module ActiveAdmin module Workflow module DSL # # Easily tie into a workflow action # # @param [Symbol] state machine event, ie: :publish # @param [Hash] options # - permission [Symbol] permission to check authorization against # - http_verb [Symbol] :put, :post, :get, etc # # Will call "resource.publish!", if "resource.can_publish?" returns true # def state_action(action, options={}, &controller_action) singular = config.resource_name.singular plural = config.resource_name.plural options[:permission] ||=, action) confirmation = options.fetch(:confirm, false) if confirmation == true default = "Are you sure you want to #{action.to_s.humanize.downcase}?" confirmation = ->{ I18n.t(:confirm, scope: "#{plural}.#{action}", default: default) } end http_verb = options.fetch :http_verb, :put action_item_args = if ActiveAdmin::VERSION.start_with?('0.') [{ only: :show }] else ["state_action_#{action}", { only: :show }] end action_item(*action_item_args) do if resource.send("can_#{action}?") && authorized?(options[:permission], resource) path = resource_path << "/#{action}" label = I18n.t("#{plural}.#{action}.label", default: action.to_s.titleize) link_options = {} if confirmation.is_a?(Proc) link_options[:data] ||= {} link_options[:data][:confirm] = instance_exec(&confirmation) end link_options[:class] = "btn btn-large" link_options[:method] = http_verb link_to label, path, link_options end end unless block_given? controller_action = -> do resource.send("#{action}!") flash[:notice] = t("#{plural}.#{action}.flash.success") redirect_to smart_resource_url end end member_action action, method: http_verb, &controller_action end end end end