# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'misc_shared' RSpec.describe IiifPrint::Data::WorkDerivatives do include_context "shared setup" let(:bare_work) do work = NewspaperPage.new work.title = ['Another one'] work.save! work end let(:work) do # sample work comes from shared setup, but we need derivative, save... mk_txt_derivative(sample_work) sample_work.save!(validate: false) sample_work end let(:adapter) { described_class.new(work) } let(:txt1) do registered_dirs = IiifPrint.config.registered_ingest_dirs registered_dirs.push('/tmp') unless registered_dirs.include?('/tmp') file = Tempfile.new(['txt1', '.txt']) file.write('hello') file.flush file end let(:txt2) do file = Tempfile.new('txt2.txt') file.write('bye') file.flush file end let(:encoded_text) do file = Tempfile.new('txt_encoded.txt', encoding: 'UTF-8') file.write('Gorgonzola Dolce® — on sale for £12.50/kg') file.flush file end describe "enumerates available derivatives like hash" do xit "includes expected derivative path for work" do expect(adapter.keys).to include 'txt' end xit "can be introspected for quantity of derivatives" do # `size` method without argument is count of derivatives, # functions equivalently to adapter.keys.size expect(adapter.size).to eq adapter.keys.size end xit "enumerates expected derivative extension for work" do ext_found = adapter.keys expect(ext_found).to include 'txt' end xit "enumerates expected derivative extension for file set" do file_set = work.members.detect { |m| m.is_a? FileSet } adapter = described_class.new(file_set) ext_found = adapter.keys expect(ext_found).to include 'txt' end xit "enumerates expected derivative extension for file set id" do file_set = work.members.detect { |m| m.is_a? FileSet } adapter = described_class.new(file_set.id) ext_found = adapter.keys expect(ext_found).to include 'txt' end end describe "loads derivatives for a work" do xit "Loads text derivative path" do expect(File.exist?(adapter.path('txt'))).to be true expect(adapter.exist?('txt')).to be true end xit "Loads text derivative data" do expect(adapter.data('txt')).to include 'mythical' end xit "Handles character encoding on read" do # replace fixture text derivative for work with encoded text adapter.attach(encoded_text.path, 'txt') data = adapter.data('txt') expect(data).to include '—' # em-dash expect(data).to include '£' # gb-pound sign expect(data.encoding.to_s).to eq 'UTF-8' end xit "Loads thumbnail derivative data" do mk_thumbnail_derivative(work) # get size by loading data expect(adapter.data('thumbnail').bytes.size).to eq 16_743 # get size by File.size via .size method expect(adapter.size('thumbnail')).to eq 16_743 end xit "Can access jp2 derivative" do mk_jp2_derivative(work) expect(File.exist?(adapter.path('jp2'))).to be true expect(adapter.exist?('jp2')).to be true end end describe "create, update, delete derivatives" do xit "will queue derivative file assignment" do adapter = described_class.new(bare_work) adapter.assign(example_gray_jp2) expect(adapter.assigned).to include example_gray_jp2 end xit "will fail to assign file in non-registered dirs" do adapter = described_class.new(bare_work) # need a non-whitlisted file that exists: bad_path = File.expand_path("../../spec_helper.rb", fixture_path) expect { adapter.assign(bad_path) }.to raise_error(SecurityError) end xit "will remove file assignment from queue" do adapter = described_class.new(bare_work) expect(adapter.state).to eq 'empty' adapter.assign(example_gray_jp2) expect(adapter.assigned).to include example_gray_jp2 expect(adapter.state).to eq 'dirty' adapter.unassign(example_gray_jp2) expect(adapter.assigned).not_to include example_gray_jp2 expect(adapter.state).to eq 'empty' end xit "will queue a deletion" do # Given a work with a derivative (txt) already assigned expect(adapter.state).to eq 'saved' # unassigning path... adapter.unassign('txt') # will lead to queued unassignment (intent to delete)... expect(adapter.unassigned).to include 'txt' # and a 'dirty' adapter state (unflushed changes): expect(adapter.state).to eq 'dirty' end xit "will flush a removal and addition on commit!" do # Given a work with a derivative (txt) already assigned expect(adapter.keys).to include 'txt' expect(adapter.keys).not_to include 'jp2' # unassigning path... adapter.unassign('txt') # and assigning another attachment: adapter.assign(example_gray_jp2) # ...committing these will flush the changes (synchronously): adapter.commit! expect(adapter.keys).not_to include 'txt' expect(adapter.keys).to include 'jp2' expect(adapter.size('jp2')).to eq 27_703 end xit "can attach derivative from file" do expect(adapter.keys).not_to include 'jp2' adapter.attach(example_gray_jp2, 'jp2') expect(adapter.exist?('jp2')).to be true expect(adapter.path('jp2')).not_to be nil expect(File.size(adapter.path('jp2'))).to eq File.size(example_gray_jp2) expect(adapter.keys).to include 'jp2' d_path = path_factory.derivative_path_for_reference(adapter.fileset_id, 'jp2') expect(adapter.values).to include d_path end xit "can replace aderivative with new attachment" do adapter.attach(txt1.path, 'txt') expect(adapter.data('txt')).to eq 'hello' adapter.attach(txt2.path, 'txt') expect(adapter.data('txt')).to eq 'bye' end xit "can delete an attached derivative" do adapter.attach(txt1.path, 'txt') expect(adapter.keys).to include 'txt' expect(adapter.data('txt')).to eq 'hello' adapter.delete('txt') expect(adapter.path('txt')).to be nil expect(adapter.keys).not_to include 'txt' end xit "persists log of attachment to RDBMS" do adapter.assign(txt1.path) result = IiifPrint::DerivativeAttachment.find_by( fileset_id: adapter.fileset.id, path: txt1.path, destination_name: 'txt' ) expect(result).not_to be_nil end xit "persists a log of path relation to primary file" do # this is an integration test by practical necessity, with # WorkFiles adapting a bare work with no fileset. work_files = IiifPrint::Data::WorkFiles.of(bare_work) work_files.assign(example_gray_jp2) adapter = work_files.derivatives adapter.assign(txt1.path) result = IiifPrint::IngestFileRelation.find_by( derivative_path: txt1.path, file_path: example_gray_jp2 ) expect(result).not_to be_nil end xit "commits queued derivatives" do IiifPrint::IngestFileRelation.where(file_path: example_gray_jp2).delete_all work_files = IiifPrint::Data::WorkFiles.of(bare_work) work_files.assign(example_gray_jp2) adapter = work_files.derivatives adapter.assign(txt1.path) expect(File.exist?(txt1.path)).to be true expect(adapter.keys.size).to eq 0 # we need a fileset, saved with import_url, attached to work: fileset = valid_file_set fileset.import_url = 'file://' + example_gray_jp2 fileset.save! bare_work.members.push(fileset) bare_work.save! fileset.reload expect(fileset.member_of[0].id).to eq bare_work.id # with a new adapter instance... adapter2 = described_class.of(bare_work) # call .commit_queued! with our fileset... expect(File.exist?(txt1.path)).to be true adapter2.commit_queued!(fileset) # ...which should result in saved, reloaded derivative... expect(adapter2.keys.size).to eq 1 expect(File.size(adapter2.values[0])).to eq File.size(txt1.path) # ...also found via Hyrax::DerviativePath: found = Hyrax::DerivativePath.derivatives_for_reference(fileset.id) expect(found.size).to eq 1 expect(File.size(found[0])).to eq File.size(txt1.path) end end end