## --- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK --- # Copyright (c) 2016-present WeWantToKnow AS # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. ## --- END LICENSE BLOCK --- require 'u3d/unity_versions' require 'u3d/downloader' require 'u3d/installer' require 'u3d/cache' require 'u3d/utils' require 'u3d/log_analyzer' require 'u3d/unity_runner' require 'u3d_core/command_executor' require 'u3d_core/credentials' require 'fileutils' module U3d # API for U3d, redirecting calls to class they concern class Commands class << self def list_installed(options: {}) list = Installer.create.installed if list.empty? UI.important 'No Unity version installed' return end # version -> installations arraym = list.map { |a| [a.version, a] } map = Hash[*arraym.flatten] # sorted versions vcomparators = map.keys.map { |k| UnityVersionComparator.new(k) } sorted_keys = vcomparators.sort.map { |v| v.version.to_s } sorted_keys.each do |k| u = map[k] UI.message "%-*s%s" % [30, "Version #{u.version}", " (#{u.path})"] packages = u.packages next unless options[:packages] && packages && !packages.empty? UI.message 'Packages:' packages.each { |pack| UI.message " - #{pack}" } end end def list_available(options: {}) ver = options[:unity_version] os = options[:operating_system] rl = options[:release_level] if os os = os.to_sym oses = U3dCore::Helper.operating_systems raise "Specified OS (#{os}) isn't valid [#{oses.join(', ')}]" unless oses.include?(os) else os = U3dCore::Helper.operating_system end cache = Cache.new(force_os: os, force_refresh: options[:force]) versions = {} return UI.error "Version #{ver} is not in cache" if ver && cache[os.id2name]['versions'][ver].nil? versions = if ver { ver => cache[os.id2name]['versions'][ver] } else cache[os.id2name]['versions'] end vcomparators = versions.keys.map { |k| UnityVersionComparator.new(k) } if rl letter = release_letter_mapping["latest_#{rl}".to_sym] UI.message "Filtering available versions with release level '#{rl}' [letter '#{letter}']" vcomparators.select! { |vc| vc.version.parts[3] == letter } end sorted_keys = vcomparators.sort.map { |v| v.version.to_s } sorted_keys.each do |k| v = versions[k] UI.message "Version #{k}: " + v.to_s.cyan.underline next unless options[:packages] inif = nil begin inif = U3d::INIparser.load_ini(k, versions, os: os) rescue => e UI.error "Could not load packages for this version (#{e})" else UI.message 'Packages:' inif.keys.each { |pack| UI.message " - #{pack}" } end end end def download(args: [], options: {}) version = args[0] UI.user_error!('Please specify a Unity version to download') unless version packages = packages_with_unity_first(options) os = U3dCore::Helper.operating_system cache = Cache.new(force_os: os) versions = cache[os.id2name]['versions'] version = interpret_latest(version, versions) unity = check_unity_presence(version: version) return unless enforce_setup_coherence(packages, options, unity) U3d::Globals.use_keychain = true if options[:keychain] && Helper.mac? unless options[:no_install] UI.important 'Root privileges are required' raise 'Could not get administrative privileges' unless U3dCore::CommandExecutor.has_admin_privileges? end files = [] if os == :linux UI.important 'Option -a | --all not available for Linux' if options[:all] UI.important 'Option -p | --packages not available for Linux' if options[:packages] downloader = Downloader::LinuxDownloader files << ["Unity #{version}", downloader.download(version, versions), {}] else downloader = Downloader::MacDownloader if os == :mac downloader = Downloader::WindowsDownloader if os == :win if options[:all] files = downloader.download_all(version, versions) else packages.each do |package| result = downloader.download_specific(package, version, versions) files << [package, result[0], result[1]] unless result.nil? end end end return if options[:no_install] Installer.install_modules(files, version, installation_path: options[:installation_path]) end def local_install(args: [], options: {}) UI.user_error!('Please specify a version') if args.empty? version = args[0] packages = packages_with_unity_first(options) os = U3dCore::Helper.operating_system unity = check_unity_presence(version: version) return unless enforce_setup_coherence(packages, options, unity) U3d::Globals.use_keychain = true if options[:keychain] && Helper.mac? UI.important 'Root privileges are required' raise 'Could not get administrative privileges' unless U3dCore::CommandExecutor.has_admin_privileges? files = [] if os == :linux UI.important 'Option -a | --all not available for Linux' if options[:all] UI.important 'Option -p | --packages not available for Linux' if options[:packages] downloader = Downloader::LinuxDownloader files << ["Unity #{version}", downloader.local_file(version), {}] else downloader = Downloader::MacDownloader if os == :mac downloader = Downloader::WindowsDownloader if os == :win if options[:all] files = downloader.all_local_files(version) else packages.each do |package| result = downloader.local_file(package, version) files << [package, result[0], result[1]] unless result.nil? end end end Installer.install_modules(files, version, installation_path: options[:installation_path]) end def run(options: {}, run_args: []) version = options[:unity_version] runner = Runner.new pp = runner.find_projectpath_in_args(run_args) pp = Dir.pwd unless pp up = UnityProject.new(pp) unless version # fall back in project default if we are on a Unity project version = up.editor_version if up.exist? unless version UI.user_error!('Not sure which version of Unity to run. Are you in a project?') end end run_args = ['-projectpath', up.path] if run_args.empty? && up.exist? # we could # * support matching 5.3.6p3 if passed 5.3.6 unity = Installer.create.installed.find { |u| u.version == version } UI.user_error! "Unity version '#{version}' not found" unless unity runner.run(unity, run_args, raw_logs: options[:raw_logs]) end def credentials_actions %w(add remove check) end def credentials(args: [], _options: {}) action = args[0] raise "Please specify an action to perform, one of #{credentials_actions.join(',')}" unless action raise "Unknown action '#{action}'. Use one of #{credentials_actions.join(',')}" unless credentials_actions.include? action if action == 'add' U3dCore::Globals.use_keychain = true # credentials = U3dCore::Credentials.new(user: ENV['USER']) # credentials.login # ask password UI.error 'Invalid credentials' unless U3dCore::CommandExecutor.has_admin_privileges? elsif action == 'remove' U3dCore::Globals.use_keychain = true U3dCore::Credentials.new(user: ENV['USER']).forget_credentials(force: true) else U3dCore::Globals.use_keychain = true credentials = U3dCore::Credentials.new(user: ENV['USER']) U3dCore::Globals.with_do_not_login(true) do if credentials.password.to_s.empty? UI.message "No credentials stored" else if U3dCore::CommandExecutor.has_admin_privileges? UI.success "Stored credentials are valid" else UI.error "Stored credentials are not valid" end end end # FIXME: return value end end def local_analyze(args: []) raise ArgumentError, 'No files given' if args.empty? raise ArgumentError, "File #{args[0]} does not exist" unless File.exist? args[0] analyzer = LogAnalyzer.new File.open(args[0], 'r') do |f| f.readlines.each { |l| analyzer.parse_line l } end end def release_levels [:stable, :beta, :patch] end def release_letter_mapping { latest: 'f', latest_stable: 'f', latest_beta: 'b', latest_patch: 'p' } end private def interpret_latest(version, versions) return version unless release_letter_mapping.keys.include? version.to_sym letter = release_letter_mapping[version.to_sym] iversion = versions.keys.map { |k| UnityVersionComparator.new(k) } .sort .reverse .find { |c| c.version.parts[3] == letter } .version.to_s UI.message "Version '#{version}' is #{iversion}." iversion end def packages_with_unity_first(options) temp = options[:packages] || ['Unity'] temp.insert(0, 'Unity') if temp.delete('Unity') temp end def check_unity_presence(version: nil) installed = Installer.create.installed unity = installed.find { |u| u.version == version } if unity.nil? UI.verbose "Version #{version} of Unity is not installed yet" else UI.verbose "Unity #{version} is installed at #{unity.path}" return unity end nil end def enforce_setup_coherence(packages, options, unity) if unity UI.important "Unity #{unity.version} is already installed" return false if Helper.linux? if packages.include?('Unity') UI.important 'Ignoring Unity module, it is already installed' packages.delete('Unity') options[:installation_path] ||= unity.path if Helper.windows? end if unity.packages unity.packages.each do |pack| UI.important "Ignoring #{pack} module, it is already installed" if packages.delete(pack) end end else unless packages.include?('Unity') UI.error "Please install Unity #{unity.version} before any of its packages" return false end end true end end end end