h2. Gorillib: infochimps' lightweight subset of ruby convenience methods We love the conveniences provided by active_support and extlib, we just don't love them at the same time and on top of each other. active_support is slow to load, has many dependencies, and is all intertwingled. We had too many collisions between active_support 2.x and 3.x and extlib. What gorillib gives you is clarity over what features are brought in. If you want to *just* get Object#blank?, just require 'gorillib/object/blank'. No dependencies, no codependents. * No creep: include only what you need * No dependencies unless audaciously advertised. * Upwards compatible with active_record and extlib - the active_support components have significantly more robust internationalization, and some functions have rich option sets in active_support vs. basic functionality in gorillib. So the rule is if you were happy with gorillib you'll be happy with active_support, but not vice-versa. h3. require 'gorillib/receiver' Gorillib has at least one powerful addition to the canon: the receiver mixin. * lightweight * gives you weak type safety but doesn't jack around with setters/getters. * object/hash semantics h3. require 'gorillib' * require 'gorrillib/base' h3. require 'gorillib/base' requires the following libraries: * gorillib/object/blank * gorillib/hash/reverse_merge * gorillib/hash/compact * gorillib/array/compact_blank * gorillib/object/try h3. require 'gorillib/some' requires @gorillib/base@ and the following additional libraries: * gorillib/logger/log.rb * set * time * date * gorillib/array/extract_options * gorillib/enumerable/sum * gorillib/datetime/flat * gorillib/datetime/parse * gorillib/hash/zip * gorillib/hash/slice * gorillib/hash/keys * gorillib/metaprogramming/class_attribute * gorillib/metaprogramming/cattr_accessor * gorillib/metaprogramming/singleton_class * gorillib/metaprogramming/remove_method --------------------------------------------------------------------------- h3. gorillib/array * *gorrillib/array/extract_options* - Array extract_options! - Hash extractable_options? (helper method) * *gorrillib/array/compact_blank* - Array compact_blank, compact_blank! * *gorrillib/array/deep_compact* - Array deep_compact, deep_compact! h3. gorillib/datetime * *gorillib/datetime/flat* - Date, Time to_flat * *gorillib/datetime/parse* - Time parse_safely h3. gorillib/enumerable * *gorillib/enumerable/sum* - Enumerable sum h3. gorillib/hash * *gorillib/hash/compact* - Hash compact, compact!, compact_blank, compact_blank! * *gorrilib/hash/deep_compact* - Hash deep_compact, deep_compact! * *gorrilib/hash/deep_merge* - Hash deep_merge, deep_merge! * *gorillib/hash/keys* - Hash stringify_keys, stringify_keys!, symbolize_keys, symbolize_keys! - Hash assert_valid_keys * *gorillib/hash/reverse_merge* - Hash reverse_merge, reverse_merge! * *gorillib/hash/slice* - Hash slice, slice!, extract! * *gorillib/hash/zip* - Hash Hash.zip h3. gorillib/logger * *gorillib/logger/log* - Unless the top-level constant ::Log has been defined, opens a new Logger to STDERR and assigns it to ::Log h3. gorillib/metaprogramming * *gorillib/metaprogramming/aliasing* - alias_method_chain * *gorillib/metaprogramming/class_attribute* - Class class_attribute * *gorillib/metaprogramming/remove_method* _required with class_attribute_ - Module remove_possible_method, redefine_method * *gorillib/metaprogramming/singleton_class* _required with class_attribute_ - Kernel singleton_class * *gorillib/metaprogramming/cattr_accessor* - Class# cattr_reader, cattr_writer, cattr_accessor * *gorillib/metaprogramming/mattr_accessor* - Class# mattr_reader, mattr_writer, mattr_accessor * *gorillib/metaprogramming/delegation* - Module# delegate h3. gorillib/numeric * *gorillib/numeric/clamp* - Numeric clamp -- coerce a number to lie within a certain min/max h3. gorillib/object * *gorillib/object/blank* - Object blank?, present? (and specialized for all other classes) * *gorillib/object/try* - Object try * *gorillib/object/try_dup* - Object try_dup h3. gorillib/string * *gorillib/string/constantize* - String constantize * *gorillib/string/inflections*: - String camelize - String snakeize - String underscore - String demodulize * *gorillib/string/human* - String titleize - String humainze - Array as_sentence * *gorillib/string/truncate* - String truncate --------------------------------------------------------------------------- h2. Maybe and No h4. Maybe * *Mash* * *Receiver* * *Struct* * *gorillib/string/escaping*: _DEPENDENCIES_: htmlentities, addressable/uri - String xml_escape - String url_escape - String escape_regexp, unescape_regexp * *extlib/module/find_const* - Module find_const h4. No * String classify -- this singularizes. You want camelize unless you're in ActiveSupport * Object tap isn't necessary -- included in 1.8.7+ * Symbol to_proc isn't necessary -- included in 1.8.7+ * Class class_inheritable_attribute -- use class_attribute instead * Object to_flat on anything but Time and Date -- poorly-defined * Object returning -- deprecated in favor of #tap --------------------------------------------------------------------------- h2. Credits & Copyright Most of this code is ripped from active_support and extlib -- their license carries over. Everything else is Copyright (c) 2011 Infochimps. See LICENSE.txt for further details.