

Snapshot - Create hundreds of iOS app screenshots ============ [![Twitter: @KauseFx](]( [![License](]( [![Gem](]( You have an iPhone app. You support 20 languages. You updated the design. You want to release the update to the App Store. What's missing? **New Screenshots** You want them to look **perfect** and **gorgeous**. They should show the same screens on all devices in all languages. You have to manually create 20 (languages) x 4 (devices) x 5 (screenshots) = **400 screenshots**. It's hard to get everything right! - New screenshots with every (design) update - No loading indicators - Same content / screens - [Clean Status Bar](#use-a-clean-status-bar) - Uploading screenshots ([```deliver```]( is your friend) This gem solves all those problems. It will run completely in the background - you can do something else, while your computer takes the screenshots for you. Follow the developer on Twitter: [@KrauseFx]( ------- [Features](#features) • [Installation](#installation) • [UI Automation](#ui-automation) • [Quick Start](#quick-start) • [Usage](#usage) • [Tips](#tips) • [Need help?](#need-help) ------- # Features - Create hundreds of screenshots in multiple languages on all simulators - Configure it once, store the configuration in git - Do something else, while the computer takes the screenshots for you - Very easy to integrate with ```deliver``` - ```Snapshot``` automatically waits for network requests to be finished before taking a screenshot (we don't want loading images in the App Store screenshots) After ```Snapshot``` successfully created new screenshots, it will generate a beautiful html file to get a quick overview of all screens: ![assets/htmlPage.png](assets/htmlPage.png) ## Why? This gem automatically switches the language and device type and runs the automation script to take all screenshots. ### Why should I automate this process? - It takes **hours** to take screenshots - It is an integration test: You can test for UI elements and other things inside your scripts - Be so nice, and provide new screenshots with every App Store update. Your customers deserve it - You realise, there is a spelling mistake in one of the screens? Well, just correct it and re-run the script. - You get a great overview of all your screens, running on all available simulators without the need to manually start it hundreds of times ###Why use ```snapshot``` instead of.... I've been using many other solutions out there. Unfortunately none of them were perfect. The biggest issue was random timeouts of ```Instruments``` when starting the script. This problem is solved with ```snapshot``` - **UI Automation in Instruments**: Instruments can only run your app on one device in one language. You have to manually switch it. - **[ui-screen-shooter](**: This is the best alternative out there right now. It's based on AppleScript, you can not update it properly and there are quite some hacks in there. ```Snapshot``` uses a very similar technique - just in a clean and maintainable Ruby gem. - **[Subliminal](**: A good approach to write the interaction code in Objective C. Unfortunately it has a lot of open issues with the latest release of Xcode. Also, it requires modifications of your Xcode project and schemes, which might break some other things. # Installation Install the gem sudo gem install snapshot Make sure, you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed: xcode-select --install # UI Automation ## Get started This project uses Apple's ```UI Automation``` under the hood. I will not go into detail on how to write scripts. Here a few links to get started: - [Apple's official documentation]( - [UI Automation: An Introduction (]( - [Functional Testing UI Automation (]( # Quick Start - Run ```snapshot init``` in your project folder - Profile your app (CMD + I), choose ```Automation``` and click the Record button on the bottom of the window. - This will get you started. Copy the generated code into ```./snapshot.js```. Make sure, you leave the import statement on the top. - To take a screenshot, use ```captureLocalizedScreenshot('0-name')``` Here is a nice gif, that shows ```snapshot``` in action: ![assets/snapshot.gif](assets/snapshot.gif) You can take a look at the example project to play around with it. ## Start ```snapshot``` - ```cd [your_project_folder]``` - ```snapshot``` Your screenshots will be stored in ```./screenshots/``` by default. From now on, you can run ```snapshot``` to create new screenshots of your app. # Usage Why should you have to remember complicated commands and parameters? Store your configuration in a text file to easily take screenshots from any computer. ## Snapfile Create a file called ```Snapfile``` in your project directory. Once you created your configuration, just run ```snapshot```. The ```Snapfile``` may contain the following information (all are optional): ### Simulator Types ```ruby devices([ "iPhone 6", "iPhone 6 Plus", "iPhone 5", "iPhone 4s" ]) ``` ### Languages ```ruby languages([ "en-US", "de-DE", "es-ES" ]) ``` ### JavaScript file Usually ```snapshot``` automatically finds your JavaScript file. If that's not the case, you can pass the path to your test file. ```ruby js_file './path/file.js' ``` ### Scheme To not be asked which scheme to use, just set it like this: ```ruby scheme "Name" ``` ### Screenshots output path All generated screenshots will be stored in the given path. ```ruby screenshots_path './screenshots' ``` ### Project Path By default, ```snapshot``` will look for your project in the current directory. If it is located somewhere else, pass your custom path: ```ruby project_path "./my_project/Project.xcworkspace" ``` ### HTML Report Path After all screenshots were created, a HTML file will be generated, to quickly get an overview of all screens on all devices. You can set a custom export path, to easily integrate the HTML report as ```Jenkins``` test result page. ```ruby html_path "~/Desktop/screens.html" ``` ### iOS Version I'll try to keep the script up to date. If you need to change the iOS version, you can do it like this: ```ruby ios_version "9.0" ``` ### Custom Build Command If for some reason, the default build command does not work for your project, you can pass your own build script. The script will be executed **once** before the tests are being run. **Make sure** you are setting the output path to ```/tmp/snapshot```. # Tips ## Available language codes ```ruby ["da-DK", "de-DE", "el-GR", "en-AU", "en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US", "es-ES", "es-MX", "fi-FI", "fr-CA", "fr-FR", "id-ID", "it-IT", "ja-JP", "ko-KR", "ms-MY", "nl-NL", "no-NO", "pt-BR", "pt-PT", "ru-RU", "sv-SE", "th-TH", "tr-TR", "vi-VI", "cmn-Hans", "zh_CN", "cmn-Hant"] ``` ## Use a clean status bar You can use [SimulatorStatusMagic]( to clean up the status bar. ## Editing the ```Snapfile``` Change syntax highlighting to *Ruby*. ## Instruments is not responding Unfortunately, from time to time, ```Instruments``` decide, to not respond to anything. Which means, neither the ```Instruments``` application, nor the ```instruments``` command line work. Killing the process doesn't help. The only way to fix this, is a restart of the Mac. # Need help? - If there is a technical problem with ```Snapshot```, submit an issue. Run ```snapshot --trace``` to get the stacktrace. - I'm available for contract work - drop me an email: # License This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file. # Contributing 1. Create an issue to discuss about your idea 2. Fork it ( 3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create a new Pull Request