require "scaffolding/block_manipulator" # TODO: If we move this and the BlockManipulator into their own gems, # we can probably call these methods with something shorter without `Scaffolding::`. module Scaffolding::FileManipulator def self.find(lines, needle, within = 0) lines_within(lines, within).each_with_index do |line, line_number| return (within + (within ? 1 : 0) + line_number) if line.match?(needle) end nil end def self.lines_within(lines, within) return lines unless within lines[(within + 1)..(Scaffolding::BlockManipulator.find_block_end(starting_from: within, lines: lines) + 1)] end def self.replace_line_in_file(file, content, in_place_of, options = {}) begin target_file_content = rescue Errno::ENOENT => _ puts "Couldn't find '#{file}'".red unless options[:suppress_could_not_find] return false end if options[:content_replacement_transformed] && target_file_content.include?(content) puts "No need to update '#{file}'. It already has '#{content}'." else puts "Updating '#{file}'." unless silence_logs? target_file_content.gsub!(in_place_of, content) File.write(file, target_file_content) end end # Pass in an array where this content should be inserted within the yml file. # For example, to add content to admin.models pass in [:admin, :models] def self.add_line_to_yml_file(file, content, location_array) # First check that the given location array actually exists in the yml file: yml = YAML.safe_load_file(file)!(&:to_s) # TODO: Raise an error if we're returning nil. return nil if yml.dig(*location_array).nil? content += "\n" unless content[-1] == "\n" # Find the location in the file where the location_array is lines = File.readlines(file) current_needle = location_array.shift.to_s current_space = "" insert_after = 1 lines.each_with_index do |line, index| break if current_needle.nil? if line.split("#").first.strip == current_needle + ":" current_needle = location_array.shift.to_s insert_after = index current_space = line.match(/\s+/).to_s end end new_lines = [] current_space += " " lines.each_with_index do |line, index| new_lines << line new_lines << current_space + content if index == insert_after end File.write(file, new_lines.join) end def self.write(file_name, lines, strip: true) puts "Updating '#{file_name}'." unless silence_logs? if strip, "w+") do |file| file.puts(lines.join.strip + "\n") end else File.write(file_name, lines.join) end end end