Class Stella::Command::Base
In: lib/stella/command/base.rb
Parent: Object


find_agent   new   run_sleeper   strand  


BrowserNicks = { 'ff' => 'firefox', 'ie' => 'internetexplorer'
OperatingSystemNicks = { 'win' => 'windows', 'lin' => 'linux', 'osx' => 'osx', 'freebsd' => 'bsd', 'netbsd' => 'bsd', 'openbsd' => 'bsd'
IMPLEMENTATIONS = [ [/darwin/i, :unix, :macosx ]   TODO: See EC2::Platform for example to improve/generalize platform discovery. We‘ll need this for monitoring.
ARCHITECTURES = [ [/(i\d86)/i, :i386 ]


shortname  [RW]  When using Stella::CLI this will contain the string used to call this command i.e. ab, siege, help, etc…

Public Class methods


    # File lib/stella/command/base.rb, line 34
34:     def initialize()
36:       #agent = find_agent(*expand_str(v)) 
37:, agent) if @options.verbose >= 1
39:     end

Public Instance methods


Takes an input string which can be either a shortname or a complete user agent string. If the string matches the shortname format, it will select an agent string from useragents.txt based on the shortname. Shortname takes the following format: browser-version-os. Examples: ff-3-linux, ie-5, opera-10-win, chrome-0.2-osx, random If os doesn‘t match, it will look for the browser and version. If it can‘t find the version it will look for the browser and apply the version given. If browser doesn‘t match a known browser, it assumes the string is a complete user agent and simply returns that value.


    # File lib/stella/command/base.rb, line 61
61:     def find_agent(name,second=nil,third=nil)
62:       name = (BrowserNicks.has_key?(name)) ? BrowserNicks[name] : name
63:       return name unless @available_agents.has_key?(name) || name == "random"
65:       index = name
66:       if (second && third)                # i.e. opera-9-osx
67:         os = (OperatingSystemNicks.has_key?(third)) ? OperatingSystemNicks[third] : third
68:         index = "#{name}-#{second}-#{os}"
69:       elsif(second && second.to_i > 0)    # i.e. opera-9
70:         index = "#{name}-#{second}"
71:       elsif(second)                       # i.e. opera-osx
72:         os = (OperatingSystemNicks.has_key?(second)) ? OperatingSystemNicks[second] : second
73:         index = "#{name}-#{os}"
74:       elsif(name == "random")
75:         index = @available_agents.keys[ rand(@available_agents.keys.size) ]
76:       end
78:       # Attempt to find a pool of user agents that match the supplied index
79:       ua_pool = @available_agents[index]
81:       # In the event we don't find an agent above (which will only happen
82:       # when the user provided a version), we'll take a random agent for 
83:       # the same browser and apply the version supplied by the user. We 
84:       # create the index using just the major version number so if the user
85:       # supplies a specific verswion number, they will always end up here.
86:       unless ua_pool
87:         os = (OperatingSystemNicks.has_key?(third)) ? OperatingSystemNicks[third] : third
88:         index = (os) ? "#{name}-#{os}" : name
89:         ua_tmp = @available_agents[index][ rand(@available_agents[index].size) ]
90:         ua_tmp.version = second if second.to_i > 0
91:         ua_pool = [ua_tmp]
92:       end
94:       ua = ua_pool[ rand(ua_pool.size) ]
96:       ua.to_s
98:     end


    # File lib/stella/command/base.rb, line 41
41:     def run_sleeper(duration)
42:       remainder = duration % 1 
43:       duration.to_i.times {
44:         Stella::LOGGER.info_print('.')
45:         sleep 1
46:       }
47:       sleep remainder if remainder > 0
48:     end

Generates a string of random alphanumeric characters These are used as IDs throughout the system


     # File lib/stella/command/base.rb, line 104
104:     def strand( len )
105:        chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a
106:        newpass = ""
107:        1.upto(len) { |i| newpass << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
108:        return newpass
109:     end
