- include_stylesheet('admin/forum') = render_region :top %h1 Discussion Categories %p This is where you sort out the discussion filing. To edit or remove messages or whole discussions, use the links on forum pages. %table#forums.index{:cellspacing=>"0", :border=>"0", :cellpadding=>"0"} %thead %tr - render_region :thead do |thead| - thead.title_header do %th.forum Forum - thead.latest_header do %th.forum_latest Latest activity - thead.modify_header do %th.action Action %tbody - @forums.each do |forum| %tr.node.level-1 - render_region :tbody do |tbody| - tbody.title_cell do %td.forum %h3 = link_to forum.name, edit_admin_forum_url(:id => forum) -if forum.for_comments %p.context (comments forum) = textilize(forum.description) %p - if forum.respond_to?(:site) = link_to "→ browse discussions", 'http://' + forum.site.base_domain + forum_path(forum) - else = link_to "→ browse discussions", forum_path(forum) - tbody.latest_cell do %td.forum_latest - if forum.posts_count > 0 %ul.latest - forum.recent_topics.latest.each do |topic| %li.topic - if topic.page = link_to topic.page.title, "#{topic.page.url}", {:class => 'topic'} - else = link_to topic.name, forum_topic_url(topic.forum, topic, :page => 'last'), {:class => 'topic'} %br %span.context from - if topic.posts.count > 1 = link_to topic.reader.name + '.', reader_url(topic.reader) = topic.posts.count = pluralize(topic.posts.count, 'comment') + ',' most recently from = link_to topic.replied_by.name, reader_url(topic.replied_by) = friendly_date(topic.replied_at) - else = link_to topic.reader.name, reader_url(topic.reader) = friendly_date(topic.created_at) -else %p No topics yet. - tbody.modify_cell do %td.remove -if forum.for_comments = image('noremove', :alt => 'Remove Forum') -else - if admin? = link_to image('remove', :alt => 'Remove Forum'), remove_admin_forum_url(:id => forum) - else = image('noremove', :alt => 'only admin can remove forums') - render_region :bottom do |bottom| - bottom.new_button do - if admin? %p = link_to image('new-forum', :alt => 'New Forum'), new_admin_forum_url