#-- # Copyright (c) 2008-2012 David Kellum # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. #++ require 'rjack-slf4j/base' require 'java' module RJack # Wrapper and core Logger compatible adapter for the # SLF4J[http://www.slf4j.org/] logging interface. # # == Usage # # require 'rjack-slf4j' # # log = RJack::SLF4J[ "my.app.logger" ] # log.info "Hello World!" # # == Adapters # # An output adapter must be required before the first log call. All # of the following output adapters are available via +require+ from # the slf4j gem: # # require 'rjack-slf4j/jcl' # Output to Jakarta Commons Logging # require 'rjack-slf4j/jdk14' # JDK java.util.logging (JUL) # require 'rjack-slf4j/log4j12' # Log4j (provided elsewhere) # require 'rjack-slf4j/nop' # NOP null logger (provided) # require 'rjack-slf4j/simple' # Simple logger (provided) # # The rjack-logback[http://rjack.rubyforge.org/logback] gem may # also be be used as the output adapter: # # require 'rjack-logback' # # The first loaded output adapter wins (as with multiple adapters on # the classpath). A warning will be logged to "slf4j" if an attempt is # made to require a second output adapter. # # The following input adapters will intercept JCL, java.util.logging # (JUL), or log4j log output and direct it through SLF4J: # # require 'rjack-slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j' # Route Jakarta Commons Logging to SLF4J # require 'rjack-slf4j/log4j-over-slf4j' # Log4j to SLF4J # # require 'rjack-slf4j/jul-to-slf4j' # JDK java.util.logging (JUL) to SLF4J # RJack::SLF4J::JUL.replace_root_handlers # Special case setup for JUL # # Multiple input adapters may be require'd. However, a RuntimeError # will be raised in the attempt to require both an output adapter and # input adapter from/to the same interface, for example # 'rjack-slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j' and 'rjack-slf4j/jcl', which would otherwise cause # a circular logging loop (and stack overflow.) # # Adapter names match the corresponding SLF4J jars. # module SLF4J # Require an adapter by name (add the jar to classpath) # This is normally done via require 'slf4j/_name_' def self.require_adapter( name ) row = ADAPTERS.assoc( name ) if row name,ban = row output = false else row = ADAPTERS.rassoc( name ) ban,name = row output = true end if @@loaded[ ban ] raise "Illegal attempt to load '#{name}' when '#{ban}' is loaded." end if output if ! @@output_name.nil? && name != @@output_name logger("slf4j").warn do "Ignoring attempt to load #{name} after #{@@output_name} already loaded." end return end if java.lang.Thread::current_thread.context_class_loader != @@api_loader $stderr.puts( "WARNING: Attempting to load #{name} in child class" + " loader of slf4j-api.jar loader." ) end require_jar( 'slf4j-' + name ) @@output_name = name else require_jar( name ) end @@loaded[ name ] = true end def self.require_jar( name ) # :nodoc: require File.join( SLF4J_DIR, "#{name}-#{ SLF4J_VERSION }.jar" ) end require_jar 'slf4j-api' @@api_loader = org.slf4j.ILoggerFactory.java_class.class_loader @@loaded = {} @@output_name = nil # Output adapter name if one has been added, or nil. def self.output_name @@output_name end # SLF4J severity levels LEVELS = %w{ trace debug info warn error } # Return a java style class name, suitable as a logger name, from the # given ruby class or module, i.e: # # to_log_name( Foo::Bar::Baz ) --> "foo.bar.Baz" # def self.to_log_name( clz ) clz.name.gsub( /::/, '.' ).gsub( /([^\.]+)\./ ) { |m| m.downcase } end class << self alias ruby_to_java_logger_name to_log_name end # Logger compatible facade over org.slf4j.Logger # # === Generated Methods # # Corresponding methods are generated for each of the SLF4J levels: # # * trace # * debug # * info # * warn # * error # * fatal (alias to error) # # These have the form (using _info_ as example): # # log = Logger.new( "name" ) # log.info? # Is this level enabled for logging? # log.info( "message" ) # Log message # log.info { "message" } # Execute block if enabled # and log returned value # log.info( "message", ex ) # Log message with exception message/stack trace # log.info( ex ) { "message" } # Log message with exception message/stack trace # log.info( ex ) # Log exception with default "Exception:" message # # Note that the exception variants are aware of JRuby's # NativeException class (a wrapped java exception) and will log # using the Java ex.cause in this case. # class Logger attr_reader :name # Create new or find existing Logger by name. If name is a Module (Class, etc.) # then use SLF4J.to_log_name( name ) as the name # # Note that loggers are arranged in a hiearchy by dot '.' name # notation using java package/class name conventions: # # * "pmodule" # * "pmodule.cmodule." # * "pmodule.cmodule.ClassName" # # Which enables hierarchical level setting and abbreviation in some output adapters. # def initialize( name ) @name = name.is_a?( Module ) ? SLF4J.to_log_name( name ) : name @logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger( @name ) end # Return underlying org.slf4j.Logger def java_logger @logger end # Define logging methods for each level: debug(), error(), etc. LEVELS.each do |lvl| module_eval( %Q{ def #{lvl}? @logger.is#{lvl.capitalize}Enabled end def #{lvl}( msg=nil, ex=nil ) if msg.is_a?( Exception ) && ex.nil? msg, ex = "Exception:", msg end msg = yield if ( block_given? && #{lvl}? ) if msg if ex #{lvl}_ex( msg, ex ) else @logger.#{lvl}( msg.to_s ) end end end def #{lvl}_ex( msg, ex ) if ex.is_a?( NativeException ) @logger.#{lvl}( msg.to_s, ex.cause ) elsif #{lvl}? log = msg.to_s log << '\n' log << ex.class.name << ': ' << ex.message << '\n' ex.backtrace.each do |b| log << '\t' << b << '\n' end @logger.#{lvl}( log ) end end } ) end # Alias fatal to error for Logger compatibility alias_method :fatal, :error alias_method :fatal?, :error? end # Get Logger by name def logger( name = self.class.name ) Logger.new( name ) end module_function :logger # Synonym for Logger.new( name ) def self.[]( name ) Logger.new( name ) end # The ILoggerFactory instance if an output adapter has been loaded def self.linked_factory org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory end end end