var path = require('path'), assert = require('assert'), events = require('events'), vows = require('vows'); var cradle = require('../lib/cradle'); vows.describe('cradle/cache').addBatch({ 'A cradle.Connection instance with a *cacheSize* specified': { topic: new(cradle.Connection)({ cache: true, cacheSize: 16 }), 'should set the database cache size appropriately': function (topic) { assert.equal (topic.database('random').cache.size, 16); } }, 'A cradle.Cache instance with a *cacheSize* of `8`': { topic: new(cradle.Cache)({ cache: true, cacheSize: 8 }), 'should be able to store 8 keys': function (topic) { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {, {}) } assert.lengthOf (Object.keys(, 8); }, 'if more than 8 keys are set': { topic: function (cache) { var that = this;'17af', {}); process.nextTick(function () { that.callback(null, cache); }); }, 'there should still be 8 keys in the store': function (cache) { assert.lengthOf (Object.keys(, 8); } }, 'if an extra 8 keys are set': { topic: function (cache) { var that = this; setTimeout(function () { for (var i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { * 10).toString(), 'extra') } process.nextTick(function () { that.callback(null, cache); }); }, 30); }, 'it should purge the initial 8 keys, and keep the new ones': function (cache) { Object.keys( (k) { assert.equal ([k].document, 'extra'); }); } }, }, 'Another cradle.Cache instance': { topic: new(cradle.Cache)({ cache: true, cacheSize: 8 }), 'after setting 8 keys on it, accessing 3 of them, and adding 5 more': { topic: function (cache) { var that = this; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {, { id: i.toString() }) } setTimeout(function () { cache.get('2'); cache.get('5'); cache.get('1'); for (var i = 8; i < 13; i++) {, { id: i.toString() }) } process.nextTick(function () { that.callback(null, cache); }); }, 10); }, 'it should have the 3 accessed ones, with the 5 new ones': function (cache) { assert.lengthOf (Object.keys(, 8); assert.isTrue (cache.has('2')); assert.isTrue (cache.has('5')); assert.isTrue (cache.has('1')); for (var i = 8; i < 13; i++) { cache.has(i.toString()) } } } }, 'A cradle.Cache instance with a *cacheSize* of *1024*': { topic: new(cradle.Cache)({ cache: true, cacheSize: 1024 }), 'setting 4096 keys': { topic: function (cache) { var that = this; var keys = 0; var timer = setInterval(function () { if (keys >= 4096) { clearInterval(timer); process.nextTick(function () { that.callback(null, cache) }) }, {}) keys++; }, 1); }, 'should result in 1025 keys': function (cache) { assert.equal (Object.keys(, 1025); assert.equal (cache.keys, 1025); } } } }).export(module);