id), meta | type, id | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi#primary_data_for
| pagination | pageObject(first), pageObject(last),
pageObject(prev), pageObject(next) | | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi::PaginationLinks#serializable_hash
| pagination.pageObject | oneOf(Uri, null) | |
| jsonapi | String(version), meta | | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi::Jsonapi#as_json
| error | String(id), links, String(status),
String(code), String(title),
String(detail), error.source, meta | | AM::S::ErrorSerializer, AMS::Adapter::JsonApi::Error.resource_errors
| error.source | String(pointer), String(parameter) | | AMS::Adapter::JsonApi::Error.error_source
| pointer | [JSON Pointer RFC6901](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901) | | AMS::JsonPointer
The [http://jsonapi.org/schema](schema/schema.json) makes a nice roadmap.
### Success Document
- [ ] success
- [ ] data: `"$ref": "#/definitions/data"`
- [ ] included: array of unique items of type `"$ref": "#/definitions/resource"`
- [ ] meta: `"$ref": "#/definitions/meta"`
- [ ] links:
- [ ] link: `"$ref": "#/definitions/links"`
- [ ] pagination: ` "$ref": "#/definitions/pagination"`
- [ ] jsonapi: ` "$ref": "#/definitions/jsonapi"`
### Failure Document
- [ ] failure
- [x] errors: array of unique items of type ` "$ref": "#/definitions/error"`
- [ ] meta: `"$ref": "#/definitions/meta"`
- [ ] jsonapi: `"$ref": "#/definitions/jsonapi"`
### Info Document
- [ ] info
- [ ] meta: `"$ref": "#/definitions/meta"`
- [ ] links: `"$ref": "#/definitions/links"`
- [ ] jsonapi: ` "$ref": "#/definitions/jsonapi"`
### Definitions
- [ ] definitions:
- [ ] meta
- [ ] data: oneOf (resource, array of unique resources)
- [ ] resource
- [ ] attributes
- [ ] relationships
- [ ] relationshipToOne
- [ ] empty
- [ ] linkage
- [ ] meta
- [ ] relationshipToMany
- [ ] linkage
- [ ] meta
- [ ] links
- [ ] meta
- [ ] links
- [ ] link
- [ ] uri
- [ ] href, meta
- [ ] pagination
- [ ] jsonapi
- [ ] meta
- [ ] error
- [ ] id: a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem.
- [ ] links: a links object containing the following members:
- [ ] about: a link that leads to further details about this particular occurrence of the problem.
- [ ] status: the HTTP status code applicable to this problem, expressed as a string value.
- [ ] code: an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value.
- [ ] title: a short, human-readable summary of the problem that SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization.
- [x] detail: a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.
- [x] source: an object containing references to the source of the error, optionally including any of the following members:
- [x] pointer: a JSON Pointer [RFC6901](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901) to the associated entity in the request document [e.g. "/data" for a primary data object, or "/data/attributes/title" for a specific attribute].
- [x] parameter: a string indicating which query parameter caused the error.
- [ ] meta: a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the error.