Feature: Index Scope To Viewing resource configs scoped to another object Background: Given 10 posts exist And a post with the title "Hello World" written by "John Doe" exists And a published post with the title "Hello World" written by "John Doe" exists Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do # Scope section to a specific author scope_to do User.find_by_first_name_and_last_name "John", "Doe" end # Set up some scopes scope :all, default: true scope :published do |posts| posts.where "published_date IS NOT NULL" end end """ Scenario: Viewing the default scope counts When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see the scope "All" selected And I should see the scope "All" with the count 2 And I should see 2 posts in the table When I follow "Published" Then I should see 1 posts in the table Scenario: Viewing the index with conditional scope :if Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope_to if: proc{ false } do User.find_by_first_name_and_last_name("John", "Doe") end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see 12 posts in the table Scenario: Viewing the index with conditional scope :unless Given an index configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do scope_to unless: proc{ true } do User.find_by_first_name_and_last_name("John", "Doe") end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see 12 posts in the table