## 3.6.1 (February 14, 2023) - Fix to avoid depending on the failed Slim 5.0.0 release ([#188]) [#188]: https://github.com/slim-template/slim-rails/pull/188 ## 3.6.0 (February 14, 2023) - Add support for Slim 5 ([#185]) Thanks https://github.com/michaelbaudino ([#185]) [#185]: https://github.com/slim-template/slim-rails/pull/185 ## 3.5.0 (May 2022) * Restored legacy templates for Rails < 7 * Updated Appraisals to supported Rails versions * Replace Travis CI with Github Actions. Thanks https://github.com/davidwessman (#180) ## 3.4.0 (March 2022) * Updated templates to Rails 7 style (thanks github.com/viktorianer) (#178) ## 3.3.0 (July 19, 2021) * Enabled asset helpers in precompiled templates (#135) * Tested with Rails 6.0, 6.1 and Ruby 3.0 * Improved CI and tests with Sprockets 4 ## 3.2.0 (October 7, 2018) * Support for Slim 4 ## 3.1.3 (April 3, 2017) * Improved compatibility with Sprockets 4 ## 3.1.2 (February 3, 2017) * Tested compatibility with Ruby 2.4 * Updated CI specs ## 3.1.1 (August 29, 2016) * Initial support for Sprockets 4 ## 3.1.0 (June 7, 2016) * Support for Rails 5 * MailerGenerator ## 3.0.2 (May 21, 2016) * Code cleanup and refactoring ## 3.0.1 (December 26, 2014) * Support for Rails 4.2