module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class CardStreamGateway < Gateway THREEDSECURE_REQUIRED_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = 'Specifying the :threeDSRequired initialization option is deprecated. Please use the `:threeds_required => true` *transaction* option instead.' self.test_url = self.live_url = '' self.money_format = :cents self.default_currency = 'GBP' self.currencies_without_fractions = %w(CVE ISK JPY UGX) self.supported_countries = %w[GB US CH SE SG NO JP IS HK NL CZ CA AU] self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express diners_club discover jcb maestro] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'CardStream' CURRENCY_CODES = { 'AED' => '784', 'ALL' => '008', 'AMD' => '051', 'ANG' => '532', 'ARS' => '032', 'AUD' => '036', 'AWG' => '533', 'BAM' => '977', 'BBD' => '052', 'BGN' => '975', 'BMD' => '060', 'BOB' => '068', 'BRL' => '986', 'BSD' => '044', 'BWP' => '072', 'BZD' => '084', 'CAD' => '124', 'CHF' => '756', 'CLP' => '152', 'CNY' => '156', 'COP' => '170', 'CRC' => '188', 'CZK' => '203', 'DKK' => '208', 'DOP' => '214', 'EGP' => '818', 'EUR' => '978', 'GBP' => '826', 'GEL' => '981', 'GIP' => '292', 'GTQ' => '320', 'GYD' => '328', 'HKD' => '344', 'HNL' => '340', 'HRK' => '191', 'HUF' => '348', 'ISK' => '352', 'IDR' => '360', 'ILS' => '376', 'INR' => '356', 'JPY' => '392', 'JMD' => '388', 'KES' => '404', 'KRW' => '410', 'KYD' => '136', 'LBP' => '422', 'LKR' => '144', 'MAD' => '504', 'MVR' => '462', 'MWK' => '454', 'MXN' => '484', 'MYR' => '458', 'NAD' => '516', 'NGN' => '566', 'NIO' => '558', 'NOK' => '578', 'NPR' => '524', 'NZD' => '554', 'PAB' => '590', 'PEN' => '604', 'PGK' => '598', 'PHP' => '608', 'PKR' => '586', 'PLN' => '985', 'PYG' => '600', 'QAR' => '634', 'RON' => '946', 'RSD' => '941', 'RUB' => '643', 'RWF' => '646', 'SAR' => '682', 'SEK' => '752', 'SGD' => '702', 'SRD' => '968', 'THB' => '764', 'TND' => '788', 'TRY' => '949', 'TTD' => '780', 'TWD' => '901', 'TZS' => '834', 'UAH' => '980', 'UGX' => '800', 'USD' => '840', 'UYU' => '858', 'VND' => '704', 'WST' => '882', 'XAF' => '950', 'XCD' => '951', 'XOF' => '952', 'ZAR' => '710' } CVV_CODE = { '0' => 'U', '1' => 'P', '2' => 'M', '4' => 'N' } # 0 - No additional information available. # 1 - Postcode not checked. # 2 - Postcode matched. # 4 - Postcode not matched. # 8 - Postcode partially matched. AVS_POSTAL_MATCH = { '0' => nil, '1' => nil, '2' => 'Y', '4' => 'N', '8' => 'N' } # 0 - No additional information available. # 1 - Address numeric not checked. # 2 - Address numeric matched. # 4 - Address numeric not matched. # 8 - Address numeric partially matched. AVS_STREET_MATCH = { '0' => nil, '1' => nil, '2' => 'Y', '4' => 'N', '8' => 'N' } def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :shared_secret) @threeds_required = false if options[:threeDSRequired] ActiveMerchant.deprecated(THREEDSECURE_REQUIRED_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE) @threeds_required = options[:threeDSRequired] end super end def authorize(money, credit_card_or_reference, options = {}) post = {} add_auth_purchase(post, -1, money, credit_card_or_reference, options) commit('SALE', post) end def purchase(money, credit_card_or_reference, options = {}) post = {} add_auth_purchase(post, 0, money, credit_card_or_reference, options) commit('SALE', post) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = {} add_pair(post, :xref, authorization) add_pair(post, :amount, localized_amount(money, options[:currency] || currency(money)), required: true) add_remote_address(post, options) commit('CAPTURE', post) end def refund(money, authorization, options = {}) post = {} add_pair(post, :xref, authorization) add_amount(post, money, options) add_remote_address(post, options) add_country_code(post, options) response = commit('REFUND_SALE', post) return response if response.success? return response unless options[:force_full_refund_if_unsettled] if response.params['responseCode'] == '65541' void(authorization, options) else response end end def void(authorization, options = {}) post = {} add_pair(post, :xref, authorization) add_remote_address(post, options) commit('CANCEL', post) end def verify(creditcard, options = {}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, creditcard, options) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((Authorization: Basic )\w+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((cardNumber=)\d+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((CVV=)\d+), '\1[FILTERED]') end private def add_auth_purchase(post, pair_value, money, credit_card_or_reference, options) add_pair(post, :captureDelay, pair_value) add_amount(post, money, options) add_invoice(post, credit_card_or_reference, money, options) add_credit_card_or_reference(post, credit_card_or_reference) add_customer_data(post, options) add_remote_address(post, options) add_country_code(post, options) add_threeds_fields(post, options) end def add_amount(post, money, options) currency = options[:currency] || currency(money) add_pair(post, :amount, localized_amount(money, currency), required: true) add_pair(post, :currencyCode, currency_code(currency)) end def add_customer_data(post, options) add_pair(post, :customerEmail, options[:email]) if (address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address]) add_pair(post, :customerAddress, "#{address[:address1]} #{address[:address2]}".strip) add_pair(post, :customerPostCode, address[:zip]) add_pair(post, :customerPhone, options[:phone]) add_pair(post, :customerCountryCode, address[:country] || 'GB') else add_pair(post, :customerCountryCode, 'GB') end end def add_invoice(post, credit_card_or_reference, money, options) add_pair(post, :transactionUnique, options[:order_id], required: true) add_pair(post, :orderRef, options[:description] || options[:order_id], required: true) add_pair(post, :statementNarrative1, options[:merchant_name]) if options[:merchant_name] add_pair(post, :statementNarrative2, options[:dynamic_descriptor]) if options[:dynamic_descriptor] if credit_card_or_reference.respond_to?(:number) && %w[american_express diners_club].include?(card_brand(credit_card_or_reference).to_s) add_pair(post, :item1Quantity, 1) add_pair(post, :item1Description, (options[:description] || options[:order_id]).slice(0, 15)) add_pair(post, :item1GrossValue, localized_amount(money, options[:currency] || currency(money))) end add_pair(post, :type, options[:type] || '1') add_threeds_required(post, options) end def add_credit_card_or_reference(post, credit_card_or_reference) if credit_card_or_reference.respond_to?(:number) add_credit_card(post, credit_card_or_reference) else add_reference(post, credit_card_or_reference.to_s) end end def add_reference(post, reference) add_pair(post, :xref, reference, required: true) end def add_credit_card(post, credit_card) add_pair(post, :customerName,, required: true) add_pair(post, :cardNumber, credit_card.number, required: true) add_pair(post, :cardExpiryMonth, format(credit_card.month, :two_digits), required: true) add_pair(post, :cardExpiryYear, format(credit_card.year, :two_digits), required: true) add_pair(post, :cardCVV, credit_card.verification_value) end def add_threeds_required(post, options) add_pair(post, :threeDSRequired, options[:threeds_required] || @threeds_required ? 'Y' : 'N') end def add_threeds_fields(post, options) return unless three_d_secure = options[:three_d_secure] add_pair(post, :threeDSEnrolled, formatted_enrollment(three_d_secure[:enrolled])) if three_d_secure[:enrolled] == 'true' add_pair(post, :threeDSAuthenticated, three_d_secure[:authentication_response_status]) if three_d_secure[:authentication_response_status] == 'Y' post[:threeDSECI] = three_d_secure[:eci] post[:threeDSCAVV] = three_d_secure[:cavv] post[:threeDSXID] = three_d_secure[:xid] || three_d_secure[:ds_transaction_id] end end end def add_remote_address(post, options = {}) add_pair(post, :remoteAddress, options[:ip] || '') end def add_country_code(post, options) post[:countryCode] = options[:country_code] || self.supported_countries[0] end def normalize_line_endings(str) str.gsub(/%0D%0A|%0A%0D|%0D/, '%0A') end def add_hmac(post) result = post.sort.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{normalize_line_endings(CGI.escape(value.to_s))}" }.join('&') result = Digest::SHA512.hexdigest("#{result}#{@options[:shared_secret]}") add_pair(post, :signature, result) end def parse(body) result = {} pairs = body.split('&') pairs.each do |pair| a = pair.split('=') # because some value pairs don't have a value result[a[0].to_sym] = a[1] == nil ? '' : CGI.unescape(a[1]) end result end def commit(action, parameters) parameters.update( merchantID: @options[:login], action: action ) # adds a signature to the post hash/array add_hmac(parameters) response = parse(ssl_post(self.live_url, post_data(action, parameters))) response[:responseCode] == '0', response[:responseCode] == '0' ? 'APPROVED' : response[:responseMessage], response, test: test?, authorization: response[:xref], cvv_result: CVV_CODE[response[:avscv2ResponseCode].to_s[0, 1]], avs_result: avs_from(response) ) end def avs_from(response) postal_match = AVS_POSTAL_MATCH[response[:avscv2ResponseCode].to_s[1, 1]] street_match = AVS_STREET_MATCH[response[:avscv2ResponseCode].to_s[2, 1]] code = if postal_match == 'Y' && street_match == 'Y' 'M' elsif postal_match == 'Y' 'P' elsif street_match == 'Y' 'A' else 'I' end{ code: code, postal_match: postal_match, street_match: street_match }) end def currency_code(currency) CURRENCY_CODES[currency] end def post_data(action, parameters = {}) parameters.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join('&') end def add_pair(post, key, value, options = {}) post[key] = value if !value.blank? || options[:required] end def formatted_enrollment(val) case val when 'Y', 'N', 'U' then val when true, 'true' then 'Y' when false, 'false' then 'N' end end end end end