# frozen_string_literal: true module Vedeu module Interfaces # Clear the named interface. # class Clear include Vedeu::Common class << self # Clear the interface with the given name. # # @example # Vedeu.trigger(:_clear_view_, name) # Vedeu.clear_by_name(name) # # @return [Array<Array<Vedeu::Views::Char>>] # @see #initialize def render(name = Vedeu.focus) name || Vedeu.focus new(name).render end alias_method :clear_by_name, :render alias_method :by_name, :render # Clear the content of the interface with the given name. # # @example # Vedeu.trigger(:_clear_view_content_, name) # Vedeu.clear_content_by_name(name) # # @return [Array<Array<Vedeu::Views::Char>>] # @see #initialize def clear_content_by_name(name = Vedeu.focus) name || Vedeu.focus new(name, content_only: true, direct: true).render end end # Eigenclass # Return a new instance of Vedeu::Interfaces::Clear. # # @param name [String|Symbol] The name of the interface to # clear. # @param options [Hash] # @option options content_only [Boolean] Only clear the content # not the border as well. Defaults to false. # @option options direct [Boolean] Write the content directly # to the terminal using a faster mechanism. The virtual buffer # will still be updated. This improves the refresh time for # Vedeu as we will not be building a grid of # {Vedeu::Views::Char} objects. # @return [Vedeu::Interfaces::Clear] def initialize(name, options = {}) @name = present?(name) ? name : Vedeu.focus @options = options end # @return [Array<Array<Vedeu::Views::Char>>] def render if direct? Vedeu.direct_write(optimised_output) Vedeu::Buffers::Terminal.update(output) else Vedeu.render_output(output) end end protected # @!attribute [r] name # @return [String|Symbol] attr_reader :name private # @return [String] A string of blank characters. def chars @chars ||= (' ' * width) end # @return [Vedeu::Colours::Colour] def colour @colour ||= interface.colour end # @return [Boolean] def content_only? options[:content_only] end # @return [Hash<Symbol => Boolean>] def defaults { content_only: false, direct: false, } end # @return [Boolean] def direct? options[:direct] end # Returns the geometry for the interface. # # @return (see Vedeu::Geometries::Repository#by_name) def geometry @geometry ||= Vedeu.geometries.by_name(name) end # @return [Fixnum] def height @height ||= if content_only? geometry.bordered_height else geometry.height end end # @return [Vedeu::Interfaces::Interface] def interface Vedeu.interfaces.by_name(name) end # @return [Hash<Symbol => Boolean>] def options defaults.merge!(@options) end # @return [String] def optimised_output Vedeu.timer("Optimised clearing #{clearing}: '#{name}'") do height.times.map do |iy| [ build_position(y + iy, x), colour.to_s, chars, ].join end.join + build_position(y, x) end end # For each visible line of the interface, set the foreground and # background colours to those specified when the interface was # defined, then starting write space characters over the area # which the interface occupies. # # @return [Array<Array<Vedeu::Views::Char>>] def output Vedeu.timer("Clearing #{clearing}: '#{name}'") do @clear ||= Array.new(height) do |iy| Array.new(width) do |ix| Vedeu::Cells::Clear.new(colour: colour, name: name, position: [y + iy, x + ix]) end end end end # @return [String] def clearing @clearing ||= if content_only? 'content' else 'interface' end end # @param pos_y [Fixnum] # @param pos_x [Fixnum] # @return [Vedeu::Geometries::Position] # @todo Not sure if #to_s is required here. (GL: 2015-11-30) def build_position(pos_y, pos_x) Vedeu::Geometries::Position.new(pos_y, pos_x).to_s end # @return [Fixnum] def width @width ||= if content_only? geometry.bordered_width else geometry.width end end # @return [Fixnum] def y @y ||= if content_only? geometry.by else geometry.y end end # @return [Fixnum] def x @x ||= if content_only? geometry.bx else geometry.x end end end # Clear end # Interfaces # @!method clear_by_name # @see Vedeu::Interfaces::Clear.clear_by_name # @!method clear_content_by_name # @see Vedeu::Interfaces.Clear.clear_content_by_name def_delegators Vedeu::Interfaces::Clear, :clear_by_name, :clear_content_by_name # :nocov: # See {file:docs/events/visibility.md#\_clear_view_} Vedeu.bind(:_clear_view_) { |name| Vedeu.clear_by_name(name) if Vedeu.ready? } # See {file:docs/events/visibility.md#\_clear_view_content_} Vedeu.bind(:_clear_view_content_) do |name| Vedeu.clear_content_by_name(name) if Vedeu.ready? end # :nocov: end # Vedeu