require(File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/test_helpers.rb') class StatsampleAnovaOneWayWithVectorsTestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase context(Statsample::Anova::OneWayWithVectors) do context("when initializing") do setup do {rand(100)}.to_scale {rand(100)}.to_scale {rand(100)}.to_scale end should "be the same using [] or args*" do,@v2,@v3)[@v1,@v2,@v3]) assert_equal(a1.f,a2.f) end should "be the same using module method or object instantiation" do,@v2,@v3) a2=Statsample::Anova.oneway_with_vectors(@v1,@v2,@v3) assert_equal(a1.f,a2.f) end should "detect optional hash" do,@v2,@v3, {:name=>'aaa'}) assert_equal('aaa', end should "omit incorrect arguments" do,@v2,@v3, {:name=>'aaa'}),nil,nil,@v2,@v3, {:name=>'aaa'}) assert_equal(a1.f,a2.f) end end setup do @v1=[3,3,2,3,6].to_vector(:scale) @v2=[7,6,5,6,7].to_vector(:scale) @v3=[9,8,9,7,8].to_vector(:scale) @name="Anova testing",@v2,@v3, :name=>@name) end should "respond to #summary" do assert(@anova.respond_to? :summary) end should "have correct name of analysis on #summary" do assert_match(/#{@name}/, @anova.summary) end should "returns same levene values as direct Levene creation" do assert_equal(@anova.levene.f, Statsample::Test.levene([@v1,@v2,@v3]).f) end should "have correct value for levene" do assert_in_delta(0.604,@anova.levene.f, 0.001) assert_in_delta(0.562,@anova.levene.probability, 0.001) end should "have correct value for sst" do assert_in_delta(72.933, @anova.sst,0.001) end should "have correct value for sswg" do assert_in_delta(14.8,@anova.sswg,0.001) end should "have correct value for ssb" do assert_in_delta(58.133,@anova.ssbg,0.001) end should "sst=sswg+ssbg" do assert_in_delta(@anova.sst,@anova.sswg+@anova.ssbg,0.00001) end should "df total equal to number of n-1" do assert_equal(@v1.n+@v2.n+@v3.n-1,@anova.df_total) end should "df wg equal to number of n-k" do assert_equal(@v1.n+@v2.n+@v3.n-3,@anova.df_wg) end should "df bg equal to number of k-1" do assert_equal(2,@anova.df_bg) end should "f=(ssbg/df_bg)/(sswt/df_wt)" do assert_in_delta((@anova.ssbg.quo(@anova.df_bg)).quo( @anova.sswg.quo(@anova.df_wg)), @anova.f, 0.001) end should "p be correct" do assert(@anova.probability<0.01) end should "be correct using different test values" do[@v1,@v1,@v1,@v1,@v2]) assert_in_delta(3.960, anova2.f,0.001) assert_in_delta(0.016, anova2.probability,0.001) end context "with extra information on summary" do setup do @anova.summary_descriptives=true @anova.summary_levene=true @summary=@anova.summary end should "have section with levene statistics" do assert_match(/Levene/, @summary) end should "have section with descriptives" do assert_match(/Min/, @summary) end end end end