module Spaceship module Tunes # Defines the different in-app purchase product types # # As specified by Apple: module IAPType CONSUMABLE = "consumable" NON_CONSUMABLE = "nonConsumable" RECURRING = "recurring" NON_RENEW_SUBSCRIPTION = "subscription" # A product that is used once READABLE_CONSUMABLE = "Consumable" # A product that is purchased once and does not expire or decrease with use. READABLE_NON_CONSUMABLE = "Non-Consumable" # A product that allows users to purchase dynamic content for a set period (auto-rene). READABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE_SUBSCRIPTION = "Auto-Renewable Subscription" # A product that allows users to purchase a service with a limited duration. READABLE_NON_RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION = "Non-Renewing Subscription" # Get the iap type matching based on a string (given by iTunes Connect) def self.get_from_string(text) mapping = { 'ITC.addons.type.consumable' => READABLE_CONSUMABLE, 'ITC.addons.type.nonConsumable' => READABLE_NON_CONSUMABLE, 'ITC.addons.type.recurring' => READABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE_SUBSCRIPTION, 'ITC.addons.type.subscription' => READABLE_NON_RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION, 'consumable' => READABLE_CONSUMABLE, 'nonConsumable' => READABLE_NON_CONSUMABLE, 'recurring' => READABLE_AUTO_RENEWABLE_SUBSCRIPTION, 'subscription' => READABLE_NON_RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION } mapping.each do |itc_type, readable_type| return readable_type if itc_type == text end return nil end end end end