module ClassyEnum module Attributes # Class macro used to associate an enum with an attribute on an ActiveRecord model. # This method is automatically added to all ActiveRecord models when the classy_enum gem # is installed. Accepts an argument for the enum class to be associated with # the model. If the enum class name is different than the field name, then an optional # field name can be passed. ActiveRecord validation is automatically added to ensure # that a value is one of its pre-defined enum members. # # ==== Example # # Associate an enum Priority with Alarm model's priority attribute # class Alarm < ActiveRecord::Base # classy_enum_attr :priority # end # # # Associate an enum Priority with Alarm model's alarm_priority attribute # class Alarm < ActiveRecord::Base # classy_enum_attr :alarm_priority, :enum => :priority # end def classy_enum_attr(*args) options = args.extract_options! attribute = args[0] enum = options[:enum] || attribute allow_blank = options[:allow_blank] || false allow_nil = options[:allow_nil] || false klass = enum.to_s.camelize.constantize self.instance_eval do # Add ActiveRecord validation to ensure it won't be saved unless it's an option validates_inclusion_of attribute, :in => klass.all, :message => "must be one of #{klass.valid_options}", :allow_blank => allow_blank, :allow_nil => allow_nil # Define getter method that returns a ClassyEnum instance define_method attribute do, self) end # Define setter method that accepts either string or symbol for member define_method "#{attribute}=" do |value| value = value.to_s unless value.nil? super(value) end # Store the enum options so it can be later retrieved by Formtastic define_method "#{attribute}_options" do {:enum => enum, :allow_blank => allow_blank} end end end end end