Class GetText::TextDomainManager
In: lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb
Parent: Object

Manage TextDomain (Internal use only) A class/module is able to have plural textdomains.


Included Modules



target  [R] 
textdomains  [R] 

Public Class methods


    # File lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb, line 39
39:     def self.each_all
40:       @@textdomain_all.each do |k, textdomain|
41:         yield textdomain
42:       end
43:     end

Initialize a TextDomainManager


    # File lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb, line 52
52:     def initialize(target, locale)
53:       @target = target
54:       @locale = locale
55:       @textdomains = {}
56:     end

Gets the current output_charset.


    # File lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb, line 35
35:     def self.output_charset
36:       @@output_charset 
37:     end

Sets the current output_charset.


    # File lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb, line 29
29:     def self.output_charset=(charset)
30:       @@output_charset = charset
31:     end


    # File lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb, line 45
45:     def self.textdomain(domainname)
46:       @@textdomain_all[domainname]
47:     end

Public Instance methods

Add a textdomain

  • options: If they aren‘t set or invalid, default values are used.
    • :path - the path to the mo-files. If not set, it will search default paths such as /usr/share/locale, /usr/local/share/locale)


    # File lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb, line 62
62:     def add_textdomain(domainname, options = {})
63:       path = options[:path]
64:       if $DEBUG
65:         $stderr.print "Bind the domain '#{domainname}' to '#{@target}'. "
66:         $stderr.print "Current locale is #{@locale.inspect}\n"
67:       end
68:       textdomain = @@textdomain_all[domainname]
69:       if textdomain
70:         textdomain.set_locale(@locale)
71:       else
72:         textdomain =, path, @locale)
73:         @@textdomain_all[domainname] = textdomain
74:       end
75:         @textdomains[domainname] = textdomain
76:       textdomain
77:     end

Iterate textdomains.


    # File lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb, line 80
80:     def each
81:       @textdomains.each do |k, textdomain|
82:         yield textdomain
83:       end
84:       self
85:     end

Sets locale such as "de", "fr", "it", "ko", "ja_JP.eucJP", "zh_CN.EUC" …

Notice that you shouldn‘t use this for your own Libraries.

  • locale: a locale string or Locale::Object.
  • force: Change locale forcely.
  • Returns: self


     # File lib/gettext/textdomainmanager.rb, line 93
 93:     def set_locale(locale, force = false)
 94:       if locale != @locale or force
 95:         each do |textdomain|
 96:           textdomain.set_locale(locale, force)
 97:         end
 98:         @locale = locale
 99:       end
100:       self
101:     end
