# encoding: utf-8 require 'logstash/errors' require "treetop" class Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode def compile return "" if elements.nil? return elements.collect(&:compile).reject(&:empty?).join("") end # Traverse the syntax tree recursively. # The order should respect the order of the configuration file as it is read # and written by humans (and the order in which it is parsed). def recurse(e, depth=0, &block) r = block.call(e, depth) e.elements.each { |e| recurse(e, depth + 1, &block) } if r && e.elements nil end def recursive_inject(results=[], &block) if !elements.nil? elements.each do |element| if block.call(element) results << element else element.recursive_inject(results, &block) end end end return results end # When Treetop parses the configuration file # it will generate a tree, the generated tree will contain # a few `Empty` nodes to represent the actual space/tab or newline in the file. # Some of theses node will point to our concrete class. # To fetch a specific types of object we need to follow each branch # and ignore the empty nodes. def recursive_select(klass) return recursive_inject { |e| e.is_a?(klass) } end def recursive_inject_parent(results=[], &block) if !parent.nil? if block.call(parent) results << parent else parent.recursive_inject_parent(results, &block) end end return results end def recursive_select_parent(results=[], klass) return recursive_inject_parent(results) { |e| e.is_a?(klass) } end end module LogStash; module Config; module AST def self.defered_conditionals=(val) @defered_conditionals = val end def self.defered_conditionals @defered_conditionals end def self.defered_conditionals_index @defered_conditionals_index end def self.defered_conditionals_index=(val) @defered_conditionals_index = val end class Node < Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode def text_value_for_comments text_value.gsub(/[\r\n]/, " ") end end class Config < Node def compile LogStash::Config::AST.defered_conditionals = [] LogStash::Config::AST.defered_conditionals_index = 0 code = [] code << <<-CODE @inputs = [] @filters = [] @outputs = [] @periodic_flushers = [] @shutdown_flushers = [] CODE sections = recursive_select(LogStash::Config::AST::PluginSection) sections.each do |s| code << s.compile_initializer end # start inputs definitions = [] ["filter", "output"].each do |type| # defines @filter_func and @output_func # This need to be defined as a singleton method # so each instance of the pipeline has his own implementation # of the output/filter function definitions << "define_singleton_method :#{type}_func do |event|" definitions << " targeted_outputs = []" if type == "output" definitions << " events = [event]" if type == "filter" definitions << " @logger.debug? && @logger.debug(\"#{type} received\", :event => event.to_hash)" sections.select { |s| s.plugin_type.text_value == type }.each do |s| definitions << s.compile.split("\n", -1).map { |e| " #{e}" } end definitions << " events" if type == "filter" definitions << " targeted_outputs" if type == "output" definitions << "end" end code += definitions.join("\n").split("\n", -1).collect { |l| " #{l}" } code += LogStash::Config::AST.defered_conditionals return code.join("\n") end end class Comment < Node; end class Whitespace < Node; end class PluginSection < Node # Global plugin numbering for the janky instance variable naming we use # like @filter__1 @@i = 0 # Generate ruby code to initialize all the plugins. def compile_initializer generate_variables code = [] @variables.each do |plugin, name| code << <<-CODE #{name} = #{plugin.compile_initializer} @#{plugin.plugin_type}s << #{name} CODE # The flush method for this filter. if plugin.plugin_type == "filter" code << <<-CODE #{name}_flush = lambda do |options, &block| @logger.debug? && @logger.debug(\"Flushing\", :plugin => #{name}) events = #{name}.flush(options) return if events.nil? || events.empty? @logger.debug? && @logger.debug(\"Flushing\", :plugin => #{name}, :events => events) #{plugin.compile_starting_here.gsub(/^/, " ")} events.each{|e| block.call(e)} end if #{name}.respond_to?(:flush) @periodic_flushers << #{name}_flush if #{name}.periodic_flush @shutdown_flushers << #{name}_flush end CODE end end return code.join("\n") end def variable(object) generate_variables return @variables[object] end def generate_variables return if !@variables.nil? @variables = {} plugins = recursive_select(Plugin) plugins.each do |plugin| # Unique number for every plugin. @@i += 1 # store things as ivars, like @filter_grok_3 var = "@#{plugin.plugin_type}_#{plugin.plugin_name}_#{@@i}" @variables[plugin] = var end return @variables end end class Plugins < Node; end class Plugin < Node def plugin_type if recursive_select_parent(Plugin).any? return "codec" else return recursive_select_parent(PluginSection).first.plugin_type.text_value end end def plugin_name return name.text_value end def variable_name return recursive_select_parent(PluginSection).first.variable(self) end def compile_initializer # If any parent is a Plugin, this must be a codec. if attributes.elements.nil? return "plugin(#{plugin_type.inspect}, #{plugin_name.inspect})" << (plugin_type == "codec" ? "" : "\n") else settings = attributes.recursive_select(Attribute).collect(&:compile).reject(&:empty?) attributes_code = "LogStash::Util.hash_merge_many(#{settings.map { |c| "{ #{c} }" }.join(", ")})" return "plugin(#{plugin_type.inspect}, #{plugin_name.inspect}, #{attributes_code})" << (plugin_type == "codec" ? "" : "\n") end end def compile case plugin_type when "input" return "start_input(#{variable_name})" when "filter" return <<-CODE events = #{variable_name}.multi_filter(events) CODE when "output" return "targeted_outputs << #{variable_name}\n" when "codec" settings = attributes.recursive_select(Attribute).collect(&:compile).reject(&:empty?) attributes_code = "LogStash::Util.hash_merge_many(#{settings.map { |c| "{ #{c} }" }.join(", ")})" return "plugin(#{plugin_type.inspect}, #{plugin_name.inspect}, #{attributes_code})" end end def compile_starting_here return unless plugin_type == "filter" # only filter supported. expressions = [ LogStash::Config::AST::Branch, LogStash::Config::AST::Plugin ] code = [] # Find the branch we are in, if any (the 'if' statement, etc) self_branch = recursive_select_parent(LogStash::Config::AST::BranchEntry).first # Find any siblings to our branch so we can skip them later. For example, # if we are in an 'else if' we want to skip any sibling 'else if' or # 'else' blocks. branch_siblings = [] if self_branch branch_siblings = recursive_select_parent(LogStash::Config::AST::Branch).first \ .recursive_select(LogStash::Config::AST::BranchEntry) \ .reject { |b| b == self_branch } end #ast = recursive_select_parent(LogStash::Config::AST::PluginSection).first ast = recursive_select_parent(LogStash::Config::AST::Config).first found = false recurse(ast) do |element, depth| next false if element.is_a?(LogStash::Config::AST::PluginSection) && element.plugin_type.text_value != "filter" if element == self found = true next false end if found && expressions.include?(element.class) code << element.compile next false end next false if branch_siblings.include?(element) next true end return code.collect { |l| "#{l}\n" }.join("") end # def compile_starting_here end class Name < Node def compile return text_value.inspect end end class Attribute < Node def compile return %Q(#{name.compile} => #{value.compile}) end end class RValue < Node; end class Value < RValue; end module Unicode def self.wrap(text) return "(" + text.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8).inspect + ")" end end class Bareword < Value def compile return Unicode.wrap(text_value) end end class String < Value def compile return Unicode.wrap(text_value[1...-1]) end end class RegExp < Value def compile return "Regexp.new(" + Unicode.wrap(text_value[1...-1]) + ")" end end class Number < Value def compile return text_value end end class Array < Value def compile return "[" << recursive_select(Value).collect(&:compile).reject(&:empty?).join(", ") << "]" end end class Hash < Value def validate! duplicate_values = find_duplicate_keys if duplicate_values.size > 0 raise ConfigurationError.new( I18n.t("logstash.agent.configuration.invalid_plugin_settings_duplicate_keys", :keys => duplicate_values.join(', '), :line => input.line_of(interval.first), :column => input.column_of(interval.first), :byte => interval.first + 1, :after => input[0..interval.first] ) ) end end def find_duplicate_keys values = recursive_select(HashEntry).collect { |hash_entry| hash_entry.name.text_value } values.find_all { |v| values.count(v) > 1 }.uniq end def compile validate! return "{" << recursive_select(HashEntry).collect(&:compile).reject(&:empty?).join(", ") << "}" end end class HashEntries < Node end class HashEntry < Node def compile return %Q(#{name.compile} => #{value.compile}) end end class BranchOrPlugin < Node; end class Branch < Node def compile # this construct is non obvious. we need to loop through each event and apply the conditional. # each branch of a conditional will contain a construct (a filter for example) that also loops through # the events variable so we have to initialize it to [event] for the branch code. # at the end, events is returned to handle the case where no branch match and no branch code is executed # so we must make sure to return the current event. type = recursive_select_parent(PluginSection).first.plugin_type.text_value if type == "filter" i = LogStash::Config::AST.defered_conditionals_index += 1 source = <<-CODE def cond_func_#{i}(input_events) result = [] input_events.each do |event| events = [event] #{super} end result += events end result end CODE LogStash::Config::AST.defered_conditionals << source <<-CODE events = cond_func_#{i}(events) CODE else # Output <<-CODE #{super} end CODE end end end class BranchEntry < Node; end class If < BranchEntry def compile children = recursive_inject { |e| e.is_a?(Branch) || e.is_a?(Plugin) } return "if #{condition.compile} # if #{condition.text_value_for_comments}\n" \ << children.collect(&:compile).map { |s| s.split("\n", -1).map { |l| " " + l }.join("\n") }.join("") << "\n" end end class Elsif < BranchEntry def compile children = recursive_inject { |e| e.is_a?(Branch) || e.is_a?(Plugin) } return "elsif #{condition.compile} # else if #{condition.text_value_for_comments}\n" \ << children.collect(&:compile).map { |s| s.split("\n", -1).map { |l| " " + l }.join("\n") }.join("") << "\n" end end class Else < BranchEntry def compile children = recursive_inject { |e| e.is_a?(Branch) || e.is_a?(Plugin) } return "else\n" \ << children.collect(&:compile).map { |s| s.split("\n", -1).map { |l| " " + l }.join("\n") }.join("") << "\n" end end class Condition < Node def compile return "(#{super})" end end module Expression def compile return "(#{super})" end end module NegativeExpression def compile return "!(#{super})" end end module ComparisonExpression; end module InExpression def compile item, list = recursive_select(LogStash::Config::AST::RValue) return "(x = #{list.compile}; x.respond_to?(:include?) && x.include?(#{item.compile}))" end end module NotInExpression def compile item, list = recursive_select(LogStash::Config::AST::RValue) return "(x = #{list.compile}; !x.respond_to?(:include?) || !x.include?(#{item.compile}))" end end class MethodCall < Node def compile arguments = recursive_inject { |e| [String, Number, Selector, Array, MethodCall].any? { |c| e.is_a?(c) } } return "#{method.text_value}(" << arguments.collect(&:compile).join(", ") << ")" end end class RegexpExpression < Node def compile operator = recursive_select(LogStash::Config::AST::RegExpOperator).first.text_value item, regexp = recursive_select(LogStash::Config::AST::RValue) # Compile strings to regexp's if regexp.is_a?(LogStash::Config::AST::String) regexp = "/#{regexp.text_value[1..-2]}/" else regexp = regexp.compile end return "(#{item.compile} #{operator} #{regexp})" end end module ComparisonOperator def compile return " #{text_value} " end end module RegExpOperator def compile return " #{text_value} " end end module BooleanOperator def compile return " #{text_value} " end end class Selector < RValue def compile return "event[#{text_value.inspect}]" end end class SelectorElement < Node; end end; end; end # Monkeypatch Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode's inspect method to skip # any Whitespace or SyntaxNodes with no children. class Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode def _inspect(indent="") em = extension_modules interesting_methods = methods-[em.last ? em.last.methods : nil]-self.class.instance_methods im = interesting_methods.size > 0 ? " (#{interesting_methods.join(",")})" : "" tv = text_value tv = "...#{tv[-20..-1]}" if tv.size > 20 indent + self.class.to_s.sub(/.*:/,'') + em.map{|m| "+"+m.to_s.sub(/.*:/,'')}*"" + " offset=#{interval.first}" + ", #{tv.inspect}" + im + (elements && elements.size > 0 ? ":" + (elements.select { |e| !e.is_a?(LogStash::Config::AST::Whitespace) && e.elements && e.elements.size > 0 }||[]).map{|e| begin "\n"+e.inspect(indent+" ") rescue # Defend against inspect not taking a parameter "\n"+indent+" "+e.inspect end }.join("") : "" ) end end