require 'spec_helper' require 'uri' require 'webmock/rspec' describe "OandaAPI::Client" do describe ".query_string_normalizer" do let(:query_string_normalizer) { OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:query_string_normalizer] } it "responds to :call" do expect(query_string_normalizer.respond_to? :call).to be true end it "converts a hash to a query params string with camelized keys" do hash = { ruby_key1: 1 } expect( eq("rubyKey1=1") end it "sorts query parameters alphabetically" do hash = { ruby_key: 1, a_b_c: 1 } expect( eq("aBC=1&rubyKey=1") end it "URI encodes the parameter values" do hash = { key: "a,b,c" } expect( eq("key=a%2Cb%2Cc") end it "converts array values into comma-delimited strings" do hash = { key: %w(a b c) } expect( eq("key=a%2Cb%2Cc") end it "works with nil values" do hash = { camel_key: nil } expect( eq("camelKey") end end describe ".throttle_request_rate" do before(:all) do @throttle_setting = OandaAPI.configuration.use_request_throttling end after(:all) do OandaAPI.configuration.use_request_throttling = @throttle_setting end context "without request throttling" do it "does not throttle" do OandaAPI.configuration.use_request_throttling = false last_throttled_at = OandaAPI::Client.last_throttled_at (OandaAPI.configuration.max_requests_per_second + 2).times do OandaAPI::Client.throttle_request_rate end expect(OandaAPI::Client.last_throttled_at).to eq last_throttled_at end end context "with request throttling" do it "limits the number of requests per second" do OandaAPI.configuration.use_request_throttling = true before_throttled_at = (OandaAPI.configuration.max_requests_per_second + 2).times do OandaAPI::Client.throttle_request_rate end expect(OandaAPI::Client.last_throttled_at).to be > before_throttled_at end end end describe "#api_uri" do let(:client) { { include OandaAPI::Client }.new } it "is domain specific" do uris = {} OandaAPI::DOMAINS.each do |domain| client.domain = domain uris[client.api_uri("/path")] = domain end expect(uris.size).to eq(3) end it "is an absolute URI" do OandaAPI::DOMAINS.each do |domain| client.domain = domain uri = URI.parse client.api_uri("/path") expect(uri.absolute?).to be true end end end describe "#load_persistent_connection_adapter" do let(:client) { ( { include OandaAPI::Client }).new } it "is called by the constructor of an including class" do OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:connection_adapter] = nil expect(OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:connection_adapter]).to be_nil klass = { include OandaAPI::Client } instance = expect(OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:connection_adapter]).to be_a HTTParty::Persistent::ConnectionAdapter instance = {connection_adapter_options: {keep_alive: 20}} ) expect(OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:connection_adapter_options][:keep_alive]).to eq 20 end it "loads a persistent connection adapter" do OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:connection_adapter] = nil expect(OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:connection_adapter]).to be_nil client.load_persistent_connection_adapter keep_alive: 30 expect(OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:connection_adapter]).to be_a HTTParty::Persistent::ConnectionAdapter end it "overrides a persistent connection adapter settings" do client.load_persistent_connection_adapter pool_size: OandaAPI.configuration.connection_pool_size + 1 expect(OandaAPI::Client.default_options[:connection_adapter_options][:pool_size]).to eq OandaAPI.configuration.connection_pool_size + 1 end end describe "#execute_request" do let(:client) { "spongebob" } it "returns a response for a successful request" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: "{\"accounts\" : []}", headers: { "content-type" => "application/json" }) expect(client.execute_request(:get, "/accounts")).to be_an OandaAPI::ResourceCollection end it "raises OandaAPI::RequestError for an invalid request" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: [404, "Something bad happened (but we still love you)."]) expect { client.execute_request :get, "/accounts/a_bad_request" }.to raise_error(OandaAPI::RequestError) end end end