module Adyen # Loads configuration settings from a Hash. # # This method is called recursively for every module. The second # argument is used to denote the current working module. def self.load_config(hash, mod = Adyen) hash.each do |key, value| if key.to_s =~ /^[a-z]/ && mod.respond_to?(:"#{key}=") mod.send(:"#{key}=", value) elsif key.to_s =~ /^[A-Z]/ begin submodule = mod.const_get(key) rescue LoadError => e raise "Unknown Adyen module to configure: #{}::#{key}" end self.load_config(value, submodule) else raise "Unknown configuration variable: '#{key}' for #{mod}" end end end # The Rails environment for which to use to Adyen "live" environment. LIVE_RAILS_ENVIRONMENTS = ['production'] # Setter voor the current Adyen environment. # Must be either 'test' or 'live' def self.environment=(env) @environment = env end # Returns the current Adyen environment. # Returns either 'test' or 'live'. def self.environment(override = nil) override || @environment || Adyen.autodetect_environment end # Autodetects the Adyen environment based on the RAILS_ENV constant def self.autodetect_environment (defined?(RAILS_ENV) && Adyen::LIVE_RAILS_ENVIRONMENTS.include?(RAILS_ENV.to_s.downcase)) ? 'live' : 'test' end # Loads submodules on demand, so that dependencies are not required. def self.const_missing(sym) require "adyen/#{sym.to_s.downcase}" return Adyen.const_get(sym) rescue Exception => e super(sym) end end require 'adyen/encoding' require 'adyen/formatter'