Type: Element {#Element} ======================== Custom Type to allow all of its methods to be used with any DOM element via the dollar function [$][]. Element Method: setStyle {#Element:setStyle} -------------------------------------------- Sets a CSS property to the Element. ### Syntax: myElement.setStyle(property, value); ### Arguments: 1. property - (*string*) The property to set. 2. value - (*mixed*) The value to which to set it. Numeric values of properties requiring a unit will automatically be appended with 'px'. ### Returns: * (*element*) This element. ### Example: //Both lines have the same effect. $('myElement').setStyle('width', '300px'); // the width is now 300px. $('myElement').setStyle('width', 300); // the width is now 300px. ### Notes: - All number values will automatically be rounded to the nearest whole number. Element Method: getStyle {#Element:getStyle} -------------------------------------------- Returns the style of the Element given the property passed in. ### Syntax: var style = myElement.getStyle(property); ### Arguments: 1. property - (*string*) The css style property you want to retrieve. ### Returns: * (*string*) The style value. ### Examples: $('myElement').getStyle('width'); // returns "300px". $('myElement').getStyle('width').toInt(); // returns 300. Element Method: setStyles {#Element:setStyles} ---------------------------------------------- Applies a collection of styles to the Element. ### Syntax: myElement.setStyles(styles); ### Arguments: 1. styles - (*object*) An object of property/value pairs for all the styles to apply. ### Returns: * (*element*) This element. ### Example: $('myElement').setStyles({ border: '1px solid #000', width: 300, height: 400 }); ### See Also: - [Element:getStyle][] Element Method: getStyles {#Element:getStyles} ---------------------------------------------- Returns an object of styles of the Element for each argument passed in. ### Syntax: var styles = myElement.getStyles(property[, property2[, property3[, ...]]]); ### Arguments: 1. properties - (*strings*) Any number of style properties. ### Returns: * (*object*) An key/value object with the CSS styles as computed by the browser. ### Examples: $('myElement').getStyles('width', 'height', 'padding'); // returns {width: '10px', height: '10px', padding: /10px 0px 10px 0px'} ### See Also: - [Element:getStyle][] [$]: /core/Element/Element/#Window:dollar [Element:getStyle]: #Element:getStyle