module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class AdyenGateway < Gateway # we recommend setting up merchant-specific endpoints. # self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = ['AT', 'AU', 'BE', 'BG', 'BR', 'CH', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DE', 'DK', 'EE', 'ES', 'FI', 'FR', 'GB', 'GI', 'GR', 'HK', 'HU', 'IE', 'IS', 'IT', 'LI', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'MC', 'MT', 'MX', 'NL', 'NO', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'SE', 'SG', 'SK', 'SI', 'US'] self.default_currency = 'USD' self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :diners_club, :jcb, :dankort, :maestro, :discover, :elo] self.money_format = :cents self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Adyen' STANDARD_ERROR_CODE_MAPPING = { '101' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_number], '103' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:invalid_cvc], '131' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_address], '132' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_address], '133' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_address], '134' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_address], '135' => STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_address], } def initialize(options={}) requires!(options, :username, :password, :merchant_account) @username, @password, @merchant_account = options.values_at(:username, :password, :merchant_account) super end def purchase(money, payment, options={}) if options[:execute_threed] || options[:threed_dynamic] authorize(money, payment, options) else do |r| r.process { authorize(money, payment, options) } r.process { capture(money, r.authorization, capture_options(options)) } end end end def authorize(money, payment, options={}) requires!(options, :order_id) post = init_post(options) add_invoice(post, money, options) add_payment(post, payment) add_extra_data(post, payment, options) add_stored_credentials(post, payment, options) add_address(post, options) add_installments(post, options) if options[:installments] add_3ds(post, options) commit('authorise', post, options) end def capture(money, authorization, options={}) post = init_post(options) add_invoice_for_modification(post, money, options) add_reference(post, authorization, options) commit('capture', post, options) end def refund(money, authorization, options={}) post = init_post(options) add_invoice_for_modification(post, money, options) add_original_reference(post, authorization, options) commit('refund', post, options) end def void(authorization, options={}) post = init_post(options) add_reference(post, authorization, options) commit('cancel', post, options) end def adjust(money, authorization, options={}) post = init_post(options) add_invoice_for_modification(post, money, options) add_reference(post, authorization, options) add_extra_data(post, nil, options) commit('adjustAuthorisation', post, options) end def store(credit_card, options={}) requires!(options, :order_id) post = init_post(options) add_invoice(post, 0, options) add_payment(post, credit_card) add_extra_data(post, credit_card, options) add_stored_credentials(post, credit_card, options) add_recurring_contract(post, options) add_address(post, options) commit('authorise', post, options) end def verify(credit_card, options={}) do |r| r.process { authorize(0, credit_card, options) } options[:idempotency_key] = nil r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((Authorization: Basic )\w+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("number\\?":\\?")[^"]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("cvc\\?":\\?")[^"]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r(("cavv\\?":\\?")[^"]*)i, '\1[FILTERED]') end private AVS_MAPPING = { '0' => 'R', # Unknown '1' => 'A', # Address matches, postal code doesn't '2' => 'N', # Neither postal code nor address match '3' => 'R', # AVS unavailable '4' => 'E', # AVS not supported for this card type '5' => 'U', # No AVS data provided '6' => 'Z', # Postal code matches, address doesn't match '7' => 'D', # Both postal code and address match '8' => 'U', # Address not checked, postal code unknown '9' => 'B', # Address matches, postal code unknown '10' => 'N', # Address doesn't match, postal code unknown '11' => 'U', # Postal code not checked, address unknown '12' => 'B', # Address matches, postal code not checked '13' => 'U', # Address doesn't match, postal code not checked '14' => 'P', # Postal code matches, address unknown '15' => 'P', # Postal code matches, address not checked '16' => 'N', # Postal code doesn't match, address unknown '17' => 'U', # Postal code doesn't match, address not checked '18' => 'I', # Neither postal code nor address were checked '20' => 'V', # Name, address and postal code matches. '23' => 'F', # Postal code matches, name doesn't match. '24' => 'H', # Both postal code and address matches, name doesn't match. '25' => 'T' # Address matches, name doesn't match. } CVC_MAPPING = { '0' => 'P', # Unknown '1' => 'M', # Matches '2' => 'N', # Does not match '3' => 'P', # Not checked '4' => 'S', # No CVC/CVV provided, but was required '5' => 'U', # Issuer not certifed by CVC/CVV '6' => 'P' # No CVC/CVV provided } NETWORK_TOKENIZATION_CARD_SOURCE = { 'apple_pay' => 'applepay', 'android_pay' => 'androidpay', 'google_pay' => 'paywithgoogle' } def add_extra_data(post, payment, options) post[:telephoneNumber] = options[:billing_address][:phone] if options.dig(:billing_address, :phone) post[:shopperEmail] = options[:shopper_email] if options[:shopper_email] post[:shopperIP] = options[:shopper_ip] if options[:shopper_ip] post[:shopperReference] = options[:shopper_reference] if options[:shopper_reference] post[:shopperStatement] = options[:shopper_statement] if options[:shopper_statement] post[:fraudOffset] = options[:fraud_offset] if options[:fraud_offset] post[:selectedBrand] = options[:selected_brand] if options[:selected_brand] post[:selectedBrand] ||= NETWORK_TOKENIZATION_CARD_SOURCE[payment.source.to_s] if payment.is_a?(NetworkTokenizationCreditCard) post[:deliveryDate] = options[:delivery_date] if options[:delivery_date] post[:merchantOrderReference] = options[:merchant_order_reference] if options[:merchant_order_reference] post[:additionalData] ||= {} post[:additionalData][:overwriteBrand] = normalize(options[:overwrite_brand]) if options[:overwrite_brand] post[:additionalData][:customRoutingFlag] = options[:custom_routing_flag] if options[:custom_routing_flag] post[:additionalData]['paymentdatasource.type'] = NETWORK_TOKENIZATION_CARD_SOURCE[payment.source.to_s] if payment.is_a?(NetworkTokenizationCreditCard) post[:additionalData][:authorisationType] = options[:authorisation_type] if options[:authorisation_type] post[:additionalData][:adjustAuthorisationData] = options[:adjust_authorisation_data] if options[:adjust_authorisation_data] post[:additionalData][:RequestedTestAcquirerResponseCode] = options[:requested_test_acquirer_response_code] if options[:requested_test_acquirer_response_code] && test? post[:deviceFingerprint] = options[:device_fingerprint] if options[:device_fingerprint] add_risk_data(post, options) end def add_risk_data(post, options) if (risk_data = options[:risk_data]) risk_data = Hash[ { |k, v| ["riskdata.#{k}", v] }] post[:additionalData].merge!(risk_data) end end def add_stored_credentials(post, payment, options) add_shopper_interaction(post, payment, options) add_recurring_processing_model(post, options) end def add_shopper_interaction(post, payment, options={}) if options.dig(:stored_credential, :initial_transaction) || (payment.respond_to?(:verification_value) && payment.verification_value) || payment.is_a?(NetworkTokenizationCreditCard) shopper_interaction = 'Ecommerce' else shopper_interaction = 'ContAuth' end post[:shopperInteraction] = options[:shopper_interaction] || shopper_interaction end def add_recurring_processing_model(post, options) return unless options.dig(:stored_credential, :reason_type) || options[:recurring_processing_model] if options.dig(:stored_credential, :reason_type) && options[:stored_credential][:reason_type] == 'unscheduled' recurring_processing_model = 'CardOnFile' else recurring_processing_model = 'Subscription' end post[:recurringProcessingModel] = options[:recurring_processing_model] || recurring_processing_model end def add_address(post, options) return unless post[:card]&.kind_of?(Hash) if (address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address]) && address[:country] post[:billingAddress] = {} post[:billingAddress][:street] = address[:address1] || 'N/A' post[:billingAddress][:houseNumberOrName] = address[:address2] || 'N/A' post[:billingAddress][:postalCode] = address[:zip] if address[:zip] post[:billingAddress][:city] = address[:city] || 'N/A' post[:billingAddress][:stateOrProvince] = address[:state] || 'N/A' post[:billingAddress][:country] = address[:country] if address[:country] end end def add_invoice(post, money, options) amount = { value: amount(money), currency: options[:currency] || currency(money) } post[:amount] = amount end def add_invoice_for_modification(post, money, options) amount = { value: amount(money), currency: options[:currency] || currency(money) } post[:modificationAmount] = amount end def add_payment(post, payment) if payment.is_a?(String) _, _, recurring_detail_reference = payment.split('#') post[:selectedRecurringDetailReference] = recurring_detail_reference add_recurring_contract(post, options) else add_mpi_data_for_network_tokenization_card(post, payment) if payment.is_a?(NetworkTokenizationCreditCard) add_card(post, payment) end end def add_card(post, credit_card) card = { expiryMonth: credit_card.month, expiryYear: credit_card.year, holderName:, number: credit_card.number, cvc: credit_card.verification_value } card.delete_if { |k, v| v.blank? } card[:holderName] ||= 'Not Provided' if credit_card.is_a?(NetworkTokenizationCreditCard) requires!(card, :expiryMonth, :expiryYear, :holderName, :number) post[:card] = card end def capture_options(options) return options.merge(idempotency_key: "#{options[:idempotency_key]}-cap") if options[:idempotency_key] options end def add_reference(post, authorization, options = {}) _, psp_reference, _ = authorization.split('#') post[:originalReference] = single_reference(authorization) || psp_reference end def add_original_reference(post, authorization, options = {}) original_psp_reference, _, _ = authorization.split('#') post[:originalReference] = single_reference(authorization) || original_psp_reference end def add_mpi_data_for_network_tokenization_card(post, payment) post[:mpiData] = {} post[:mpiData][:authenticationResponse] = 'Y' post[:mpiData][:cavv] = payment.payment_cryptogram post[:mpiData][:directoryResponse] = 'Y' post[:mpiData][:eci] = payment.eci || '07' end def single_reference(authorization) authorization if !authorization.include?('#') end def add_recurring_contract(post, options = {}) recurring = { contract: 'RECURRING' } post[:recurring] = recurring end def add_installments(post, options) post[:installments] = { value: options[:installments] } end def add_3ds(post, options) if three_ds_2_options = options[:three_ds_2] if browser_info = three_ds_2_options[:browser_info] post[:browserInfo] = { acceptHeader: browser_info[:accept_header], colorDepth: browser_info[:depth], javaEnabled: browser_info[:java], language: browser_info[:language], screenHeight: browser_info[:height], screenWidth: browser_info[:width], timeZoneOffset: browser_info[:timezone], userAgent: browser_info[:user_agent] } if device_channel = three_ds_2_options[:channel] post[:threeDS2RequestData] = { deviceChannel: device_channel, notificationURL: three_ds_2_options[:notification_url] || '' } end end else return unless options[:execute_threed] || options[:threed_dynamic] post[:browserInfo] = { userAgent: options[:user_agent], acceptHeader: options[:accept_header] } post[:additionalData] = { executeThreeD: 'true' } if options[:execute_threed] end end def parse(body) return {} if body.blank? JSON.parse(body) end def commit(action, parameters, options) begin raw_response = ssl_post("#{url}/#{action}", post_data(action, parameters), request_headers(options)) response = parse(raw_response) rescue ResponseError => e raw_response = e.response.body response = parse(raw_response) end success = success_from(action, response) success, message_from(action, response), response, authorization: authorization_from(action, parameters, response), test: test?, error_code: success ? nil : error_code_from(response), avs_result: => avs_code_from(response)), cvv_result: ) end def avs_code_from(response) AVS_MAPPING[response['additionalData']['avsResult'][0..1].strip] if response.dig('additionalData', 'avsResult') end def cvv_result_from(response) CVC_MAPPING[response['additionalData']['cvcResult'][0]] if response.dig('additionalData', 'cvcResult') end def url if test? test_url elsif @options[:subdomain] "https://#{@options[:subdomain]}" else live_url end end def basic_auth Base64.strict_encode64("#{@username}:#{@password}") end def request_headers(options) headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => "Basic #{basic_auth}" } headers['Idempotency-Key'] = options[:idempotency_key] if options[:idempotency_key] headers end def success_from(action, response) case action.to_s when 'authorise', 'authorise3d' ['Authorised', 'Received', 'RedirectShopper'].include?(response['resultCode']) when 'capture', 'refund', 'cancel' response['response'] == "[#{action}-received]" when 'adjustAuthorisation' response['response'] == 'Authorised' || response['response'] == '[adjustAuthorisation-received]' else false end end def message_from(action, response) return authorize_message_from(response) if action.to_s == 'authorise' response['response'] || response['message'] end def authorize_message_from(response) if response['refusalReason'] && response['additionalData'] && response['additionalData']['refusalReasonRaw'] "#{response['refusalReason']} | #{response['additionalData']['refusalReasonRaw']}" else response['refusalReason'] || response['resultCode'] || response['message'] end end def authorization_from(action, parameters, response) return nil if response['pspReference'].nil? recurring = response['additionalData']['recurring.recurringDetailReference'] if response['additionalData'] "#{parameters[:originalReference]}##{response['pspReference']}##{recurring}" end def init_post(options = {}) post = {} post[:merchantAccount] = options[:merchant_account] || @merchant_account post[:reference] = options[:order_id] if options[:order_id] post end def post_data(action, parameters = {}) JSON.generate(parameters) end def error_code_from(response) STANDARD_ERROR_CODE_MAPPING[response['errorCode']] end end end end