module JSON class Schema class FormatAttribute < Attribute def self.validate(current_schema, data, fragments, validator, options = {}) case current_schema.schema['format'] # Timestamp in restricted ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ with optional decimal fraction of the second when 'date-time' if data.is_a?(String) error_message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' must be a date/time in the ISO-8601 format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssZ" validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if !data.is_a?(String) r ='^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)([\.,]\d+)?Z$') if (m = r.match(data)) parts = data.split("T") begin Date.parse(parts[0]) rescue Exception validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) return end begin validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if m[1].to_i > 23 validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if m[2].to_i > 59 validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if m[3].to_i > 59 rescue Exception validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) return end else validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) return end end # Date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD when 'date' if data.is_a?(String) error_message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' must be a date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD" validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if !data.is_a?(String) r ='^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$') if (m = r.match(data)) begin Date.parse(data) rescue Exception validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) return end else validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) return end end # Time in the format of HH:MM:SS when 'time' if data.is_a?(String) error_message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' must be a time in the format of hh:mm:ss" validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if !data.is_a?(String) r ='^(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$') if (m = r.match(data)) validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if m[1].to_i > 23 validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if m[2].to_i > 59 validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if m[3].to_i > 59 else validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) return end end # IPv4 in dotted-quad format when 'ip-address', 'ipv4' if data.is_a?(String) error_message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' must be a valid IPv4 address" validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if !data.is_a?(String) r ='^(\d+){1,3}\.(\d+){1,3}\.(\d+){1,3}\.(\d+){1,3}$') if (m = r.match(data)) 1.upto(4) do |x| validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if m[x].to_i > 255 end else validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) return end end # IPv6 in standard format (including abbreviations) when 'ipv6' if data.is_a?(String) error_message = "The property '#{build_fragment(fragments)}' must be a valid IPv6 address" validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if !data.is_a?(String) r ='^[a-f0-9:]+$') if (m = r.match(data)) # All characters are valid, now validate structure parts = data.split(":") validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if parts.length > 8 condensed_zeros = false parts.each do |part| if part.length == 0 validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if condensed_zeros condensed_zeros = true end validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) and return if part.length > 4 end else validation_error(error_message, fragments, current_schema, self, options[:record_errors]) return end end end end end end end