Feature: Auto index page
Scenario: Create index file in directories that have "index.html.erb"
Given a fixture app "drawer-app"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html |
| build/not_empty_dir/index.html |
And the file "build/index.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html" should contain "Sample"
And the file "build/not_empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Not Empty"
Scenario: Create index file in directories that have "index.html.md"
Given a fixture app "drawer-app-with-markdown"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html |
| build/not_empty_dir/index.html |
And the file "build/index.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html" should contain "Sample"
And the file "build/not_empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Not Empty"
Scenario: Create index file in directories that have "index.html" without "build/index.html"
Given a fixture app "drawer-app"
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with:
Root Index
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And a file named "build/index.html" should exist
And the file "build/index.html" should contain "Root Index"
Scenario: Don't create index file in default exclude directories
Given a fixture app "drawer-app"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should not exist:
| build/images/index.html |
| build/stylesheets/index.html |
| build/javascripts/index.html |
| build/layouts/index.html |
| build/templates/index.html |
Scenario: Don't create a file in exclude_path option
Given a fixture app "drawer-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :tansu, :exclude_path => %w(exclude not_exclude/exclude)
And a directory named "source/exclude"
And a directory named "source/not_exclude/exclude"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html |
| build/not_empty_dir/index.html |
| build/not_exclude/index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| build/exclude/index.html |
| build/not_exclude/exclude/index.html |
Scenario: Use :index_template_name option
Given a fixture app "drawer-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :tansu, :index_template_name => "template.html"
And a file named "source/templates/template.html.erb" with:
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html |
| build/not_empty_dir/index.html |
And the file "build/index.html" should contain "template.html.erb"
And the file "build/empty_dir/index.html" should contain "template.html.erb"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html" should contain "template.html.erb"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html" should contain "Sample"
And the file "build/not_empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Not Empty"
Scenario: Use :templates_dir option
Given a fixture app "drawer-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :tansu, :templates_dir => "alt_templates"
And a directory named "source/alt_templates"
And a file named "source/alt_templates/index.html.erb" with:
Alt Template
And a file named "source/templates/index.html.erb" with:
Old Template
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html |
| build/not_empty_dir/index.html |
| build/templates/index.html |
And the file "build/index.html" should contain "Alt Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Alt Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Alt Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html" should contain "Sample"
And the file "build/not_empty_dir/index.html" should contain "Not Empty"
And the file "build/templates/index.html" should contain "Old Template"
Scenario: Use :default_document option
Given a fixture app "drawer-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :tansu, :default_document => "default.html"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/default.html |
| build/empty_dir/default.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/default.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html |
| build/not_empty_dir/index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| build/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/index.html |
| build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/index.html |
And the file "build/default.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/default.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/default.html" should contain "Proxy Template"
And the file "build/empty_dir/sub_empty_dir/sample.html" should contain "Sample"
And the file "build/not_empty_dir/default.html" should contain "Proxy Template"