# -*- coding: utf-8; -*- # # Licensed to CRATE Technology GmbH ("Crate") under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for # additional information regarding copyright ownership. Crate licenses # this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may # obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # However, if you have executed another commercial license agreement # with Crate these terms will supersede the license and you may use the # software solely pursuant to the terms of the relevant commercial agreement. require 'json' require 'net/http' module CrateRuby class Client DEFAULT_HOST = "" DEFAULT_PORT = "4200" attr_accessor :logger # Currently only a single server is supported. Fail over will be implemented in upcoming versions # @param [Array] servers An Array of servers including ports [,] # @param [opts] Optional paramters # * logger: Custom Logger # * http_options [Hash]: Net::HTTP options (open_timeout, read_timeout) # @return [CrateRuby::Client] def initialize(servers = [], opts = {}) @servers = servers @servers << "#{DEFAULT_HOST}:#{DEFAULT_PORT}" if servers.empty? @logger = opts[:logger] || CrateRuby.logger @http_options = opts[:http_options] || { read_timeout: 3600 } end def inspect %Q{#} end # Creates a table # client.create_table "posts", id: [:integer, "primary key"], my_column: :string, my_integer_col: :integer # @param [String] table_name # @param [Hash] column_definition # @option column_definition [String] key sets column name, value sets column type. an array passed as value can be used to set options like primary keys # @return [ResultSet] # def create_table(table_name, column_definition = {}, blob=false) cols = column_definition.to_a.map { |a| a.join(' ') }.join(', ') stmt = %Q{CREATE TABLE "#{table_name}" (#{cols})} execute(stmt) end # Creates a table for storing blobs # @param [String] name Table name # @param [Integer] shard Shard count, defaults to 5 # @param [Integer] number Number of replicas, defaults to 0 # @return [ResultSet] # # client.create_blob_table("blob_table") def create_blob_table(name, shard_count=5, replicas=0) stmt = "create blob table #{name} clustered into #{shard_count} shards with (number_of_replicas=#{replicas})" execute stmt end # Drop table # @param [String] table_name, Name of table to drop # @param [Boolean] blob Needs to be set to true if table is a blob table # @return [ResultSet] def drop_table(table_name, blob=false) tbl = blob ? "BLOB TABLE" : "TABLE" stmt = %Q{DROP #{tbl} "#{table_name}"} execute(stmt) end # List all user tables # @return [ResultSet] def show_tables execute("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'doc'") end # Returns all tables in schema 'doc' # @return [Array] Array of table names def tables execute("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'doc'").map(&:first) end # Executes a SQL statement against the Crate HTTP REST endpoint. # @param [String] sql statement to execute # @param [Array] args Array of values used for parameter substitution # @param [Hash] Net::HTTP options (open_timeout, read_timeout) # @return [ResultSet] def execute(sql, args = nil, bulk_args = nil, http_options = {}) @logger.debug sql req = Net::HTTP::Post.new("/_sql", initheader = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) body = {"stmt" => sql} body.merge!({'args' => args}) if args body.merge!({'bulk_args' => bulk_args}) if bulk_args req.body = body.to_json response = request(req, http_options) @logger.debug response.body success = case response.code when /^2\d{2}/ ResultSet.new response.body else @logger.info(response.body) raise CrateRuby::CrateError.new(response.body) end success end # Upload a File to a blob table # @param [String] table # @param [String] digest SHA1 hexdigest # @param [Boolean] data Can be any payload object that can be sent via HTTP, e.g. STRING, FILE def blob_put(table, digest, data) uri = blob_path(table, digest) @logger.debug("BLOB PUT #{uri}") req = Net::HTTP::Put.new(blob_path(table, digest)) req.body = data response = request(req) success = case response.code when "201" true else @logger.info("Response #{response.code}: " + response.body) false end success end # Download blob # @param [String] table # @param [String] digest SHA1 hexdigest # # @return [Blob] File data to write to file or use directly def blob_get(table, digest) uri = blob_path(table, digest) @logger.debug("BLOB GET #{uri}") req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri) response = request(req) case response.code when "200" response.body else @logger.info("Response #{response.code}: #{response.body}") false end end # Delete blob # @param [String] table # @param [String] digest SHA1 hexdigest # # @return [Boolean] def blob_delete(table, digest) uri = blob_path(table, digest) @logger.debug("BLOB DELETE #{uri}") req = Net::HTTP::Delete.new(uri) response = request(req) success = case response.code when "200" true else @logger.info("Response #{response.code}: #{response.body}") false end success end # Return the table structure # @param [String] table_name Table name to get structure # @param [ResultSet] def table_structure(table_name) execute("select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema = 'doc' AND table_name = '#{table_name}'") end def insert(table_name, attributes) vals = attributes.values binds = vals.count.times.map {|i| "$#{i+1}"}.join(',') stmt = %Q{INSERT INTO "#{table_name}" (#{attributes.keys.join(', ')}) VALUES(#{binds})} execute(stmt, vals) end # Crate is eventually consistent, If you don't query by primary key, # it is not guaranteed that an insert record is found on the next # query. Default refresh value is 1000ms. # Using refresh_table you can force a refresh # @param [String] table_name Name of table to refresh def refresh_table(table_name) execute "refresh table #{table_name}" end private def blob_path(table, digest) "/_blobs/#{table}/#{digest}" end def connection host, port = @servers.first.split(':'); Net::HTTP.new(host, port) end def request(req, http_options = {}) options = @http_options.merge(http_options) connection.start do |http| options.each { |opt, value| http.send("#{opt}=", value) } http.request(req) end end end end