module Isomorfeus class TopLevel class << self attr_accessor :hydrated attr_accessor :first_pass if on_browser? def mount! Isomorfeus.init Isomorfeus::TopLevel.on_ready do root_element = `document.querySelector('div[data-iso-root]')` Isomorfeus.raise_error(message: "Isomorfeus root element not found!") unless root_element component_name = root_element.JS.getAttribute('data-iso-root') Isomorfeus.env = root_element.JS.getAttribute('data-iso-env') user_sid = root_element.JS.getAttribute('data-iso-usid') Isomorfeus.current_user_sid =`JSON.parse(user_sid)` if user_sid component = nil begin component = component_name.constantize rescue Exception => e `console.warn("Deferring mount: " + #{e.message})` @timeout_start = unless @timeout_start if ( - @timeout_start) < 10 `setTimeout(Opal.Isomorfeus.TopLevel['$mount!'], 100)` else `console.error("Unable to mount '" + #{component_name} + "'!")` end end if component props_json = root_element.JS.getAttribute('data-iso-props') props = `Opal.Hash.$new(JSON.parse(props_json))` raw_hydrated = root_element.JS.getAttribute('data-iso-hydrated') self.hydrated = (raw_hydrated && raw_hydrated == "true") %x{ if (global.ServerSideRenderingStateJSON) { var state = global.ServerSideRenderingStateJSON; var keys = Object.keys(state); for(var i=0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (Object.keys(state[keys[i]]).length > 0) {{ type: keys[i].toUpperCase(), set_state: state[keys[i]] }); } } } } Isomorfeus.execute_init_after_store_classes begin self.first_pass = true result = Isomorfeus::TopLevel.mount_component(component, props, root_element, self.hydrated) self.first_pass = false @tried_another_time = false result rescue Exception => e self.first_pass = false if !@tried_another_time @tried_another_time = true `console.warn("Deferring mount: " + #{e.message})` `console.error(#{e.backtrace.join("\n")})` `setTimeout(Opal.Isomorfeus.TopLevel['$mount!'], 250)` else `console.error("Unable to mount '" + #{component_name} + "'! Error: " + #{e.message} + "!")` `console.error(#{e.backtrace.join("\n")})` end end end end end def on_ready(&block) %x{ function run() { block.$call() }; function ready_fun(fn) { if (document.readyState === "complete" || document.readyState === "interactive") { setTimeout(fn, 1); } else { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fn); } } ready_fun(run); } end def on_ready_mount(component, props = nil, element_query = nil) # init in case it hasn't been run yet Isomorfeus.init on_ready do Isomorfeus::TopLevel.mount_component(component, props, element_query) end end def mount_component(component, props, element_or_query, hydrated = false) if `(typeof element_or_query === 'string')` || (`(typeof element_or_query.$class === 'function')` && element_or_query.class == String) element = `document.body.querySelector(element_or_query)` elsif `(typeof element_or_query.$is_a === 'function')` && element_or_query.is_a?(Browser::Element) element = element_or_query.to_n else element = element_or_query end top = Preact.create_element(component, props) hydrated ? Preact.hydrate(top, element) : Preact.render(top, element) Isomorfeus.top_component = top end end end end end