module Junoser class Ruler OFFSET = ' ' def initialize(input) @rule = input end def to_rule rule_header << rule << rule_footer end def rule str = str = process_reserved_element(str) str = str.split(/\n/).map {|l| format(process_line(l)) }.join("\n") end private def process_line(str) return str if str =~ /^(.* do|end)$/ str.gsub!(/("[^"]+")/) { "str(#$1)" } # "foo" -> str("foo") str.gsub!(/^(\s*)arg(\.as\(:\S+\))? \($/) { "#{$1}b(arg#$2," } # arg ( -> b(arg, str.gsub!(/^(\s*)(str\(\S+\)) ([^ \t\n\r\f\(|,]+)(\.as\(:\S+\))?(,?)$/) { "#{$1}a(#$2, #$3)#$4#$5" } # str("foo") bar -> a(str("foo"), bar) str.gsub!(/^(\s*)(str\(\S+\)) \((.*)\)(,?)$/) { "#{$1}a(#$2, #$3)#$4" } # str("foo") (a | b) -> a(str("foo"), a | b) str.gsub!(/^(\s*)(str\(\S+\)) \($/) { "#{$1}b(#$2," } # str("foo") ( -> b(str("foo"), str.gsub!(/^(\s*)(\(.*\))(\.as\(:\S\))? \($/) { "#{$1}b(#$2#$3," } # (a | b) ( -> b((a | b), str.gsub!(/^(\s*)(str\(\S+\)) ([^ \t\n\r\f\(|,]+) \($/) { "#{$1}b(a(#$2, #$3)," } # str("foo") bar ( -> b(a(str("foo"), bar), str.gsub!(/^(\s*)(str\(\S+\)) \((.*)\) \($/) { "#{$1}a(#$2, #$3," } # str("foo") (a | b) ( -> a(str("foo"), a | b, str end def process_reserved_element(str) str.gsub! /"\$\S+"/, 'arg' %w[as-number confederation-as metric-value limit-threshold filename filter-name class-name classifier-name link-subscription per-traffic-class-bandwidth template-name].each do |key| str.gsub! %["#{key}" arg], 'arg' end str.gsub! '"equal-literal"', '"="' str.gsub! '"plus-literal"', '"+"' str.gsub! '"minus-literal"', '"-"' str.gsub!(/\((.*) \| "name"\)/) { "(#$1 | arg)" } str.gsub! '"vlan" ("id-name" | "all")', '"vlan" ("all" | arg)' str.gsub! '"vlan" ("all" | "vlan-name")', '"vlan" ("all" | arg)' str.gsub!(/("ssh-\S+") arg/) { "#$1 (quote | arg)" } str.gsub! '"description" arg', '"description" (quote | arg)' str.gsub! '"as-path-prepend" arg', '"as-path-prepend" (quote | arg)' str.gsub! '"path-list" arg (', 'b(ipaddr,' str.gsub! '"dhcp-service" (', '("dhcp-service" | "dhcp") (' str.gsub!(/(s\(\s*)"address" arg/) { "#{$1}arg" } str.gsub!(/^(\s*"idle-timeout" \(\s*c\(\s*c\(\s*"forever",\s*)"timeout" arg/) { "#{$1}arg" } str = omit_label(str, 'contents', 'syslog_object') str = omit_label(str, 'interface', 'cos_interfaces_type') str = omit_label(str, 'interface', 'ir_interfaces_type') str = omit_label(str, 'interface', 'interfaces_type') str = omit_label(str, 'client-address-list', 'client_address_object') str = omit_label(str, 'prefix-list-item', 'prefix_list_items') str = omit_label(str, 'instance', 'juniper_routing_instance') str = omit_label(str, 'vlan', 'vlan_type') str.gsub!(/"icmp"(.*)"icmp6"/) { %["icmpv6"#$1"icmp"] } str.gsub!(/"http"(.*)"https"/) { %["https"#$1"http"] } str.gsub!(/"snmp"(.*)"snmptrap"/) { %["snmptrap"#$1"snmp"] } str.gsub!(/"cspf"(.*)"cspf-link"/) { %["cspf-link"#$1"cspf"] } str.gsub!(/"route-filter" (\(\s*control_route_filter_type\s*\))/) { %["route-filter" arg #{$1}.as(:oneline)] } str.gsub!(/"source-address-filter" (\(\s*control_source_address_filter_type\s*\))/) { %["source-adress-filter" arg #{$1}.as(:oneline)] } str.gsub!(/("next-hop" \(\s*c\(\s*c\(\s*[^)]*)"address" \(\s*ipaddr\s*\)/) { "#{$1}ipaddr" } %w[metric metric2 metric3 metric4 tag tag2 preference preference2 color color2 local-preference].each do |key| str.gsub!(/^(\s*"#{key}" \(\s*c\(\s*c\(\s*)"#{key}" arg/) { "#{$1}arg" } end str.gsub!(/^(\s*"vrf-target" \(\s*)c\(\s*"community" arg,/) { "#{$1}ca(" } str.gsub!(/^(\s*)"priority" \(\s*c\(\s*"setup-priority" arg,\s*"reservation-priority" arg\s*\)\s*\)/) { %[#{$1}a("priority", a(arg, arg)).as(:oneline)] } %w[teardown hold-time stub].each do |key| str.gsub!(/^(\s*"#{key}" \(\s*)c\(/) { "#{$1}sc(" } end %w[file confederation].each do |key| str.gsub!(/^(\s*"#{key}" \(\s*)c\(\s*arg,/) { "#{$1}sca(" } end %w[exact longer orlonger].each do |key| str.gsub!(/^(\s*"#{key}") arg/) { "#{$1}" } end str.gsub!(/^(\s*)"inline-services"/) do format(['"inline-services" (', ' "bandwidth" ("1g" | "10g")', ')'], $1) end str.gsub!(/^(\s*)"ieee-802.3ad" \(\s*c\(\s*"lacp" \(\s*c\(/) do format(['"802.3ad" (', ' ca(', ' "lacp" (', ' c(', ' "force-up",'], $1) end str.gsub!(/^(\s*)"as-path" \(\s*c\(\s*"path" arg,/) do format(['"as-path" (', ' ca('], $1) end str.gsub!(/^(\s*)"as-path" arg \(\s*c\(\s*"path" arg\s*\)/) do format(['"as-path" arg (', ' c(', ' quote,', ' arg', ' )'], $1) end str.gsub!(/^(\s*)"ribgroup-name" arg$/) do format(['arg (', ' arg', ')'], $1) end str.gsub!(/^rule\(:regular_expression\) do\s*((?!end).)*\s*end/) do format(['rule(:regular_expression) do', ' (quote | arg).as(:arg)', 'end']) end str.gsub!(/^rule\(:login_user_object\) do\s*arg\.as\(:arg\) \(\s*c\(\s*"full-name" arg,/) do format(['rule(:login_user_object) do', ' (', ' sc(', ' "full-name" (quote | arg),']) end str.gsub!(/(rule\(:juniper_policy_options\) do\s*)c\(/) { "#{$1}c(" } str.gsub!(/(rule\(:control_route_filter_type\) do\s*)s\(\s*arg,/) { "#{$1}b(" } str.gsub!(/(rule\(:control_source_address_filter_type\) do\s*)s\(\s*arg,/) { "#{$1}b(" } str.gsub!(/^(rule\(:trace_file_type\) do\s*)c\(\s*arg,/) { "#{$1}sca(" } str.gsub!(/^(rule\(:archive_object\) do\s*)c\(/) { "#{$1}sc(" } str.gsub!(/^(\s*)c\(\s*arg,$/) { "#{$1}ca(" } str end def omit_label(str, label, content) str.gsub(/(\s*)"#{label}" \(\s*#{content}\s*\)/) { "#{$1}#{content}" } end def format(str, offset=OFFSET) case str when String str.empty? ? '' : offset + str when Array {|s| s.empty? ? '' : offset + s.to_s }.join("\n") end end def rule_header <<-EOS require 'parslet' module Junoser class Parser < Parslet::Parser def parse_lines(config) lines = config.split("\\n") lines_without_deactivate = lines.reject {|l| l =~ /^deactivate/ } lines.inject(true) do |passed, line| if line =~ /^deactivate/ if lines_without_deactivate.grep(/^\#{line.sub(/^deactivate/, 'set')}/).empty? next false else next passed end end begin parse line passed rescue Parslet::ParseFailed $stderr.puts "Invalid syntax: \#{line}" false end end end # block with children maybe def b(object, *children) children.inject(object) {|rule, child| >> (space >> | eos) } end # with an argument, and children maybe def a(object, arg, *children) b( >> space >>, *children) end # choice def c(*objects) objects.inject {|rule, object| rule | object } end def ca(*objects) objects.inject {|rule, object| rule | object } | arg end # sequence def s(*objects) # TODO: eval "minOccurs" attribute of choice element objects.inject {|rule, object| rule >> (space >> object).maybe } end # sequential choice def sc(*objects) (c(*objects) >> space.maybe).repeat(0) end def sca(*objects) (c(*objects, arg) >> space.maybe).repeat(0) end rule(:arg) { match('\\S').repeat(1) } rule(:space) { match('\\s').repeat(1) } rule(:any) { match('.').repeat(1) } rule(:eos) { match('$') } rule(:dotted) { match('[^. \\t\\n\\r\\f]').repeat(1) >> str('.') >> match('[^. \\t\\n\\r\\f]').repeat(1) } rule(:quote) { str('"') >> match('[^"]').repeat(1) >> str('"') } rule(:address) { match('[0-9a-fA-F:\.]').repeat(1) } rule(:prefix ) { address >> (str('/') >> match('[0-9]').repeat(1)).maybe } root(:set) rule(:set) { str('set') >> space >> >> comment.maybe } rule(:comment) { space.maybe >> (hash_comment | slash_asterisk) } rule(:hash_comment) { str('#') >> any.maybe } rule(:slash_asterisk) { str('/*') >> match('(?!\\*\\/).').repeat(0) >> str('*/') } EOS end def rule_footer <<-EOS end end EOS end end end