require 'shellwords' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'rainbow' require_relative 'wielder_of_anor/version' module WielderOfAnor class WielderOfAnor include WielderOfAnorVersion def initialize set_app_directory @forbidden_words = [] end ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ## ## ## commit_message is the git commit message the user would like to send ## ## once we have verified that there are no forbidden words present in their ## ## code. ## ## ## ## force_commit is either '1' or nil. If it's 1, we will commit later even ## ## if there are forbidden words present. ## ## ## ############################################################################## ############################################################################## def prepare(commit_message, force_commit) # If there's just one, it's the current version. Don't run if the current config is present. restore_woa_settings if Dir.glob("#{@app_directory.chomp("/wielder_of_anor-#{VERSION}")}/wielder_of_anor*").length > 1 && !(File.exists?("#{@app_directory}/lib/config.yaml")) first_run unless File.exists?("#{@app_directory}/lib/config.yaml") config = YAML.load_file("#{@app_directory}/lib/config.yaml") @commit_message = commit_message @force_commit = force_commit @current_directory = Dir.pwd @files_changed_file_location = config['files_changed_file_location'] @commit_for_user = config['commit_for_user'] @check_branch = config['check_branch'] @branches_to_check = config['branches_to_check'] @current_branch_file_location = "#{@app_directory}/lib/current_branch" # Don't want to use a previous version. File.delete(@files_changed_file_location) if File.exists?(@files_changed_file_location) git_diff @files_changed_file =, "r") @forbidden_words = config['forbidden_words'] end def help lines_pretty_print 'Wielder of Anor can accept up to two parameters on run. The first parameter can be:' single_space lines_pretty_print '- Your eventual commit message (in quotes). This is ignored if you have not allowed '\ 'Wielder of Anor to commit for you.' lines_pretty_print '- help - You should already know what this does :).' lines_pretty_print '- config - Re-runs the initial set up.' single_space lines_pretty_print 'And your second parameter can only be \'1\', and it\'ll be ignored unless all of the '\ 'following is true:' single_space lines_pretty_print '- You have allowed Wielder of Anor to run commits for you.' lines_pretty_print '- Your first parameter is your commit message.' abort end def output_forbidden_words set_app_directory config = YAML.load_file("#{@app_directory}/lib/config.yaml") unless config && config['forbidden_words'] lines_pretty_print Rainbow('You have yet to set your forbidden words! Please run the app with the parameter '\ '\'config\' to set up your configurations and forbidden words.').red abort end lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Your forbidden words are:').yellow single_space config['forbidden_words'].each do |word| lines_pretty_print Rainbow(word).yellow end single_space abort end def first_run lines_pretty_print 'Thanks for downloading Wielder of Anor! Let\'s run through the '\ 'initial setup!' STDIN.gets files_changed_file_location = "#{@app_directory}/lib/files_changed" commit_for_user = set_commit_for_user check_branch = set_check_branch branches_to_check = set_branches_to_check if check_branch == 'yes' || check_branch == 'y' single_space forbidden_words = set_forbidden_words set_configs(files_changed_file_location, forbidden_words, commit_for_user, check_branch, branches_to_check) end def set_commit_for_user lines_pretty_print 'Would you like Wielder of Anor to run your commits for you once you'\ ' have verified that your code is free of forbidden words?' lines_pretty_print Rainbow('(Type \'yes\' or \'no\'. Just hitting enter defaults to no.)').yellow commit_for_user = STDIN.gets.strip!.downcase commit_for_user = 'no' if commit_for_user == '' until commit_for_user == 'yes' || commit_for_user =='y' || commit_for_user == 'no' || commit_for_user == 'n' do lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Please type either \'yes\' or \'no\'.').yellow commit_for_user = STDIN.gets.strip!.downcase end single_space commit_for_user end def set_check_branch lines_pretty_print 'Would you like Wielder of Anor to stop you from committing to a certain branch or branches?' lines_pretty_print Rainbow('(Type \'yes\' or \'no\'. Just hitting enter defaults to no.)').yellow check_branch = STDIN.gets.strip!.downcase check_branch = 'no' if check_branch == '' until check_branch == 'yes' || check_branch =='y' || check_branch == 'no' || check_branch == 'n' do lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Please type either \'yes\' or \'no\'.').yellow check_branch = STDIN.gets.strip!.downcase end single_space check_branch end def set_branches_to_check branches_to_check = [] done = false lines_pretty_print 'Sounds good! What branches should I block you from committing to?' single_space until done do lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Enter a forbidden branch and hit enter. If you are done entering forbidden '\ 'branches, just hit enter instead.').yellow unless branches_to_check.count > 0 lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Added! Enter another forbidden branch and hit enter. If you are done '\ 'entering forbidden branches, just hit enter instead.').yellow unless branches_to_check.count == 0 branch = STDIN.gets.strip! single_space if branch == '' done = true else branches_to_check << branch end end branches_to_check end def set_configs(files_changed_file_location, forbidden_words, commit_for_user, check_branch, branches_to_check) config = {} config['files_changed_file_location'] = files_changed_file_location if commit_for_user == 'yes' || commit_for_user == 'y' config['commit_for_user'] = true else config['commit_for_user'] = false end if check_branch == 'yes' || check_branch == 'y' config['check_branch'] = true config['branches_to_check'] = branches_to_check else config['check_branch'] = false config['branches_to_check'] = [] end config['forbidden_words'] = forbidden_words file ="#{@app_directory}/lib/config.yaml", 'w') YAML.dump(config, file) file.close lines_pretty_print 'And with that, we\'re done! Feel free to run Wielder of Anor again if'\ ' you\'d like to check your code now!' abort end def set_forbidden_words forbidden_words = [] done = false lines_pretty_print 'Great! Now that we\'re done with that, let\'s add your forbidden '\ 'words from here!' single_space until done do lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Enter a forbidden word and hit enter. If you are done entering '\ 'forbidden words just hit enter instead.').yellow unless forbidden_words.count > 0 lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Added! Enter another forbidden word and hit enter. If you are done '\ 'entering forbidden words, just hit enter instead.').yellow unless forbidden_words.count == 0 word = STDIN.gets.strip! single_space if word == '' done = true else forbidden_words << word end end forbidden_words end def git_diff bash("git diff HEAD --name-only --staged > #{@files_changed_file_location}") end def add_forbidden_word(word) set_app_directory config_yaml = YAML.load_file("#{@app_directory}/lib/config.yaml") config_file ="#{@app_directory}/lib/config.yaml", 'w') if word.nil? lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Please submit your word as a second parameter.').red abort end if config_yaml['forbidden_words'].include?(word) lines_pretty_print Rainbow("''#{word}'' is already a forbidden word!").red abort end config_yaml['forbidden_words'] << word YAML.dump(config_yaml, config_file) lines_pretty_print 'Added!' abort end def wielder_of_anor found_forbidden = false count = File.foreach(@files_changed_file).inject(0) {|c, line| c+1} if count == 0 single_space lines_pretty_print Rainbow('No files have been added. Please use the git add command to add files to your '\ 'commit.').red single_space abort end # If we're forcing the commit, don't bother checking for forbidden words. unless @force_commit single_space print_header_footer single_space @files_changed_file.each_line do |files_changed_line| file_path = "#{@current_directory}/#{files_changed_line.strip}" code_file =, "r") if File.exists?(file_path) index = 0 next unless code_file code_file.each_line do |line| index += 1 @forbidden_words.each do |word| if line.include?(word) found_forbidden = true lines_pretty_print Rainbow("-- FORBIDDEN WORD FOUND ON LINE #{index} IN #{files_changed_line.strip}: --").red lines_pretty_print Rainbow(" #{line}").yellow double_space end end end code_file.close end single_space print_header_footer single_space else lines_pretty_print Rainbow('NOT SEARCHING FOR FORBIDDEN WORDS, PER USER INPUT.').red single_space end @files_changed_file.close results(found_forbidden) end def results(found_forbidden) if found_forbidden single_space lines_pretty_print 'Remove offending line(s) and re-run commit statement or run this '\ 'app again with \'1\' as your second argument to force the commit.' single_space lines_pretty_print Rainbow('**ONLY FORCE THE COMMIT IF YOU ARE SURE YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU WANT '\ 'TO COMMIT THE ABOVE LINES TO YOUR BRANCH!!**').red File.delete(@files_changed_file) abort else unless @force_commit lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Found 0 forbidden words!').green single_space end File.delete(@files_changed_file) commit if @commit_for_user end end def print_header_footer puts '***************************************************************************' end def commit if @check_branch bash("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD > #{@current_branch_file_location}") current_branch =, "r").read.strip! if @branches_to_check.include?(current_branch) lines_pretty_print Rainbow('I\'m sorry, Dave, but I can\'t allow you to do that.').red lines_pretty_print Rainbow('You have tried committing to a forbidden branch. Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! '\ 'Aborting!').red abort end end if @force_commit lines_pretty_print 'Skipped checking for forbidden words. Ready to commit now?' lines_pretty_print Rainbow('**WARNING: YOU ARE FORCING THE COMMIT WITHOUT CHECKING FOR FORBIDDEN WORDS.**').red single_space else lines_pretty_print 'Okay to commit! Should I go ahead and run the actual commit now?' end lines_pretty_print 'Please type \'yes\' OR \'y\' to continue. Any other input will be treated as a \'no\'.' input = STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase single_space if input == 'yes' || input == 'y' bash(%Q[git commit -m "#{@commit_message}"]) single_space lines_pretty_print 'Committed.' single_space end end def set_app_directory @app_directory = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)).chomp('/lib') end def restore_woa_settings lines_pretty_print 'I see that you have a previous wielder_of_anor installation on this machine.' lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Would you like to restore its settings?').yellow answered = false until answered answer = STDIN.gets.strip! single_space if answer == 'yes' || answer == 'y' || answer == 'no' || answer == 'n' answered = true else lines_pretty_print Rainbow('Please input either \'yes\' or \'no\'.').yellow end end return if answer == 'no' || answer == 'n' lines_pretty_print 'One moment, please.' single_space all_gems = Dir.glob("#{@app_directory.chomp("/wielder_of_anor-#{VERSION}")}/wielder_of_anor*") # glob orders things in the array alphabetically, so the second-to-last one in the array is the # most recent version that is not the current version. previous_config_file = "#{all_gems[-2]}/lib/config.yaml" config = YAML.load_file(previous_config_file) config['files_changed_file_location'] = "#{@app_directory}/lib/files_changed" new_config_file ="#{@app_directory}/lib/config.yaml", 'w') YAML.dump(config, new_config_file) new_config_file.close lines_pretty_print 'Done! Please run me again when you\'re ready.' abort end def bash(command) # Dir.chdir ensures all bash commands are being run from the correct # directory. Dir.chdir(@current_directory) { system "#{command}" } end def lines_pretty_print(string) lines = string.scan(/\S.{0,70}\S(?=\s|$)|\S+/) lines.each { |line| puts line } end def single_space puts '' end def double_space puts "\n\n" end end end