# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Dvorkin and contributors. # # Fat Free CRM is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See MIT-LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'fat_free_crm/mail_processor/base' module FatFreeCRM module MailProcessor class Dropbox < Base KEYWORDS = %w[account campaign contact lead opportunity].freeze #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize # Models are autoloaded, so the following @@assets class variable should only be set # when Dropbox is initialized. This needs to be done so that Rake tasks such as # 'assets:precompile' can run on Heroku without depending on a database. # See: http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rails31_heroku_cedar#troubleshooting @@assets = [Account, Contact, Lead].freeze @settings = Setting.email_dropbox.dup super end private # Email processing pipeline: each steps gets executed if previous one returns false. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def process(_uid, email) with_explicit_keyword(email) do |keyword, name| data = { "Type" => keyword, "Name" => name } find_or_create_and_attach(email, data) end && return with_recipients(email) do |recipient| find_and_attach(email, recipient) end && return with_forwarded_recipient(email) do |recipient| find_and_attach(email, recipient) end && return with_recipients(email) do |recipient| create_and_attach(email, recipient) end && return with_forwarded_recipient(email) do |recipient| create_and_attach(email, recipient) end end # Checks the email to detect keyword on the first line. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def with_explicit_keyword(email) first_line = plain_text_body(email).split("\n").first if first_line =~ %r{(#{KEYWORDS.join('|')})[^a-zA-Z0-9]+(.+)$}i yield Regexp.last_match[1].capitalize, Regexp.last_match[2].strip end end # Checks the email to detect assets on to/bcc addresses #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def with_recipients(email, _options = {}) recipients = [] recipients += email.to_addrs unless email.to.blank? recipients += email.cc_addrs unless email.cc.blank? # Ignore the dropbox email address, and any address aliases ignored_addresses = [@settings[:address]] if @settings[:address_aliases].is_a?(Array) ignored_addresses += @settings[:address_aliases] end recipients -= ignored_addresses # Process each recipient until email has been attached recipients.each do |recipient| return true if yield recipient end false end # Checks the email to detect valid email address in body (first email), detect forwarded emails #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def with_forwarded_recipient(email, _options = {}) if plain_text_body(email) =~ /\b([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4})\b/ yield Regexp.last_match[1] end end # Process pipe_separated_data or explicit keyword. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_or_create_and_attach(email, data) klass = data["Type"].constantize if data["Email"] && klass.new.respond_to?(:email) conditions = [ "(lower(email) = ? OR lower(alt_email) = ?)", data["Email"].downcase, data["Email"].downcase ] elsif klass.new.respond_to?(:first_name) first_name, *last_name = data["Name"].split conditions = if last_name.empty? # Treat single name as last name. ['last_name LIKE ?', "%#{first_name}"] else ['first_name LIKE ? AND last_name LIKE ?', "%#{first_name}", "%#{last_name.join(' ')}"] end else conditions = ['name LIKE ?', "%#{data['Name']}%"] end # Find the asset from deduced conditions if asset = klass.where(conditions).first if sender_has_permissions_for?(asset) attach(email, asset, :strip_first_line) else log "Sender does not have permissions to attach email to #{data['Type']} #{data['Email']} <#{data['Name']}>" end else log "#{data['Type']} #{data['Email']} <#{data['Name']}> not found, creating new one..." asset = klass.create!(default_values(klass, data)) attach(email, asset, :strip_first_line) end true end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_and_attach(email, recipient) attached = false @@assets.each do |klass| asset = klass.where(["(lower(email) = ?)", recipient.downcase]).first # Leads and Contacts have an alt_email: try it if lookup by primary email has failed. if !asset && klass.column_names.include?("alt_email") asset = klass.where(["(lower(alt_email) = ?)", recipient.downcase]).first end if asset && sender_has_permissions_for?(asset) attach(email, asset) attached = true end end attached end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_and_attach(email, recipient) contact = Contact.create!(default_values_for_contact(email, recipient)) attach(email, contact) end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def attach(email, asset, strip_first_line = false) # If 'sent_to' email cannot be found, default to Dropbox email address to = email.to.blank? ? @settings[:address] : email.to.join(", ") cc = email.cc.blank? ? nil : email.cc.join(", ") email_body = if strip_first_line plain_text_body(email).split("\n")[1..-1].join("\n").strip else plain_text_body(email) end Email.create( imap_message_id: email.message_id, user: @sender, mediator: asset, sent_from: email.from.first, sent_to: to, cc: cc, subject: email.subject, body: email_body, received_at: email.date, sent_at: email.date ) asset.touch if asset.is_a?(Lead) && asset.status == "new" asset.update_attribute(:status, "contacted") end if @settings[:attach_to_account] && asset.respond_to?(:account) && asset.account Email.create( imap_message_id: email.message_id, user: @sender, mediator: asset.account, sent_from: email.from.first, sent_to: to, cc: cc, subject: email.subject, body: email_body, received_at: email.date, sent_at: email.date ) asset.account.touch end end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def default_values(klass, data) data = data.dup keyword = data.delete("Type").capitalize defaults = { user: @sender, access: default_access } case keyword when "Account", "Campaign", "Opportunity" defaults[:status] = "planned" if keyword == "Campaign" # TODO: I18n defaults[:stage] = Opportunity.default_stage if keyword == "Opportunity" # TODO: I18n when "Contact", "Lead" first_name, *last_name = data.delete("Name").split(' ') defaults[:first_name] = first_name defaults[:last_name] = (last_name.any? ? last_name.join(" ") : "(unknown)") defaults[:status] = "contacted" if keyword == "Lead" # TODO: I18n end data.each do |key, value| key = key.downcase defaults[key.to_sym] = value if klass.new.respond_to?(key + '=') end defaults end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def default_values_for_contact(_email, recipient) recipient_local, recipient_domain = recipient.split('@') defaults = { user: @sender, first_name: recipient_local.capitalize, last_name: "(unknown)", email: recipient, access: default_access } # Search for domain name in Accounts. account = Account.where('(lower(email) like ? OR lower(website) like ?)', "%#{recipient_domain.downcase}", "%#{recipient_domain.downcase}%").first if account log "asociating new contact #{recipient} with the account #{account.name}" defaults[:account] = account else log "creating new account #{recipient_domain.capitalize} for the contact #{recipient}" defaults[:account] = Account.create!( user: @sender, email: recipient, name: recipient_domain.capitalize, access: default_access ) end defaults end # If default access is 'Shared' then change it to 'Private' because we don't know how # to choose anyone to share it with here. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def default_access Setting.default_access == "Shared" ? 'Private' : Setting.default_access end # Notify users with the results of the operations #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def notify(email, mediator_links) DropboxMailer.create_dropbox_notification( @sender, @settings[:address], email, mediator_links ).deliver_now end end end end