require 'spec_helper' describe Somadic::Channel::Soma do it 'can play Soma' do if pidlist.empty? soma ={ channel: 'secretagent130' }) soma.start sleep secs_to_wait # let it spin up expect(pidlist.count).to be > 0 soma.stop sleep secs_to_wait / 2 # let it die expect(pidlist.empty?).to be true else puts "\n!!! mplayer is already running, skipping Soma test." end end it 'blows up with a bad channel' it 'can get a channel list' do soma ={ channel: 'secretagent130' }) expect(soma.channels.count).to be > 0 expect(soma.channels.include?({ id: 0, name: 'secretagent' })).to be true expect(soma.channels.include?({ id: 0, name: 'groovesalad' })).to be true end end