require File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/test_helper") class ActsAsSolr::Post; end class ParserMethodsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "With a parser instance" do setup do @parser = end context "When parsing results" do setup do @results = stub(:results) @results.stubs(:total_hits).returns(2) @results.stubs(:hits).returns([]) @results.stubs(:max_score).returns 2.1 @results.stubs(:data).returns({"responseHeader" => {"QTime" => "10.2"}}) end should "return a SearchResults object" do assert_equal ActsAsSolr::SearchResults, @parser.parse_results(@results).class end should "set the max score" do assert_equal 2.1, @parser.parse_results(@results).max_score end should "include the facets" do @results.stubs(:data).returns({"responseHeader" => {"QTime" => "10.2"}, "facet_counts" => 2}) assert_equal 2, @parser.parse_results(@results, :facets => true).facets end context "when the format requests objects" do setup do @parser.configuration = {:format => :objects} @parser.solr_configuration = {:primary_key_field => :pk_id} @results.stubs(:hits).returns [{"pk_id" => 1}, {"pk_id" => 2}] @parser.stubs(:reorder) end should "query with the record ids" do @parser.expects(:find).with(:all, :conditions => [" in (?)", [1, 2]]).returns [1, 2] @parser.parse_results(@results) end should "reorder the records" do @parser.expects(:reorder).with([], [1, 2]) @parser.parse_results(@results) end should "add :include if :include was specified" do @parser.expects(:find).with(:all, :conditions => [" in (?)", [1, 2]], :include => [:author]).returns [1, 2] @parser.parse_results(@results, :include => [:author]) end end context "when the format doesn't request objects" do setup do @parser.solr_configuration = {:primary_key_field => "pk_id"} end should "not query the database" do @parser.expects(:find).never @parser.parse_results(@results, :format => nil) end should "return just the ids" do @results.stubs(:hits).returns([{"pk_id" => 1}, {"pk_id" => 2}]) assert_equal [1, 2], @parser.parse_results(@results, :format => nil).docs end should "ignore the :lazy option" do @results.stubs(:hits).returns([{"pk_id" => 1}, {"pk_id" => 2}]) assert_equal [1, 2], @parser.parse_results(@results, :format => :ids, :lazy => true).docs end end context "with an empty result set" do setup do @results.stubs(:total_hits).returns(0) @results.stubs(:hits).returns([]) end should "return an empty search results set" do assert_equal 0, @parser.parse_results(@results).total end should "not have any search results" do assert_equal [], @parser.parse_results(@results).docs end end context "with a nil result set" do should "return an empty search results set" do assert_equal 0, @parser.parse_results(nil).total end end context "with the scores option" do should "add the scores" do @parser.expects(:add_scores).with([], @results) @parser.parse_results(@results, :scores => true) end end context "with lazy format" do setup do @parser.solr_configuration = {:primary_key_field => :pk_id} @results.stubs(:hits).returns([{"pk_id" => 1}, {"pk_id" => 2}]) end should "create LazyDocuments for the resulting docs" do result = @parser.parse_results(@results, :lazy => true) assert_equal ActsAsSolr::LazyDocument, result.results.first.class end should "set the document id as the record id" do result = @parser.parse_results(@results, :lazy => true) assert_equal 1, end should "set the document class" do result = @parser.parse_results(@results, :lazy => true) assert_equal ActsAsSolr::ParserInstance, result.results.first.clazz.class end end end context "when reordering results" do should "raise an error if arguments don't have the same number of elements" do assert_raise(RuntimeError) {@parser.reorder([], [1])} end should "reorder the results to match the order of the documents returned by solr" do thing1 = stub(:thing1) thing1.stubs(:id).returns 5 thing2 = stub(:thing2) thing2.stubs(:id).returns 1 thing3 = stub(:things3) thing3.stubs(:id).returns 3 things = [thing1, thing2, thing3] reordered = @parser.reorder(things, [1, 3, 5]) assert_equal [1, 3, 5], reordered.collect{|thing|} end end context "When parsing a query" do setup do ActsAsSolr::Post.stubs(:execute) @parser.stubs(:solr_type_condition).returns "(type:ParserMethodsTest)" @parser.solr_configuration = {:primary_key_field => "id"} @parser.configuration = {:solr_fields => nil} end should "set the limit and offset" do ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).with {|request| 10 == request.to_hash[:rows] 20 == request.to_hash[:start] } @parser.parse_query "foo", :limit => 10, :offset => 20 end should "set the operator" do ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).with {|request| "OR" == request.to_hash["q.op"] } @parser.parse_query "foo", :operator => :or end should "not execute anything if the query is nil" do ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).never assert_nil @parser.parse_query(nil) end should "not execute anything if the query is ''" do ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).never assert_nil @parser.parse_query('') end should "raise an error if invalid options where specified" do assert_raise(RuntimeError) {@parser.parse_query "foo", :invalid => true} end should "add the type" do ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).with {|request| request.to_hash[:q].include?("(type:ParserMethodsTest)") } @parser.parse_query "foo" end should "append the field types for the specified fields" do ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).with {|request| request.to_hash[:q].include?("(username_t:Chunky)") } @parser.parse_query "username:Chunky" end should "replace the field types" do @parser.expects(:replace_types).returns(["active_i:1"]) ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).with {|request| request.to_hash[:q].include?("active_i:1") } @parser.parse_query "active:1" end should "add score and primary key to field list" do ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).with {|request| request.to_hash[:fl] == ('id,score') } @parser.parse_query "foo" end context "with the order option" do should "add the order criteria to the query" do ActsAsSolr::Post.expects(:execute).with {|request| request.to_hash[:q].include?(";active_t desc") } @parser.parse_query "active:1", :order => "active desc" end end context "with facets" do end end context "When setting the field types" do setup do @parser.configuration = {:solr_fields => {:name => {:type => :string}, :age => {:type => :integer}}} end should "replace the _t suffix with the real type" do assert_equal ["name_s:Chunky AND age_i:21"], @parser.replace_types(["name_t:Chunky AND age_t:21"]) end context "with a suffix" do should "not include the colon when false" do assert_equal ["name_s"], @parser.replace_types(["name_t"], false) end should "include the colon by default" do assert_equal ["name_s:Chunky"], @parser.replace_types(["name_t:Chunky"]) end end end context "When adding scores" do setup do @solr_data = stub(:results) @solr_data.stubs(:total_hits).returns(1) @solr_data.stubs(:hits).returns([{"id" => 2, "score" => 2.546}]) @solr_data.stubs(:max_score).returns 2.1 @results = [] @parser.stubs(:record_id).returns(2) @parser.solr_configuration = {:primary_key_field => "id"} end should "add the score to the result document" do assert_equal 2.546, @parser.add_scores(@results, @solr_data).first.last.solr_score end end end end