module MightyGrid class FilterRenderer include ActionView::Helpers def initialize(grid, view) @grid = grid end # Get label HTML tag def label(name, content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block) options = content_or_options if content_or_options.is_a?(Hash) human_name = (content_or_options.is_a?(Hash) || content_or_options.nil?) ? @grid.klass.human_attribute_name(name) : content_or_options f_options = filter_options(name, options, false) label_tag(get_filter_id(f_options), human_name, options, &block) end # Get input HTML tag def text_field(name, options={}) f_options = filter_options(name, options) text_field_tag(@grid.get_filter_name(name, f_options[:model]), get_filter_param(name, f_options[:model]), options) end # Get select HTML tag def select(name, option_tags=nil, options={}) @grid.filters[name] = option_tags selected = nil selected = options.delete(:selected) if options.has_key?(:selected) f_options = filter_options(name, options) selected = get_filter_param(name, f_options[:model]) if get_filter_param(name, f_options[:model]) opts = options_for_select(option_tags, selected) select_tag(@grid.get_filter_name(name, f_options[:model]), opts, options) end # Get checkbox def check_box(name, value = '1', checked = false, options = {}) checked = true if get_filter_param(name) f_options = filter_options(name, options) check_box_tag(@grid.get_filter_name(name, f_options[:model]), value, checked, options) end # Get button for Apply filter changes def submit(content = nil, options = {}) content = I18n.t("mighty_grid.filters.submit", default: 'Apply changes') if content.blank? options.merge!(type: :submit) content_tag(:button, content, options) end # Get button for Reset filter changes def reset(content = nil, options = {}) content = I18n.t("mighty_grid.filters.reset", default: 'Reset changes') if content.blank? options.merge!(type: :reset) content_tag(:button, content, options) end private def get_filter_param(name, model = nil) filter_name = model ? "#{model.table_name}.#{name}" : name @grid.filter_params.has_key?(filter_name) ? @grid.filter_params[filter_name] : nil end def get_filter_id(name: nil, model: nil) @grid.get_filter_name(name, model).parameterize('_') end def filter_options(name, options, with_id = true) opts = {name: name} if options.is_a?(Hash) && options.has_key?(:model) model = options.delete(:model) raise"Model of field for filtering should have type ActiveRecord") if model.present? && model.superclass != ActiveRecord::Base opts.merge!(model: model) options.merge!(id: get_filter_id(opts)) if with_id end opts end end end