require 'rake/clean' WARNING = <<-EOS WARNING: you may not have wget installed, you could just download the correct version of jruby-complete to the vendors folder, and re-run rp5 setup install instead of installing wget. Some systems may also require 'sudo' access to install, NB: this is untested.... EOS JRUBYC_VERSION = '1.7.24' EXAMPLES = '1.7' HOME_DIR = ENV['HOME'] MAC_OR_LINUX = /linux|mac|darwin/ =~ RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] CLOBBER.include("jruby-complete-#{JRUBYC_VERSION}.jar") desc "download, and copy to ruby-processing" task :default => [:download, :copy_ruby] desc "download JRuby upstream sources" task :download => ["jruby-complete-#{JRUBYC_VERSION}.jar"] file "jruby-complete-#{JRUBYC_VERSION}.jar" do begin sh "wget{JRUBYC_VERSION}/jruby-complete-#{JRUBYC_VERSION}.jar" rescue warn(WARNING) end check_sha1("jruby-complete-#{JRUBYC_VERSION}.jar", '01fc8605c833490b833ee1520f7a2e1409ef8885') end directory "../lib/ruby" desc "copy jruby-complete" task :copy_ruby => ["../lib/ruby"] do sh "cp -v jruby-complete-#{JRUBYC_VERSION}.jar ../lib/ruby/jruby-complete.jar" end def check_sha1(filename, expected_hash) require "digest/sha1" sha1 =, "r") do |f| while buf = sha1.update(buf) end end if sha1.hexdigest != expected_hash raise "bad sha1 checksum for #{filename} (expected #{expected_hash} got #{sha1.hexdigest})" end end desc "download, and copy to ruby-processing" task :unpack_samples => [:download_examples, :copy_examples] desc 'download and copy examples to user home' task :download_examples file_name = (MAC_OR_LINUX.nil?) ? "#{EXAMPLES}.zip" : "#{EXAMPLES}.tar.gz" file file_name do begin if MAC_OR_LINUX.nil? sh "wget{EXAMPLES}.zip" else sh "wget{EXAMPLES}.tar.gz" end rescue warn(WARNING) end end desc "copy examples" task :copy_examples => file_name do if MAC_OR_LINUX.nil? sh "unzip #{EXAMPLES},zip" else sh "tar xzvf #{EXAMPLES}.tar.gz" end sh "rm -r #{HOME_DIR}/rp_samples" if File.exist? "#{HOME_DIR}/rp_samples" sh "cp -r Example-Sketches-#{EXAMPLES} #{HOME_DIR}/rp_samples" sh "rm -r Example-Sketches-#{EXAMPLES}" end