require 'thor' require 'bundler' require_relative '../../utils/named_thor_actions' require_relative '../../utils/ig_downloader' require_relative '../../version' module Inferno module CLI class New < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Inferno::Utils::NamedThorActions include Inferno::Utils::IgDownloader desc <<~HELP Generate a new Inferno test kit for FHIR software testing Examples: `inferno new my_test_kit` => generates an Inferno test kit `inferno new test-us-core -i` => generates Inferno test kit with US Core 6.1.0 implementation guide `inferno new TestMatching -i` => generates Inferno test kit with an implementation guide from its continuous web build `inferno new test-my-ig -a "My Name" -i file:///absolute/path/to/my/ig/package.tgz` => generates Inferno test kit with a local IG and specifies My Name as gem author `inferno new test_my_igs -a "My Name" -a "Another Name" -i file:///my/first/package.tgz -i` => generates Inferno test kit with multiple IGs and multiple authors HELP def self.banner 'inferno new TEST_KIT_NAME' end def self.source_root File.join(__dir__, 'templates') end argument :name, type: :string, required: true, desc: 'name for new Inferno project' class_option :author, type: :string, aliases: '-a', default: [], repeatable: true, desc: "Author names for gemspec file; you may use '-a' multiple times" class_option :skip_bundle, type: :boolean, aliases: '-b', default: false, desc: 'Do not run bundle install or inferno migrate' class_option :implementation_guide, type: :string, aliases: '-i', repeatable: true, desc: 'Load an Implementation Guide by FHIR Registry name, URL, or absolute path' add_runtime_options! def create_test_kit directory('.', root_name, { mode: :preserve, recursive: true, verbose: !options['quiet'] }) inside(root_name) do bundle_install inferno_migrate load_igs end say_unless_quiet "Created #{root_name} Inferno Test Kit!", :green return unless options['pretend'] say_unless_quiet 'This was a dry run; re-run without `--pretend` to actually create project', :yellow end private def authors options['author'].presence || [default_author] end def default_author ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'] || 'PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE' end def bundle_install return if options['skip_bundle'] Bundler.with_unbundled_env do run 'bundle install', verbose: !options['quiet'], capture: options['quiet'] end end def inferno_migrate return if options['skip_bundle'] run 'bundle exec inferno migrate', verbose: !options['quiet'], capture: options['quiet'] end def load_igs config = { verbose: !options['quiet'] } options['implementation_guide']&.each_with_index do |ig, idx| uri = options['implementation_guide'].length == 1 ? load_ig(ig, nil, config) : load_ig(ig, idx, config) say_unless_quiet "Downloaded IG from #{uri}" rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e say_unless_quiet "Failed to install implementation guide #{ig}", :red say_unless_quiet e.message, :red rescue StandardError => e say_unless_quiet e.message, :red end end def say_unless_quiet(*args) say(*args) unless options['quiet'] end end end end