package nokogiri; import static nokogiri.internals.NokogiriHelpers.getCachedNodeOrCreate; import static nokogiri.internals.NokogiriHelpers.getLocalNameForNamespace; import static nokogiri.internals.NokogiriHelpers.getNokogiriClass; import nokogiri.internals.SaveContextVisitor; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyClass; import org.jruby.RubyObject; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * Class for Nokogiri::XML::Namespace * * @author serabe * @author Yoko Harada */ @JRubyClass(name = "Nokogiri::XML::Namespace") public class XmlNamespace extends RubyObject { private Attr attr; private transient IRubyObject prefixRuby; private transient IRubyObject hrefRuby; private String prefix; private String href; public XmlNamespace(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klazz) { super(runtime, klazz); } XmlNamespace(Ruby runtime, Attr attr, String prefix, String href, IRubyObject document) { this(runtime, attr, prefix, null, href, null, document); } private XmlNamespace(Ruby runtime, Attr attr, String prefix, IRubyObject prefixRuby, String href, IRubyObject hrefRuby, IRubyObject document) { super(runtime, getNokogiriClass(runtime, "Nokogiri::XML::Namespace")); this.attr = attr; this.prefix = prefix; this.href = href; this.prefixRuby = prefixRuby; this.hrefRuby = hrefRuby; setInstanceVariable("@document", document); } public Node getNode() { return attr; } public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } boolean hasPrefix(String prefix) { return prefix == null ? this.prefix == null : prefix.equals(this.prefix); } public String getHref() { return href; } public static XmlNamespace createFromAttr(Ruby runtime, Attr attr) { String prefixStr = getLocalNameForNamespace(attr.getName(), null); IRubyObject prefix = prefixStr == null ? runtime.getNil() : null; String hrefStr = attr.getValue(); // check namespace cache XmlDocument xmlDocument = (XmlDocument) getCachedNodeOrCreate(runtime, attr.getOwnerDocument()); XmlNamespace namespace = xmlDocument.getNamespaceCache().get(prefixStr, hrefStr); if (namespace != null) { return namespace; } namespace = new XmlNamespace(runtime, attr, prefixStr, prefix, hrefStr, null, xmlDocument); xmlDocument.getNamespaceCache().put(namespace, attr.getOwnerElement()); return namespace; } static XmlNamespace createImpl(Node owner, IRubyObject prefix, String prefixStr, IRubyObject href, String hrefStr) { final Ruby runtime = prefix.getRuntime(); Document document = owner.getOwnerDocument(); XmlDocument xmlDocument = (XmlDocument) getCachedNodeOrCreate(runtime, document); assert xmlDocument.getNamespaceCache().get(prefixStr, hrefStr) == null; // creating XmlNamespace instance String attrName = "xmlns"; if (prefixStr != null && !prefixStr.isEmpty()) { attrName = attrName + ':' + prefixStr; } Attr attrNode = document.createAttribute(attrName); attrNode.setNodeValue(hrefStr); XmlNamespace namespace = new XmlNamespace(runtime, attrNode, prefixStr, prefix, hrefStr, href, xmlDocument); xmlDocument.getNamespaceCache().put(namespace, owner); return namespace; } // owner should be an Attr node public static XmlNamespace createDefaultNamespace(Ruby runtime, Node owner) { String prefixStr = owner.getPrefix(); String hrefStr = owner.getNamespaceURI(); // check namespace cache XmlDocument xmlDocument = (XmlDocument) getCachedNodeOrCreate(runtime, owner.getOwnerDocument()); XmlNamespace namespace = xmlDocument.getNamespaceCache().get(prefixStr, hrefStr); if (namespace != null) { return namespace; } namespace = new XmlNamespace(runtime, (Attr) owner, prefixStr, hrefStr, xmlDocument); xmlDocument.getNamespaceCache().put(namespace, owner); return namespace; } /** * Create and return a copy of this object. * * @return a clone of this object */ @Override public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return prefix == null && href == null; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject href(ThreadContext context) { if (hrefRuby == null) { if (href == null) { return hrefRuby = context.nil; } return hrefRuby = context.runtime.newString(href); } return hrefRuby; } @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject prefix(ThreadContext context) { if (prefixRuby == null) { if (prefix == null) { return prefixRuby = context.nil; } return prefixRuby = context.runtime.newString(prefix); } return prefixRuby; } public void accept(ThreadContext context, SaveContextVisitor visitor) { String prefix = this.prefix; if (prefix == null) { prefix = ""; } String href = this.href; if (href == null) { href = ""; } String string = ' ' + prefix + '=' + '"' + href + '"'; visitor.enter(string); visitor.leave(string); // is below better? //visitor.enter(attr); //visitor.leave(attr); } }