module Cucumber module Ast # Represents the root node of a parsed feature. class Feature attr_accessor :file, :language attr_writer :features attr_reader :name def initialize(background, comment, tags, name, feature_elements) @background, @comment, @tags, @name, @feature_elements = background, comment, tags, name.strip, feature_elements background.feature = self if background @feature_elements.each do |feature_element| feature_element.feature = self end end def accept(visitor) visitor.visit_comment(@comment) unless @comment.empty? visitor.visit_tags(@tags) visitor.visit_feature_name(@name) visitor.visit_background(@background) if @background @feature_elements.each do |feature_element| visitor.visit_feature_element(feature_element) end end def accept_hook?(hook) @tags.accept_hook?(hook) end def next_feature_element(feature_element, &proc) index = @feature_elements.index(feature_element) next_one = @feature_elements[index+1] if next_one end def backtrace_line(step_name, line) "#{file_colon_line(line)}:in `#{step_name}'" end def file_colon_line(line) "#{@file}:#{line}" end def to_sexp sexp = [:feature, @file, @name] comment = @comment.to_sexp sexp += [comment] if comment tags = @tags.to_sexp sexp += tags if tags.any? sexp += [@background.to_sexp] if @background sexp +={|fe| fe.to_sexp} sexp end end end end