version: 2.1 commands: ruby: parameters: ruby-version: type: string gemfile: type: string command: type: string default: bundle exec rake test steps: - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - gems-v1-<< parameters.ruby-version >>-<< parameters.gemfile >>-{{ checksum "honeycomb-beeline.gemspec" }} - gems-v1-<< parameters.ruby-version >>-<< parameters.gemfile >> - gems-v1-<< parameters.ruby-version >> - run: .circleci/ - run: bundle config set --local path $HOME/project/vendor/bundle - run: bundle install --jobs=4 --retry=3 - run: bundle clean --force - run: bundle env - save_cache: paths: - ./vendor/bundle key: gems-v1-<< parameters.ruby-version >>-<< parameters.gemfile >>-{{ checksum "honeycomb-beeline.gemspec" }} - run: << parameters.command >> jobs: build_artifacts: docker: - image: circleci/ruby:2.6 steps: - checkout - run: mkdir -p ~/artifacts - run: gem build honeycomb-beeline.gemspec - run: cp honeycomb-beeline-*.gem ~/artifacts/ - persist_to_workspace: root: ~/ paths: - artifacts - store_artifacts: path: ~/artifacts publish_rubygems: docker: - image: circleci/ruby:2.6 steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/ - run: name: "Artifacts being published" command: | echo "about to publish to tag ${CIRCLE_TAG}" ls -l ~/artifacts/* - checkout - run: name: Setup Rubygems command: bash .circleci/ - run: gem push ~/artifacts/honeycomb-beeline-*.gem publish_github: docker: - image: cibuilds/github:0.13.0 steps: - attach_workspace: at: ~/ - run: name: "Artifacts being published" command: | echo "about to publish to tag ${CIRCLE_TAG}" ls -l ~/artifacts/* - run: name: "GHR Draft" command: ghr -draft -n ${CIRCLE_TAG} -t ${GITHUB_TOKEN} -u ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME} -r ${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME} -c ${CIRCLE_SHA1} ${CIRCLE_TAG} ~/artifacts lint: parameters: ruby-version: type: string default: "2.6" docker: - image: circleci/ruby:<< parameters.ruby-version >> environment: BUNDLE_GEMFILE: ./Gemfile steps: - ruby: ruby-version: << parameters.ruby-version >> gemfile: root command: bundle exec rake rubocop test: parameters: gemfile: type: string ruby-version: type: string docker: - image: circleci/ruby:<< parameters.ruby-version >> environment: BUNDLE_GEMFILE: gemfiles/<< parameters.gemfile >>.gemfile steps: - ruby: ruby-version: << parameters.ruby-version >> gemfile: << parameters.gemfile >> command: bundle exec rake test - store_test_results: path: test/reports - persist_to_workspace: root: ./ paths: - coverage coverage_report: parameters: ruby-version: type: string default: "2.6" docker: - image: circleci/ruby:<< parameters.ruby-version >> environment: BUNDLE_GEMFILE: ./Gemfile steps: - ruby: ruby-version: << parameters.ruby-version >> gemfile: root command: echo "Get the project environment and cached dependencies prior to retrieving the coverage results." - attach_workspace: at: ./ - run: ls -l ./coverage - run: bundle exec rake coverage:report - store_artifacts: path: coverage workflows: nightly: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 0 * * *" filters: branches: only: - main jobs: - lint - test: &test name: test-<< matrix.gemfile >>-ruby_<< matrix.ruby-version >> requires: - lint matrix: parameters: ruby-version: ["2.2", "2.3", "2.4", "2.5", "2.6", "2.7", "3.0"] gemfile: - aws_2 - aws_3 - faraday_0 - faraday_1 - sequel4 - sequel5 - sinatra - rack - rails_41 - rails_42 - rails_5 - rails_51 - rails_52 - rails_6 - rails_61 - redis_3 - redis_4 exclude: - ruby-version: "2.2" gemfile: faraday_1 - ruby-version: "2.2" gemfile: rails_52 - ruby-version: "2.2" gemfile: rails_6 - ruby-version: "2.3" gemfile: rails_6 - ruby-version: "2.4" gemfile: rails_6 - ruby-version: "2.2" gemfile: rails_61 - ruby-version: "2.3" gemfile: rails_61 - ruby-version: "2.4" gemfile: rails_61 - ruby-version: "2.4" gemfile: rails_41 - ruby-version: "2.5" gemfile: rails_41 - ruby-version: "2.6" gemfile: rails_41 - ruby-version: "2.7" gemfile: rails_41 - ruby-version: "2.7" gemfile: rails_42 - ruby-version: "3.0" gemfile: rails_41 - ruby-version: "3.0" gemfile: rails_42 - ruby-version: "3.0" gemfile: rails_5 - ruby-version: "3.0" gemfile: rails_51 - ruby-version: "3.0" gemfile: rails_52 - ruby-version: "3.0" gemfile: sequel4 beeline: jobs: - lint: filters: ®ular_filters tags: only: /.*/ - test: <<: *test filters: *regular_filters - coverage_report: filters: *regular_filters requires: - test - build_artifacts: filters: &tag_filters tags: only: /^v.*/ branches: ignore: /.*/ requires: - lint - test - publish_rubygems: &publish filters: *tag_filters requires: - build_artifacts - publish_github: <<: *publish context: Honeycomb Secrets for Public Repos