# frozen_string_literal: true HTML::Pipeline.require_dependency('sanitize', 'SanitizationFilter') module HTML class Pipeline # HTML filter with sanization routines and allowlists. This module defines # what HTML is allowed in user provided content and fixes up issues with # unbalanced tags and whatnot. # # See the Sanitize docs for more information on the underlying library: # # https://github.com/rgrove/sanitize/#readme # # Context options: # :allowlist - The sanitizer allowlist configuration to use. This # can be one of the options constants defined in this # class or a custom sanitize options hash. # :anchor_schemes - The URL schemes to allow in <a href> attributes. The # default set is provided in the ANCHOR_SCHEMES # constant in this class. If passed, this overrides any # schemes specified in the allowlist configuration. # # This filter does not write additional information to the context. class SanitizationFilter < Filter LISTS = Set.new(%w[ul ol].freeze) LIST_ITEM = 'li'.freeze # List of table child elements. These must be contained by a <table> element # or they are not allowed through. Otherwise they can be used to break out # of places we're using tables to contain formatted user content (like pull # request review comments). TABLE_ITEMS = Set.new(%w[tr td th].freeze) TABLE = 'table'.freeze TABLE_SECTIONS = Set.new(%w[thead tbody tfoot].freeze) # These schemes are the only ones allowed in <a href> attributes by default. ANCHOR_SCHEMES = ['http', 'https', 'mailto', 'xmpp', :relative, 'github-windows', 'github-mac', 'irc', 'ircs'].freeze # The main sanitization allowlist. Only these elements and attributes are # allowed through by default. ALLOWLIST = { elements: %w[ h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8 br b i strong em a pre code img tt div ins del sup sub p ol ul table thead tbody tfoot blockquote dl dt dd kbd q samp var hr ruby rt rp li tr td th s strike summary details caption figure figcaption abbr bdo cite dfn mark small span time wbr ].freeze, remove_contents: ['script'].freeze, attributes: { 'a' => ['href'].freeze, 'img' => %w[src longdesc].freeze, 'div' => %w[itemscope itemtype].freeze, 'blockquote' => ['cite'].freeze, 'del' => ['cite'].freeze, 'ins' => ['cite'].freeze, 'q' => ['cite'].freeze, all: %w[abbr accept accept-charset accesskey action align alt aria-describedby aria-hidden aria-label aria-labelledby axis border cellpadding cellspacing char charoff charset checked clear cols colspan color compact coords datetime dir disabled enctype for frame headers height hreflang hspace ismap label lang maxlength media method multiple name nohref noshade nowrap open progress prompt readonly rel rev role rows rowspan rules scope selected shape size span start summary tabindex target title type usemap valign value vspace width itemprop].freeze }.freeze, protocols: { 'a' => { 'href' => ANCHOR_SCHEMES }.freeze, 'blockquote' => { 'cite' => ['http', 'https', :relative].freeze }, 'del' => { 'cite' => ['http', 'https', :relative].freeze }, 'ins' => { 'cite' => ['http', 'https', :relative].freeze }, 'q' => { 'cite' => ['http', 'https', :relative].freeze }, 'img' => { 'src' => ['http', 'https', :relative].freeze, 'longdesc' => ['http', 'https', :relative].freeze }.freeze }, transformers: [ # Top-level <li> elements are removed because they can break out of # containing markup. lambda { |env| name = env[:node_name] node = env[:node] if name == LIST_ITEM && node.ancestors.none? { |n| LISTS.include?(n.name) } node.replace(node.children) end }, # Table child elements that are not contained by a <table> are removed. lambda { |env| name = env[:node_name] node = env[:node] if (TABLE_SECTIONS.include?(name) || TABLE_ITEMS.include?(name)) && node.ancestors.none? { |n| n.name == TABLE } node.replace(node.children) end } ].freeze }.freeze # A more limited sanitization allowlist. This includes all attributes, # protocols, and transformers from ALLOWLIST but with a more locked down # set of allowed elements. LIMITED = ALLOWLIST.merge( elements: %w[b i strong em a pre code img ins del sup sub mark abbr p ol ul li] ) # Strip all HTML tags from the document. FULL = { elements: [] }.freeze # Sanitize markup using the Sanitize library. def call Sanitize.clean_node!(doc, allowlist) end def whitelist warn "[DEPRECATION] 'whitelist' is deprecated. Please use 'allowlist' instead." allowlist end # The allowlist to use when sanitizing. This can be passed in the context # hash to the filter but defaults to ALLOWLIST constant value above. def allowlist allowlist = context[:allowlist] || context[:whitelist] || ALLOWLIST anchor_schemes = context[:anchor_schemes] return allowlist unless anchor_schemes allowlist = allowlist.dup allowlist[:protocols] = (allowlist[:protocols] || {}).dup allowlist[:protocols]['a'] = (allowlist[:protocols]['a'] || {}).merge('href' => anchor_schemes) allowlist end end end end