require 'open-uri' module Apidae class Selection < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :apidae_selection_objects, class_name: 'Apidae::SelectionObject', foreign_key: :apidae_selection_id has_many :objects, class_name: 'Apidae::Obj', source: :apidae_object, through: :apidae_selection_objects belongs_to :apidae_project, optional: true, class_name: 'Apidae::Project', foreign_key: :apidae_project_id AGENDA_ENDPOINT = 'agenda/detaille/list-identifiants' SELECTION_ENDPOINT = 'recherche/list-identifiants' OBJECTS_ENDPOINT = 'recherche/list-objets-touristiques' MAX_COUNT = 100 MAX_LOOPS = 10 validates_presence_of :apidae_id, :reference before_validation :generate_reference, on: :create def self.add_or_update(selection_data, apidae_proj_id) apidae_sel = Selection.where(apidae_id: selection_data[:id]).first_or_initialize apidae_sel.label = selection_data[:nom] apidae_sel.apidae_project_id = apidae_proj_id! # Note : should be done with basic collection assignment, but can't make it work... current_objs = apidae_sel.objects.collect {|obj| obj.apidae_id} imported_objs = selection_data[:objetsTouristiques].blank? ? [] : selection_data[:objetsTouristiques].collect {|obj| obj[:id]} added = imported_objs - current_objs removed = current_objs - imported_objs added.each do |o| obj = Obj.find_by_apidae_id(o) if obj SelectionObject.create(apidae_selection_id:, apidae_object_id: else logger.error "Object #{o} referenced in selection #{apidae_sel.apidae_id} and project #{apidae_sel.apidae_project.apidae_id} is unknown" end end removed_ids = Obj.where(apidae_id: removed).map {|o|} SelectionObject.where(apidae_selection_id:, apidae_object_id: removed_ids).delete_all end def results(where_clause, offset, size) objects.includes(:town).limit(size).offset(offset).where(where_clause) end def total(where_clause) objects.where(where_clause).count end def api_results(opts = {}) key = cache_key(:results) res = $ unless res query_args = build_args(SELECTION_ENDPOINT, opts.merge({selection_ids: [apidae_id]})) res = query_api(query_args, true) $apidae_cache.write(key, res) end res end def api_agenda(from, to) key = cache_key(:agenda, from, to) res = $ unless res query_args = build_args(AGENDA_ENDPOINT, {selection_ids: [apidae_id], from: from, to: to, count: 200}) res = query_api(query_args, true) $apidae_cache.write(key, res) end res end def api_objects(opts = {}) key = cache_key(:objects) res = $ unless res query_args = build_args(OBJECTS_ENDPOINT, opts.merge({selection_ids: [apidae_id]})) res = query_api(query_args, true, false) $apidae_cache.write(key, res) end res end def api_object(apidae_obj_id) query_args = build_args(OBJECTS_ENDPOINT, {obj_ids: [apidae_obj_id], fields: ["@all"]}) query_api(query_args, true, false) end def add_or_refresh_obj(apidae_obj_id) if apidae_project res = api_object(apidae_obj_id) if res[:results] && res[:results].length == 1 obj_data = res[:results].first.deep_symbolize_keys add_or_refresh(obj_data) end end end def add_or_refresh_objs(fields = ["@all"]) if apidae_project res = api_objects({fields: fields}) if res[:results] && res[:results].length > 0 res[:results].each do |result| obj_data = result.deep_symbolize_keys add_or_refresh(obj_data) end end end end def add_or_refresh(obj_data) obj = Obj.find_by_apidae_id(obj_data[:id]) if obj obj = Obj.update_object(obj, obj_data, apidae_project.locales, apidae_project.versions) else obj = Obj.add_object(obj_data, apidae_project.locales, apidae_project.versions) SelectionObject.create(apidae_selection_id: id, apidae_object_id: end if Rails.application.config.respond_to?(:apidae_obj_refresh_callback) end obj end def as_text "#{label} (#{apidae_id})" end private def query_api(query_args, all_results = false, only_ids = true) query_result = {} if all_results loops = 0 max_loops = only_ids ? 50 : MAX_LOOPS query_args[:first] = 0 query_args[:count] ||= MAX_COUNT query_args[:locales] ||= apidae_project && !apidae_project.locales.blank? ? apidae_project.locales : [DEFAULT_LOCALE] response = JSON.parse get_response(query_args), symbolize_names: false total = response['numFound'] query_result[:results] = (only_ids ? response['objetTouristiqueIds'] : response['objetsTouristiques']) || {} while total > results_count(query_result) && loops < max_loops loops += 1 query_args[:first] += MAX_COUNT response = JSON.parse get_response(query_args), symbolize_names: false if only_ids merge_results(response, query_result) else merge_objects_results(response, query_result) end end query_result[:count] = total else response = JSON.parse get_response(query_args), symbolize_names: false query_result[:results] = (only_ids ? response['objetTouristiqueIds'] : response['objetsTouristiques']) || {} query_result[:count] = response['numFound'] end query_result end def results_count(result) if result[:results] && result[:results].is_a?(Hash) result[:results].values.flatten.length else result[:results].blank? ? 0 : result[:results].length end end def query_objects_api(query_args, all_results = false) query_result = {} if all_results loops = 0 query_args[:first] = 0 query_args[:count] = MAX_COUNT response = JSON.parse get_response(query_args), symbolize_names: false total = response['numFound'] query_result[:results] = response['objetsTouristiques'] || {} while total > results_count(query_result) && loops < MAX_LOOPS loops += 1 query_args[:first] += MAX_COUNT response = JSON.parse get_response(query_args), symbolize_names: false merge_objects_results(response, query_result) end query_result[:count] = total else response = JSON.parse get_response(query_args), symbolize_names: false query_result[:results] = response['objetsTouristiques'] || {} query_result[:count] = response['numFound'] end query_result end def get_response(args) response = '' query = JSON.generate args.except(:url) "Apidae API query : #{args[:url]}?query=#{query}" open("#{args[:url]}?query=#{CGI.escape query}") { |f| f.each_line {|line| response += line if line} } response end def merge_results(response, result) ids = response['objetTouristiqueIds'] unless ids.nil? || ids.empty? if result[:results] && result[:results].is_a?(Hash) first_day = ids.keys.first if result[:results].has_key?(first_day) result[:results][first_day] += ids[first_day] else result[:results][first_day] = ids[first_day] end result[:results].merge!(ids.except(first_day)) else result[:results] += ids end end end def merge_objects_results(response, result) objects = response['objetsTouristiques'] unless objects.blank? if result[:results] && result[:results].is_a?(Array) result[:results] += objects end end end def build_args(endpoint, opts = {}) { url: "#{Rails.application.config.apidae_api_url}/#{endpoint}", apiKey: apidae_project ? apidae_project.api_key : '', projetId: apidae_project.apidae_id, first: opts[:first] || 0, count: opts[:count] || MAX_COUNT, selectionIds: opts[:selection_ids], identifiants: opts[:obj_ids], dateDebut: opts[:from], dateFin: opts[:to], center: opts[:lat] && opts[:lng] ? {type: 'Point', coordinates: [opts[:lng], opts[:lat]]} : nil, radius: opts[:radius] ? opts[:radius].to_i : nil, responseFields: opts[:fields] || ['id'] } end def generate_reference self.reference ||= (self.label.parameterize || self.apidae_id) end def cache_key(*args) "#{apidae_id}_#{ {|a| a.to_s.parameterize}.join('_')}" end end end