= form_for @product, :html => {:multipart => true} do |f|
= f.error_messages
= field_set_tag "Product Information" do
%dt= f.label :product_category_id
%dd= f.collection_select :product_category_id, Shoppe::ProductCategory.ordered, :id, :name, {:include_blank => true}, {:class => 'chosen'}
%dt= f.label :title
%dd= f.text_field :title
%dt= f.label :permalink
%dd= f.text_field :permalink
%dt= f.label :sku, 'SKU'
%dd= f.text_field :sku
%dt= f.label :description
%dd= f.text_area :description
%dt= f.label :short_description
%dd= f.text_area :short_description
%dt= f.label :in_the_box, "What's in the box?"
%dd= f.text_area :in_the_box
= field_set_tag "Attributes" do
%td Name
%td Value
%td.searchable Searchable?
%td.searchable Public?
%td.remove Remove
%tr.template{:style => 'display:none;'}
%td= text_field_tag 'product[product_attributes_array][][key]', '', :placeholder => 'Name'
%td= text_field_tag 'product[product_attributes_array][][value]', '', :placeholder => 'Value'
%td.searchable= check_box_tag 'product[product_attributes_array][][searchable]', '1'
%td.searchable= check_box_tag 'product[product_attributes_array][][public]', '1'
%td.remove= link_to "Remove", '#', :class => 'button button-mini purple'
- for attribute in @product.product_attributes
%td= text_field_tag 'product[product_attributes_array][][key]', attribute.key, :placeholder => 'Name'
%td= text_field_tag 'product[product_attributes_array][][value]', attribute.value, :placeholder => 'Value'
%td.searchable= check_box_tag 'product[product_attributes_array][][searchable]', '1', attribute.searchable?
%td.searchable= check_box_tag 'product[product_attributes_array][][public]', '1', attribute.public?
%td.remove= link_to "Remove", '#', :class => 'button button-mini purple'
%p.addAttribute= link_to "Add attribute", '#', :data => {:behavior => 'addAttributeToAttributesTable'}, :class => 'button button-mini green'
= field_set_tag "Attachments" do
%dt= f.label :default_image_file, "Default Image"
= attachment_preview @product.default_image
%p= f.file_field :default_image_file
%dt= f.label :data_sheet_file, "Datasheet"
= attachment_preview @product.data_sheet
%p= f.file_field :data_sheet_file
= field_set_tag "Pricing" do
%dt= f.label :price
%dd= f.text_field :price
%dt= f.label :cost_price
%dd= f.text_field :cost_price
%dt= f.label :tax_rate
%dd= f.text_field :tax_rate
= field_set_tag "Website Properties" do
%dt= f.label :active, "On sale?"
= f.check_box :active
= f.label :active, "If checked, this product will be displayed within the public store"
%dt= f.label :featured, "Featured?"
= f.check_box :featured
= f.label :featured, "If checked, this product will appear on your homepage"
= field_set_tag "Stock Control" do
%dt= f.label :weight
%dd= f.text_field :weight
%dt= f.label :stock_control
= f.check_box :stock_control
= f.label :stock_control, "Enable stock control for this product?"
- unless @product.new_record?
%span.right= link_to "Delete", @product, :class => 'button purple', :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure you wish to remove this product?"}
= f.submit :class => 'button green'
= link_to "Cancel", :products, :class => 'button'