# Peek [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/peek/peek.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/peek/peek) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/peek.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/peek) [![Inline docs](http://inch-ci.org/github/peek/peek.svg)](http://inch-ci.org/github/peek/peek) Take a peek into your Rails application. ![Preview](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/79995/244991/03cee1fa-8a74-11e2-8e33-283cf1298a60.png) This is a profiling tool originally built at GitHub to help us get an insight into our application. Now, we have extracted this into Peek, so that other Rails application can experience the same benefit. Peek puts a little bar on top of your application to show you all sorts of helpful information about your application. From the screenshot above, you can see that Peek provides information about database queries, cache, Resque workers and more. However, this is only part of Peek's beauty. The true beauty of Peek lies in the fact that it is an extensible platform. If there are some performance metrics that you need but are not available on Peek, you can find it from the list of available [Peek Views](#available-peek-views) and integrate it into Peek. Even if you do not find what you want on Peek Views, you can always [create your own](#creating-your-own-peek-item). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'peek' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install peek ## Usage Now that Peek is installed, you'll need to mount the engine within your `config/routes.rb` file: ```ruby Some::Application.routes.draw do mount Peek::Railtie => '/peek' root to: 'home#show' end ``` To pick which views you want to see in your Peek bar, just create a file at `config/initializers/peek.rb` that has a list of the views you'd like to include: ```ruby Peek.into Peek::Views::Git, nwo: 'github/janky' Peek.into Peek::Views::Mysql2 Peek.into Peek::Views::Redis Peek.into Peek::Views::Dalli ``` Feel free to pick and install from the [list](https://github.com/peek/peek#available-peek-views) or create your own. The order they are added to Peek, the order they will appear in your bar. Next, to render the Peek bar in your application just add the following snippet just after the opening `` tag in your application layout. ```erb <%= render 'peek/bar' %> ``` It will look like: ```erb Application <%= render 'peek/bar' %> <%= yield %> ``` Peek fetches the data collected throughout your requests by using the unique request id that was assigned to the request by Rails. It will call out to its own controller at [Peek::ResultsController](https://github.com/peek/peek/blob/master/app/controllers/peek/results_controller.rb) which will render the data and be inserted into the bar. Now that you have the partials in your application, you will need to include the CSS and JS that help make Peek :sparkles: In `app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss`: ```scss //= require peek ``` In `app/assets/javascripts/application.coffee`: ```coffeescript #= require jquery #= require jquery_ujs #= require peek ``` Note: Each additional view may have their own CSS and JS that you may need to require which should be stated in their usage documentation. ### Configuring the default adapter For Peek to work, it keeps track of all requests made in your application so it can report back and display that information in the Peek bar. By default it stores this information in memory, which is not recommended for production environments. In production environments you may have application servers on multiple hosts, at which Peek will not be able to access the request data if it was saved in memory on another host. Peek provides 2 additional adapters for multi server environments. You can configure which adapter Peek uses by updating your application config or an individual environment config file. We'll use production as an example. Note: Peek does not provide the dependencies for each of these adapters. If you use these adapters be sure to include their dependencies in your application. - Redis - The [redis](https://github.com/redis/redis-rb) gem - Dalli - The [dalli](https://github.com/mperham/dalli) gem - Elasticsearch - The [elasticsearch](https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby) gem ```ruby Peeked::Application.configure do # ... # Redis with no options config.peek.adapter = :redis # Redis with options config.peek.adapter = :redis, { client: Redis.new, expires_in: 60 * 30 # => 30 minutes in seconds } # Memcache with no options config.peek.adapter = :memcache # Memcache with options config.peek.adapter = :memcache, { client: Dalli::Client.new, expires_in: 60 * 30 # => 30 minutes in seconds } # Elasticsearch with no options config.peek.adapter = :elasticsearch # Elasticsearch with options config.peek.adapter = :elasticsearch, { client: Elasticsearch::Client.new, expires_in: 60 * 30, # => 30 minutes in seconds index: 'peek_requests_index', type: 'peek_request' } # ... end ``` Peek doesn't persist the request data forever. It uses a safe 30 minute cache length that way data will be available if you'd like to aggregate it or use it for other Peek views. You can update this to be 30 seconds if you don't want the data to be available to stick around. ### Customizing the bar You can customize the appearance of the bar by customizing it in your own application's CSS. One common example is fixing the peek bar to the bottom, rather than top, of a page, for use with [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/): ```css #peek { position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 999; } ``` ## Using Peek with PJAX It just works. ## Using Peek with Turbolinks It just works. ## Access Control Peek will only render in development and staging environments. If you'd like to whitelist a select number of users to view Peek in production you can override the `peek_enabled?` guard in `ApplicationController`: ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def peek_enabled? current_user.staff? end end ``` ## Available Peek views - [peek-active_resource](https://github.com/gotmayonase/peek-active_resource) - [peek-alt-routes](https://github.com/mkcode/peek-alt-routes) - [peek-dalli](https://github.com/peek/peek-dalli) - [peek-delayed_job](https://github.com/18F/peek-delayed_job) - [peek-faraday](https://github.com/grk/peek-faraday) - [peek-flexirest](https://github.com/andyjeffries/peek-flexirest) - [peek-gc](https://github.com/peek/peek-gc) - [peek-git](https://github.com/peek/peek-git) - [peek-host](https://github.com/jacobbednarz/peek-host) - [peek-mongo](https://github.com/peek/peek-mongo) - [peek-moped](https://github.com/nodkz/peek-moped) - [peek-mysql2](https://github.com/peek/peek-mysql2) - [peek-performance_bar](https://github.com/peek/peek-performance_bar) - [peek-pg](https://github.com/peek/peek-pg) - [peek-rblineprof](https://github.com/peek/peek-rblineprof) - [peek-redis](https://github.com/peek/peek-redis) - [peek-resque](https://github.com/peek/peek-resque) - [peek-sidekiq](https://github.com/suranyami/peek-sidekiq) - [peek-svn](https://github.com/neilco/peek-svn) - Unicorn :soon: Feel free to submit a Pull Request adding your own Peek item to this list. ## Creating your own Peek item Each Peek item is a self contained Rails engine which gives you the power to use all features of Ruby on Rails to dig in deep within your application and report it back to the Peek bar. A Peek item is just a custom class that is responsible for fetching and building the data that should be reported back to the user. There are still some docs to be written, but if you'd like to checkout a simple example of how to create your own, just checkout [peek-git](https://github.com/peek/peek-git). To just look at an example view, there is [Peek::Views::Git](https://github.com/peek/peek-git/blob/master/lib/peek/views/git.rb). ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request