RuboCop Gem updates =================== ## Unreleased ## v2.4.4 Fixes: - Add departments for all cops in default.yml - removes ruby version ## v2.4.3 Fixes: - Bump TargetRubyVersion from 2.3 to 2.4 ## v2.4.2 Fixes: - Upgrade rubocop-performance requirement from ~> 1.4.0 to ~> 1.5.1 ## v2.4.1 Fixes: - Upgrade rubocop version ## v2.4.0 Fixes: - Disable `Performance/Casecmp` ## v2.3.0 Feature: - Add pessimistic version constraints for `rubocop*` gems. Fixes: - Remove `bundler` dependency. - Disable `Rails/BulkChangeTable`. - Disable `RSpec/MessageChain`. - Disable `Style/SymbolProc` for ActiveAdmin paths. ## v2.2.0 Feature: - Add rubocop-rails cops. ## v2.1.0 (and `v2.1.O` 🙄) Feature: - Add rubocop-performance cops. Fix: - Allow `if !` instead of `unless`. - Ignore `BlockLength` rule in `Gemfile`. ## v2.0.1 Fix: - Fix `BlockLength` exclude for specs. - Disable `Style/DoubleNegation`. ## v2.0.0 Breaking change: - Can now inherit `Exclude` directives. For that you need to change your `.rubocop.yml`: Replace: ```yml inherit_gem: fashion_police: - .rubocop.yml ``` By: ```yml inherit_gem: fashion_police: - default.yml inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude ``` Feature: - Update RuboCop dependency. Fix: - Disable `Rails/Delegate`. ## v1.2.4 Fixes: - Enforce block style for `RSpec/ExpectChange`. ## v1.2.3 Fixes: - Allow up to 10 lines in RSpec examples ## v1.2.2 Fixes: - Disable `RSpec/VerifiedDoubles`. - Disable `RSpec/AnyInstance`. - Allow up to 5 nested groups in `RSpec/NestedGroups`. ## v1.2.1 Fixes: - Prefer `->` to `lambda`. - Fix `Max` option name for `RSpec/NestedGroups`. - Update rules for RSpec. - Disable `RSpec/MultipleExpectations`. - Disable `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody` for specs. ## v1.2.0 Features: - Prefer template style for "Style/FormatStringToken" - Add RuboCop rules for RSpec Fixes: - Remove excluded files for AllCops, since they are not inherited ## v1.1.1 Fix: - Fix yml parsing ## v1.1.0 Features: - Disable Lint/AmbiguousBlockAssociation in specs - Disable Rails/CreateTableWithTimestamps - Enable Bundler/GemComment ## v1.0.0 - First release